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Chapter 1 Act 1 "First Resonance" Story Recap

Chapter 1 Act 1 "First Resonance" Story Recap

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Wuthering Waves | Chapter 1 Act 1 "First Resonance" Story Recap  | WuWa - GameWith

First Resonance Story Recap for Wuthering Waves (WuWa). See the main story of Chapter 1 Act 1, meeting Sanhua, solving the Tokens, learning the First Resonator, and more!

Table of Contents

Story Recap Walkthrough
PrologueAct 1Act 2Act 3
Act 4Act 5Act 6

Chapter 1 Act 1 Recap

The main character Rover, has arrived to Jinzhou with Yangyang and Chixia. They head to the City Hall to see what is happening...

  1. Split up with Yangyang and Baizhi
  2. Unlock Surrounding Map with Nexus Beacon
  3. Head to the City Hall for an audience
  4. Inside the City Hall, speak to Sanhua
  5. Join up with Yangyang & Chixia
  6. Investigate the Tokens at the Academy
  7. Show the Tokens to Baizhi
  8. Find Tacet Discord in the Simulated Training Ground
  9. Return to the Real World and Investigate the Tokens
  10. Get Test Results back on the Sundial
  11. Listen to the Reports on the Tokens
  12. Receive Sundial from Mortefi
  13. Search the Database about the Sugar Pearl
  14. Rover will Investigate on the Tokens
  15. Someone is Watching Rover from Afar
Split up with Yangyang & Baizhi
go different ways than everyone

Rover and the others have arrived to Jinzhou. Baizhi goes to the Academy to report on the situation. Yangyang reports to the City Hall and arranges Rover's audience. Rover is guided around Jinzhou by Chixia.

Unlock Surrounding Map with Nexus Beacon
Unlock surrounding map

Rover heads to the Nexus Beacon while being guided by Chixia. Nexus Beacon works as a Navigation/Defense System and Information Center. Rover will register the Nexus Beacon and unlock the surrounding map.

Head to the City Hall for an Audience
Head to City Hall

They head to the City Hall for the audience. There, people who were listening to the area-wide announcement from Jinhsi had gathered. The motivation of Jinhsi is unknown, but they decide to meet her and listen to what she has to say.

Inside the City Hall, Speak to Sanhua
Speak to Sanhua

When you are waiting inside the City Hall, you will meet Sanhua. Jinhsi is not at the City Hall, but you will receive some items she left for you (Fruit, Leaf, Small Device, and Candy). It looks like by finding out the meaning of the Tokens, you will get the answers you are looking for.

Also, it seems that you will be able to meet Jinhsi if you solve the puzzle within 3 days.

Join up with Yangyang & Chixia
Join up with Yangyang & Chixia

After leaving City Hall, join the others and tell them about what you spoke with Sanhua. One of the Tokens, the Small Device, is actually a Sundial. You head to the Academy to investigate the Tokens.

Show Baizhi the Tokens
Show Baizhi the Tokens

In front of the Academy, Chixia has work to do so will leave your side. Show Baizhi the Tokens, and she will start the investigation on them. While Mortefi is investigating the Sundial, Baizhi will start a checkup for Rover.

Find Tacet Discord in Simulated Training Ground
Meet Tacet Discord

To gather combat data, Rover will enter a Simulated Training Ground and you will start a Combat Test. You complete it without any problems but when you try to leave, you lose contact with the real world and are suddenly attacked by an unknown Tacet Discord.

Return to the Real World & Investigate the Tokens
Return to the real World

Right before you are attacked by the Tacet Discord, you return to the real world. The exact reasons are unknown, but they think Rover somehow affected the system. But since they didn't find anything wrong with Rover's body, you go back to the Token's investigation.

Get Test Results back on Sundial
Get Results for Sundial

You will get the test results from Mortefi about the Sundial. It looks like there is something inside it and they also found that it is missing some parts.

You gather the missing pieces in the Academy and have Mortefi put them together for you.

