Check out the Vending Machine locations for Season 10 (X) of Fortnite Battle Royale. This also includes what items you can get from Vending Machines & how to get them!!
Table of Contents
Season 10 Week 5 Vending Machine Locations

Part Of Blockbuster Challenges
Vending machine was one of the challenge destinations in Blockbuster mission! Check out how to complete other challenges!~
Blockbuster challenge list here!Get Equipment From Vending Machines

Great for equipping yourself in a jiffy, Vending Machines dispense items free of charge but can only provide one item/weapon before it disappears.
Check Out the Weapon List HereGet Weapons That Are Rare or Better
In Patch v8.10, Common and Uncommon Vending Machines have been removed from the game. Thus, only Rare and higher rarity items and weapons will be sold in Vending Machines.
Check Out the Best Weapons ListRare Weapons
This portion will be updated as soon as mechanics on the new Vending Machine has been confirmed for Patch v8.10.
Epic Weapons
This portion will be updated as soon as mechanics on the new Vending Machine has been confirmed for Patch v8.10.
Legendary Weapons
This portion will be updated as soon as mechanics on the new Vending Machine has been confirmed for Patch v8.10.
Mounted Turret Is Removed From Legendary Vending Machines
Mounted Turret can no longer be bought from Vending Machines as of Patch v.8.10.
Check Out Mounted Turret Here!Making a Vending Machine Purchase
Vending Machine Color Indicates Rarity

The color of the Vending Machine indicates the rarity of the items it contains. This will allow you to quickly decide whether or not the items being dispensed are worth checking out.
Get A Free Item On Vending Machines

As of Patch v8.10, Vending Machines will now dispense items for free, and then disappear after claiming an item.
Selecting an Item

3 items will be on rotation in the Vending Machine, and will rotate every few seconds.You can also use your pickaxe to pick and rotate the items. Claim the item with your designated "Use" key.