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Achievement - All Trophy List & How To Unlock

Achievement - All Trophy List & How To Unlock

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Achievements lists in Wuthering Waves (WuWa). Check all the Trophy you can achieve, how to unlock achievements, exploration journey, how to get Battle or Voices trophies, and more.

Table Of Contents

Achievement Conditions

Exploration Trophy List

Tap to Jump
▾Exploration: Huanglong▾Huanglong 1▾Wilderness Calls

Exploration: Huanglong

NameHow To Unlock
Echoes of the Past: JinzhouDeliver 30 Sonance Caskets to Chenpi
World Travel: JinzhouActivate all Resonance Beacons in Jinzhou.
POWER!Sit on the highest chair in Jinzhou
May the Beacons Guide UsComplete Silent History
One-way Road AheadSolve a Magnetic Cube puzzle 1 time
Set off the Fireworks Solve an Encryption Block puzzle 1 time
The MetamorphosisComplete 5 Echo Challenges
Fastest LegendComplete "Parallel Perception" for the first time
Perspective BenderComplete "Perspective Bender" for the first time.
"Trace On" Challenge all "Tactical Hologram:Calamity" in Jinzhou
Only Reverberation RemainsChallenge all Tacet Fields in Jinzhou
Cremation Tuning IObtain 20 Tidal Heritages in Jinzhou
Ride the Tide: JinzhouActivate all markers on the map of Jinzhou.
Sound of the ReturnCollect 20 Mutterflies in Jinzhou
Chest Collector IOpen 100 Supply Chests in Jinzhou
Pioneer's Proof: JinzhouReach Legendary Pioneer in Jinzhou

Huanlong I

NameHow To Unlock
Honor My SloganComplete "We Promise, We Deliver"
Remember MeComplete "Stygian Lacrimosa"
Days Gone ByComplete "Shadows of the Past"
Atom: Jungle's OdysseyComplete "When the Forest in No Longer Dim"
When the Forest is No Longer DarkComplete "When Moonlight Shines in the Forest"
The Sun Rises as UsualComplete "Radar Reactivation"
Future is HereComplete "The Past is the Future"
A Time Beyond Your ReachComplete "The Eternal Concert"
Sorry, I'm a PatrollerComplete "Secret Investigation"
A Desperate GambleComplete "The Hidden Truth"
The Brave Wins When Paths Cross!Complete "Camp raid"
Nothing is FreeComplete "A Free Meal?"
Your Mystery, I'll AnswerComplete "The Fabled Magnetic Cube Mechanics"
Swiming Out Till the Sea Turns BlueComplete "Travel in Jinzhou: Gulpuffs"
Full HouseComplete "Liondancer's Practice"
The Master of OverdashingComplete "Hero of the Leap"

Wilderness Calls

NameHow To Unlock
Skilled CraftsmanForge any weapon 1 time
Fishing Master ICatch 50 fish
Hunting Master IObtain 50 pieces of Poultry
Wild Hunter IObtain 50 pieces of Raw Meat
Winner Winner Chicken DinnerMake 1 Spicy Pulled Chicken
Gold Miner ICollect minerals 50 times
Follow the MapUse Echo Hunting 50 times
Effective Potion IUse potion 20 times
Savoring Joy IConsume Dishes 20 times
Creative Workshop IUse the Synthesizer 20 times
Mochelin 1-Star ChefReach Chef Level 2
Pharmacist's Spell IReach Synthesis Level 2
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Journey Trophy List

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▾Rover's Journey▾Moments with You

Rover's Journey

▶ Main Quest Walkthrough
NameHow To Unlock
Candy Spells RiddleReceive the Sugar Pearl from Jinzhou's Magistrate
Thus Spoke the Magistrate: Wordless MessageComplete "First Resonance"
Thus Spoke the Magistrate: Frontline CallsComplete "Echoing Marche"
Shepherd GameComplete "Ominous Star"
"Buried under the Peach Blossom Tree..."Inspect the peach tree in the Qichi Village
A Whispering MelodyComplete "Clashing Blades"
The Tuning MasterRetrieve all 5 missing Sonodisks
Kitten FirstComplete all quests of "Save the World? Save the Cat!"
Captivating You AlwaysCapture your first photo in "Photos of Jinzhou"
If the Melody Rings TrueComplete "Rewinding Raindrops"
From the New WorldComplete Main Quest: Utterance of Marvels