Listen to Reports on Tokens
Speak to Baizhi

You receive the reports on the Mangosteen, Leaf, and Candy from Baizhi. They found out that the Candy is actually an oral vaccine. The expiration date was 20 years ago, so they think it might be a vaccine for a plague that happened 20 years ago.

Receive Sundial from Mortefi

They fixed the Sundial and you receive it from Mortefi. Find out the correct time and direction and turn the needle to solve the puzzle.

Search the Database about the Sugar Pearl
Database for Sugar Pearl

To further investigate the Candy, you start investigating the archives of the Academy. It looks like on the "Wei" shelf, there are documents on the candy type vaccine. While you are looking into it, you find out that there was a Resonator that is similar to Rover a long time ago.

Rover will Investigate on the Tokens
Rover will Investigate

Rover takes another look at all the clues. It looks like the "Wei" shelf that had the Candy files is the key to unlock the Sundial puzzle.

You discuss this with Yangyang to see what Jinhsi is trying to tell them. By investigating the other Tokens, you will get more hints on solving the Sundial's puzzle.

Someone is Watching Rover from Afar
Sanhua watching from above

Join up with Chixia to talk about what happened. Then you see 2 mysterious figures and Sanhua watching over them...

Character Introduction



The bodyguard of Jinzhou's Magistrate, known for having an icy personality. Once regarded as the Asura of Calamity, Sanhua is now a taciturn guardian. She has learned to maintain inner calmness amidst the chaotic frequencies, and the things that once frightened her now fuel her determination.



A skilled expert in Applied Tacetite Study and a member of the Academy's Department of Safety, possesses the unique ability to transform his accumulated frustration into fiery flames. From a burning wrath that consumes all, the red dragon shall descend.


4 Tokens

MangosteenMangosteenJinhsi's Token I. An ordinary fruit that somehow bears a striking resemblance to the old model of Tacetite Grenade. This is not an indigenous species, as its growth conditions don't agree with the climate of Jinzhou. It's imported by water via the Gunchao Port located in the South.
LeafLeaf affected by "Waveworn"Jinhsi's Token II. A purple leaf with traces of dual Tacet Discord frequencies. The asynchronous fluctuations of the frequencies caused them to cancel each other out and rendered them hard to track. Could it be that there were actually two separate Tacet Fields surrounding the tree where this leaf originated from?
SundialThe Unlocked SundialJinhsi's Token III. An unlocked Sundial-shaped puzzle box. The direction and time symbols on its disks have been rearranged. However, you have already obtained the key information given by the Jinzhou Magistrate. Now, it appears to be an ordinary small sundial. Only upon closer inspection can you see a faint light source at the tip and the shadow of the needle is distorted, almost like a hushed whisper.
Sugar PearlSugar PearlJinhsi's Token IV. A sweet oral vaccine, reminiscent of candy for children in Jinzhou, symbolizes their triumph over the epidemic.

The items from Jinhsi. By understanding the meaning of the tokens, Rover may find out what Jinhsi is trying to tell them. Rover will work with Yangyang and Chixia to solve the Token's puzzles.

Simulation Training

Simulation Training

A simulation training ground that the Academy has created which can safely reproduce Tacet Discords. While gathering Rover's Combat data, they lose contact with the real world and an unknown Tacet Discord appears.

Archive: "The First Resonator"

First Resonator

While looking for clues in the Database, you will find the archive on the "First Resonator". Lots of the characteristics match with Rover.

Characteristics of Resonator

  • Reports amnesia regarding their resonance ability
  • Tacet Mark is present on right hand
  • Tacet Mark and pupils display a golden halo when they exert their Forte
  • Resonance Spectrum tests show strong Syntony with multiple patterns
  • The pattern of Time Domain is stable with no abnormal waveforms
  • During the Battle of Gorges of Spirits, a Resonator engaged in combat with an unidentified Tacet Discord
  • Reports seeing Resonator standing next to "Jue"

Tacet Discord Risk Level

From Weak to Strong
Common ClassElite ClassOverlord ClassCalamity Class

Tacet Discord has risk levels set according to the degree of danger. It is believed that the greater the content of the target frequency, the stronger the power of Tacet Discord.

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