Ronin Dex: Katana Update & Release Guide in Axie Infinity. Learn about Ronin Dex, Katana, release date, updates, how to use, pool, farm, stake, swap ETH, AXS, SLP, RON and more!
Table of Contents
Scholarship Application Board
Fill In The Form To Apply For A Scholarship

The information you submit here will be posted as soon as the Scholarship Application Board is completed.
What Is Katana (Ronin Dex)?
Katana (Ronin Dex) Is A Decentralized Exchange
Katana or better known as Ronin Dex is a decentralized exchange that will allow you to easily swap between different assets that you use in the ecosystem of Axie Infinity.
Benefits Of Using Katana (Ronin Dex)
Users Can Trade SLP For WETH
Users can now directly trade the SLP that they earn for WETH to buy additional Axie teams with minimal fees. This can also encourage scholars to get their own Axie team by saving their SLPs
Breeders Can Trade AXS
Breeders will not have to pay expensive gas fees if they need more AXS when breeding Axies.
Key Features Of Katana (Ronin Dex)

Swap will allow you to trade your assets between different tokens with minimal fees since you will be trading directly using your ronin wallet.

Liquidity pool are funds that are locked in a smart contract. Funds that are added on the pool will allow other users to get better trades when swapping assets using the swap feature.

Farm is the staking feature of Katana. This will allow users to lock their assets to earn wrapped RON rewards.
Note: You can unstake your assets but this will immediately stop you from earning wrapped RON rewards.
How To Login On Katana (Ronin Dex)
Connect Ronin Wallet

To use these features on Katana, you must first connect your Ronin Wallet by clicking on the button on the upper right side of the screen or at the bottom of the feature that you are planning on using.