What is Tactical Stance in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 2023 (CoD MW3 2023). Includes how to kill while in Tactical Stance, how to use Tac Stance, why it's not working.
Table of Contents
What Is Tactical Stance?
Aiming Method Between ADS And Hip Fire

While ADS takes time to aim and also slows down your walking speed, hip fire is quick but not accurate with a large spread. Tactical Stance, or Tac Stance, fits in between those two. It's faster than ADS and more accurate than hip fire.
In the image above, you can see the difference of the spreads. The spread widens as you go down from ADS, Tac Stance to Hip Fire. Also note that it's easy to tell you're in Tac Stance because the weapon will be held diagonally.
Best To Use Situations
It is helpful when you are close to your enemy and need to react fast. It isn't as fast as hip fire but is more accurate, at the same time being quicker than aiming down your sights.
Recommended Weapons
The Tac Stance is best used at close range, making it a great tactic for SMGs and Shotguns. The smaller spread will allow you to lay more hits on the target combined with a high fire rate of an SMG or damage output of a shotgun.
How To Use Tactical Stance
Tac Stance While Sliding
The Tac Stance will activate automatically if you aim while sliding. This will allow you to aim accurately while moving fast, giving you the chance to take the enemy by surprise.
Tac Stance On PlayStation / Xbox

Press Down on your D-Pad while aiming to use Tac Stance. Press Down again to go back to the regular ADS.
Tac Stance On PC
ADS + Melee

Unlike playing on consoles, you won't get a prompt on PC but you just need to hit the Melee button (V by default) while aiming with the ADS.
Other Key Bind

You can also set a separate key for Tac Stance from the key binding settings. However we don't recommend this because the default setting using the Melee button works well and you want to save your keys for other movements.
Best PC Keyboard & Mouse SettingsWhy Tactical Stance Is Not Working
Check Gameplay Settings

Under the Gameplay Settings, there is a separate setting for activating Tac Stance. Check if this set to your preference. For example, hitting the Melee button while aiming won't work if it isn't set to ADS + Melee.
Best Controller SettingsTac Stance Kills Not Counting
If you are farming for Tac Stance Kills, remember you need to stay in the Tac Stance state when shooting the enemy. Make sure you're not going back to the normal ADS while shooting.Getting 25 Kills In Tactical Stance
Get The Camo For Completing The Challenge

Some weapons have a "Get 25 Kills while in Tactical Stance"challenge, which can be completed to earn special camo.
Use Tactical Pads

Equip the Tactical Pads (boots) when trying to progress this challenge. It will improve your movement in Tac Stance making it a little easier to complete.
Tactical Pads - How to UnlockChoose Small Maps
This is one of the challenges to unlock new Camo. We recommend doing this on maps that don't have high or low grounds, or any smaller maps since it's easier to achieve this at close range. The fastest way would be to play in a smaller area map with many players running around.
All Maps - Tier List & Ranked