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Best Cards For Beginners - Arena PVP

Axie Infinity | Best Cards For Beginners - Arena PVP

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Axie Infinity | Best Cards For Beginners - Arena PVP - GameWith

Best Cards For Beginners Guide in Axie Infinity. Learn about the recommended beginner cards for each class: Aqua, Beast, Bird, Plant, Bug, Reptile, how to use, & when to use them.

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Aquatic - Recommended Cards For Beginners

Hero's Bane | Oranda
HeroHero's Bane
Rating ★★★★★
Cost 1
Attack 120
Shield 30

A powerful horn part for the aquatic class. This card can provide a decent amount of shield with high damage.

Alternative Card

Star Shuriken | Shoal Star
Star ShurikenStar Shuriken
Rating ★★★★☆
Cost 1
Attack 110
Shield 10

Shoal Star is a good alternative for Hero's Bane. Although it has a lower Shield and Attack, there are still situations where you will need the Shoal Star to prevent the enemy from entering Last Stand.

Beast - Recommended Cards For Beginners

Nut Crack | Nut Cracker
Nut CrackNut Crack
Rating ★★★★★
Cost 1
Attack 105
Shield 30

One of the best combo cards for the Beast class. It will deal massive damage especially if paired with another Nut Cracker Card.

Nut Throw | Nut Cracker
Nut ThrowNut Throw
Rating ★★★★★
Cost 1
Attack 105
Shield 30

Nut Throw is also a Nut Cracker Card. It will deal massive damage when paired with another Nut Cracker Card.

Alternative Card

Sinister Strike | Dual Blade
Sinister StrikeSinister Strike
Rating ★★★★☆
Cost 1
Attack 130
Shield 20

An excellent damage card but it requires your Axie to have high moral to maximize its potential with critical strikes.

Bird - Recommended Cards For Beginners

Headshot | Kestrel
Rating ★★★★★
Cost 1
Attack 130
Shield 0

A straight up high damage card that can disable your target's horn cards next round.

Alternative Card

All-Out Shot | Post Fight
All-out ShotAll-out Shot
Rating ★★★★☆
Cost 0
Attack 140
Shield 0

All-Out Shot is also a viable card because of its high damage and 0 cost. However, you will lose 30% of your health whenever this card lands.

If this attack misses, you will not receive any damage

Plant - Recommended Cards For Beginners

Vegetal Bite | Serious
Vegetal BiteVegetal Bite
Rating ★★★★☆
Cost 1
Attack 30
Shield 30

One of the best cards that you can draw on Round 1. This will allow you to steal the enemy's energy while providing a small amount of survivability.

October Treat | Pumpkin
October TreatOctober Treat
Rating ★★★★☆
Cost 1
Attack 0
Shield 120

Provides a ton of shield for your Axie and an additional card draw if the shield does not break. This card is often used to help you survive lethal damage.

Alternative Card

Aqua Stock | Watering Can
Aqua StockAqua Stock
Rating ★★★☆☆
Cost 1
Attack 45
Shield 80

The Aqua Stock is an amazing card especially when fighting against Aquatic Axies. Just by having this on your frontline pressures the enemy not to use their Aquatic cards.

Bug - Recommended Cards For Beginners

Bug Signal | Antenna
Bug SignalBug Signal
Rating ★★★★☆
Cost 1
Attack 80
Shield 60

Having multiple Bug Signals on your team will pressure the enemy to use their energy every turn to avoid giving you additional energy. Use this to your advantage to play defensively until you can burst them down.

Sunder Claw | Pincer
Sunder ClawSunder Claw
Rating ★★★☆☆
Cost 0
Attack 30
Shield 10

A zero energy cost card that will force the enemy to discard 1 random card. Use this as much as possible to interrupt the enemy's strategy.

Alternative Card

Third Glance | Parasite
Third GlanceThird Glance
Rating ★★★☆☆
Cost 1
Attack 90
Shield 50

A good discard card with decent Attack. This can be used along with Sunder Claw or as a replacement to pressure your enemy.

Reptile - Recommended Cards For Beginners

Disarm | Incisor
Rating ★★★★☆
Cost 1
Attack 100
Shield 40

Disarm not only provides a decent amount of Shield and Attack, but it also applies Speed- for 2 rounds. This can change the turn sequence which can mess with the enemy's strategy.

Alternative Card

Nile Strike | Croc
Nile StrikeNile Strike
Rating ★★★★☆
Cost 1
Attack 80
Shield 60

Similar to Disarm, this card will also debuff your target with Speed- for 2 rounds. However, Nile Strike has less Attack damage but it comes with a higher Shield value.

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Axie Infinity Strategy Team

Axie Infinity Strategy Team

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