Moments with You

NameHow To Unlock
Participation is the KeyParticipate in "Gulpuff Relay" in "Daybreak at Last"
The Same SunsetComplete "Daybreak at Last"
Jingle BellsComplete "Sound Tracing" in "Wild Heart's Return"
Rising Suan'niComplete "Wild Heart's Return"
Crescent Moon on the Bayan TreeComplete "Under the Moonlit Bayan"
Keeper in the DarknessComplete "Solitary Crusade"
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Battles Trophy List

Tap to Jump
▾Battle Memories▾From the Abyssal Tower 1
▾Battle Skills 1▾Battle Skills 2
▾Unexpected Experience

Battle Memories

NameHow To Unlock
Crown FallenDefeat the Crownless for the first time
Duang!!! Counter enemy's attack 10 times
When Aix CriesDefeat the Mourning Aix for the first time
Beringal, We're Goin DownDefeat the Feilian Beringal for the first time
Cross the Boundless FogDefeat the Lampylumen Myriad for the first time
Ride the InfernoDefeat the Inferno Rider for the first time
Only the Bell TollsDefeat the Bell-Borne Geochelone for the first time
Dancing Flash Defeat the Thundering Mephis for the first time
Wakey, WakeyDefeat the Bell-Borne Geochelone 50 times
No Liz, But Strange BirdsDefeat the Mourning Aix 50 times
Rule the ForestDefeat the Feilian Beringal 50 times
Penetrate the Fog with LightDefeat the Lampylumen Myriad 50 times
Night VoyagerDefeat the Inferno Rider 50 times
Take the CrownDefeat the Crownless 50 times
Mephis Kombat Defeat the Thundering Mephis 50 times.
Fatal StrikeTrigger the Intro Skill 20 times
Silen BurstDeal 10,0000 points of Crit. DMG
Moment Once MoreUse any Revival Item for the first time
From Evade to AttackPerform Dodge 50 times

From the Abyssal Tower I

NameHow To Unlock
Do Not Go Gentle into that Good NightUnlock "Tower of Adversity: Hazard Zone"
Ghost of Dark Forest: HunterComplete all stages in "Tower of Adversity: Hazard Zone"
Ghost of Dark Forest: StrollerComplete all Crests in "Tower of Adversity: Stable Zone"
Ghost of Dark Forest: LurkerComplete all Crests in "Tower of Adversity: Experimental Zone"
Ghost of Dark Forest: ObserverComplete all Crests in "Tower of Adversity: Hazard Zone"
Thunder in the Burning SeaComplete "Tactical Hologram: Calamity" - "Tempest Mephis I"
Strange Bird in the MountainComplete "Tactical Hologram: Calamity" - "Impermanence Heron I"
Land of the Singing CicadaComplete "Tactical Hologram: Calamity" - "Mourning Aix I"
Meeting the KingComplete "Tactical Hologram: Calamity" - "Feilian Beringal I"
Thunder SilencerComplete "Tactical Hologram: Calamity" - "Tempest Mephis VI"
Mine GuardComplete "Tactical Hologram: Calamity" - "Impermanence Heron VI"
Dies the ElegyComplete "Tactical Hologram: Calamity" - "Mourning Aix VI"
No King in SightComplete "Tactical Hologram: Calamity" - "Feilian Beringal VI"

