everyone is dissing the nerfs but doesnt that make it better when you do find a legendary more of a thrill and also it is still easy to get a legendary stop complaining
Play offline to revert these patches, it's so much better to farm all the gear you need this way (offline RNG is also better). Apart from Legendary Cl*** Mods, there really isn't much incentive to play online rn.
You meant thanks Gearbox for fixing this boss right?
Main purpose of the game is to find legendaries. What's the point if you have all of them in less than 2 weeks?
Legendaries are everything but legendaries if it's easier to drop them than common weapons.
Thanks Gearbox for ruining a fun farming run. Its almost like utubers need to stop showing us fun tips...because Gearbox will nerf it or patch it.
It was fixed with a hot patch. A hot patch downloads and installs every time you start the game. The work around is to play offline.
Yeah they fixed it.
Doesn't appear in my game as well
Loot Tink doesn't appear anymore on Jakob's State, yesterday was working fine. Today no matter how many times i travel or restart my game Loot Tink not there.