How To Install Origin (V3) for Axie Infinity Origin. Learn more about how to install Origin, origin login, creating an account, installation errors, Axie sync and so much more.
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How To Install Origin (V3)
Desktop Version Only

The Alpha Testing for Axie Infinity Origin is currently available for Desktop users only. You can install Axie Infinity - Origin by clicking on the install button on Mavis Hub. Make sure that you are on the right game by clicking on the Axie Infinity - Origin tab on the left side of Mavis Hub.
How To Login - Origin
Use Mavis Hub Account

To login your account, you should use the email and password that you are using for Mavis Hub.
Creating An Account
Once you are able to login your Mavis Hub account, there will be a prompt where you will be asked to create an account. Click on OK and add your your new username to start playing.How To Sync Personal Axies

To be able to use your personal Axies on Origin, you must first finish the tutorial and the first Adventure mode stage in order to gain access on the Axies and Team menu. Once you are able to finish these tutorials, you can freely sync and select the Axies you want to play.
Installation Error & Update Loop
Relaunching & Switching Internet Connection

Some players are experiencing an update loop or an error when installing Axie Infinity Origin. You can solve this by changing your Internet connection or by relaunching the game and Mavis Hub.