Search And Destroy is a game mode in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 2023 (CoD MW3 2023). Guide includes tips to win, game modes, stages, maps, how to handle bombs and more!
Table of Contents
Playlist Guide
Mosh Pit | Cutthroat |
Search and Destroy | Ground War |
Search And Destroy Overview
6 v 6 Game Mode

Description | Teams alternate betweeon detonating and defusing a bomb. No respawns |
Search and Destroy pits two teams of six players against one other to complete their own goals. One team will be the attacker, while the other would be the defender.
Maps That Can Be Played in the Search And Destroy
Maps During The Beta Release
- Highrise
- Favela
- Estate
Search And Destroy Mode - Rules
Search And Destroy Mode Rules
Time Match | 2 Mins per round |
Score Limit | 6 Round Wins |
How To Win Rounds | Attackers: - Plant and detonate the bomb in any of the plant sites - Kill all enemies before the bomb is planted Defenders: - Defuse the planted bomb - Kill all enemies before the bomb is planted |
The goals of each team are entirely different. Attackers seeks to plant the bomb, while Defenders play to prevent the bomb from detonating.
Additional Rules
Attacker |
- Only one bomb available at the start of the match - Any attacker member can plant the bomb - Any attacker member can carry the bomb - The bomb will be dropped when the Attacker that holds it is killed. It can be picked up by another member - The bomb can only be planted in the set locations (Two per map) - Get the win when the bomb is planted and detonated - Even if all Attackers are dead, once the bomb is planted and it detonates, the win goes to Attackers |
Defender |
- Any member can defuse the bomb. It takes 5 seconds to defuse the bomb - Win goes to the Defenders if all Attackers are killed before they plant the bomb - Win the round if you are able to defuse the bomb |
Search And Destroy - Tips To Win
How To Win As Attacker
Play It Safe When You're Holding The Bomb
If you pick up the bomb, it's best to play it safe and stay away from the front line. Remember that if you are killed, the bomb will drop with your corpse. If you die in a bad location, it will make it difficult for the rest of your team to retrieve it.
Communicate With Your Team On Bomb Location

It's best to always tell your teammates of your location when you die while holding on the bomb. This will allow them to get it and continue with your goal.
Once The Bomb Is Planted, Seek To Chase After Enemies
The goal is not necessarily to kill enemies, but to keep them occupied before the bomb detonates. This will distract them enough to run the clock time.
How To Win As Defender
Never Disarm When You're Alone

When it comes to disarming a planted bomb, you basically become a sitting duck. Make sure to have back up or at least clear the area to ensure an enemy doesn't just pop up and kill you while you're doing so.
Work With Your Team To Defuse The Bomb

It's best to split your team between members that will seek out the enemy team, and another that will focus on defusing the bomb.
Cut Off Enemy Teams At Choke Points
If there's only a few players left on your team, the Attacker team will usually push to plant the bomb. Stay on the defensive. Either wait for the near the bomb sites or at choke points leading to the plant sites.