Check out this Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) main story walkthrough and guide for Mission 13 - Three Warriors. This includes gameplay and battle tips, mission tricks and techniques, and more.

Mission Progression & Walkthrough
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Mission 13 - Walkthrough
Mission 13 - Walkthrough Chart
1 | Head forward to trigger a cutscene with a Lusachia |
2 | Defeat the Lusachia |
3 | Continue down the path, and defeat the enemies in the clearing |
4 | Head down the hole in the middle of the area to get to a new area with enemies |
5 | Defeat the enemies and destroy the red sacs to reveal a new hole |
6 | Go down the hole to another area with a Statue |
7 | Go through another hole next to the statue |
8 | Defeat the enemies, and destroy the red sacs |
9 | Go down the final hole to trigger a cutscene and finish the mission |
Mission 13 Tips & Tricks
NOTE: This playthrough was done using the character V. Some tips may not apply to the characters Dante, and Nero.
2. Defeating The Lusachia - Tips
Remove Its Shield To Make It Vulnerable

The Lusachia will be surrounded with a purple barrier around it. Once you hit it enough times, the barrier will be removed, and the Lusachia will fall to the ground. This is the perfect time to focus your attacks on it to defeat it.
3. Defeating Scudo & Proto Angelos - Tips
Attack Scudo Angelo From A Distance When Shielded

When using V, it is best to use your Familiars to attack the shielded Scudo Angelo. Having them focus on one enemy at a time will not give the Scudo Angelo any room to breathe.
Use Shadow For The Proto Angelos
Proto Angelos are much more hardy than there Scudo counterparts. You can set Griffon to attack in auto while you manually control Shadow to focus fire on the Proto Angelo.
3. Defeating The Behemoths - Tips
Ignore While It Is Still Chained Up

The Behemoth will start out in a chained up state, restricting its movement, and attack power. You can ignore them in this state, and focus on fighting other enemies.
Fight One-On-One
Once the Behemoth is unleashed, you should focus your attacks on them as they deal massive damage in a single hit!
5. Defeating Riots - Tips
Be Wary Of Their Fast Attacks
Since Riots do not have a slow wind up, it may be harder to read when they are telegraphing their attacks. Keep your distance until they lunge at you. Once they do this, dodge, and counter them with your own attacks.
5. Defeating Nobodies - Tips
Save This Enemy For Last

Since Nobodies have a large health pool, you can save them for last to focus your fire on them. At the same time, be careful as they do have a ranged attack that lets them throw eyeballs at you.
8. Defeating Chaoses - Tips
Stay Away When They Turn Into Blades

Chaoses will turn into blades and will spin for a long time charging before rushing at you. They are also invulnerable at this state so make sure to keep an eye on spinning Chaoses in order to dodge their attacks!
8. Defeating Hell Antenoras - Tips
Wait For Them To Finish Their Attack Before Countering

Hell Antenoras have a long chain of attacks that they use. These are slow, but can possibly deal tons of damage if most of the attacks hit. Stay away from them while they execute, and counter attack when they pause after their combo.
8. Gold Orb Locations - Tips
Find A Gold Orb In The Room

When jumping into the last room, you will find a Gold Orb waiting for you. You will be able to recognize the room since it is the only room with purple glowing veins.
Check Out Gold Orb Locations HereFind Gold Orb On A Golden Bridge

In the same room with purple veins, destroy red blood sacs. It will open up a hole that is different than the center hole. Enter it to find yourself in an area with gold pathways. Follow the path to get to a golden bridge with the Golden Orb.
Boss Tips & Strategy
No Boss In This Mission
You do not need to fight a boss in this mission.
Mission Progression & Walkthrough
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