Battle Skills 1

NameHow To Unlock
Plants vs Zombie Roseshroom?Defeat the "Roseshroom Variant" in Port City of Guixu
Wild Board Forest RampageDefeat the "Sabyrkin" in Tiger's Maw
The "Ultimate"Defeat the "Viridblaze Saurian: Ultimate" in Central Plains
Dance with the WolvesDefeat the "Wasteland Bellower" in Wuming Bay
Here Comes the Bearwhen there's a man and a bear in the wilderness...
Just A RockDefeat the "Obelisk Guardian" in Desorock Highland
Though I Can't FlyDefeat the "Twin Heron" in Whining Aix's Mire
Love, Death & Abandoned CarsDefeat the "Carapace: Engine Zero" in Central Plains
Not My Match!Defeat the "Young Murmurin" in Dim Forest
Prism PartyDefeat the "Prism Heart" in Dim Forest
Debut Project of the Big Three!Defeat the "Fractsidus Follower" in Port City of Guixu
Protocol 3. A-attack!Defeat the "Autopuppet Scout-01" in Central Plains
Safety First!Defeat the "Illuminator Theater" in Desorock Highland
Empty the Nest Defeat the "Scorpion's Nest" in Port City of Guixu
The Grand Master Deal 10,000 damage with one attack to an enemy
Master Damage IDeal 10,000 damage in total
Master Damage IIDeal 100,000 damage in total
Master Damage IIIDeal 1,000,000 damage in total
Master Damage IVDeal 10,000,0000 damage in total
"I choose the form of Tacet Discord!"Use Echo Skills to transform into an Echo 10 times
Turtle BreathingUse the Echo Skill of any small chelonian-type Echo for the first time
Go & Fight!Use Echo Skills to summon an Echo 10 times
Gorilla GazerDefeat the"Wild Scarlet" in Dim Forest
We Are the Challenger, My FriendDefeat the "Wild Scarlet" in Dim Forest

Battle Skills II

NameHow To Unlock
Handy Pistols IDefeat enemies 10 times with Chixia's Heavy Attack from 7m away
Handy Pistols IIDefeat enemies 10 times with Chixia's Heavy Attack from 1m away
New Places the OldUse the Echo Skill of the Fusion Dreadmane to defeat the Havoc Dreadmane 10 times
The Dark Knight RisesDefeat 100 Exiles
Goodnight, Snip SnapsDefeat 66 Snip Snaps
Lights Out...Defeat 66 Zigzag
Sniff the WhiffDefeat 66 Whiff Whaffs
A Silent TickDefeat 66 Tick Tacks

Unexpected Experience

NameHow To Unlock
BOOM BOOM!A Resonator becomes incapacitated by the explosive attacks of the Zig Zags
A Deadly WeightA Resonator becomes incapacitated by the Excarats' attacks
Unexpected DisasterA Resonator becomes incapacitated after being bumped by the Inferno Rider
DANGEROUS CREATUREA Resonator becomes incapacitated after being juggled by the Gulpuffs
Rise & ShineA Resonator becomes incapacitated by a fatal blow when HP is above 95%
Chilling FrostA Resonator becomes incapacitated by a fatal blow of Glacio DMG when HP is above 50%
Scorching SunA Resonator becomes incapacitated by a fatal blow of Fusion DMG when HP is above 50%
Bury the ThunderA Resonator becomes incapacitated by a fatal blow of Electro DMG when HP is above 50%
Noisy WindA Resonator becomes incapacitated by a fatal blow of Aero DMG when HP is above 50%
Close Your Eyes when it's DarkA Resonator becomes incapacitated by a fatal blow of Havoc DMG when HP is above 50%
Over-PhotosynthesisA Resonator becomes incapacitated by a fatal blow of Spectro DMG when HP is above 50%
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Voices Trophy List

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▾Path of Growth▾Echo Collection

Path of Growth

NameHow To Unlock
First TryEquip one 4-Star or above weapon
When the Stars Shine IObtain 3 Resonators in total
"Hero of Justice"Resonator Ascension reaches Rank
All Battles Won IUpgrade Data Bank to Lv. 8
Friendly Neighborhood IComplete 10 Daily Quests in total
"The Fragile Me is Already DeadUpgrade all skills of any Resonator to max level

Echo Collection

NameHow To Unlock
As Long as it Works!Absorb a 3-star Echo
Golden Legend IAbsorb 10 5-Star Echo
Ace TrainerUpgrade a 5-Star Echo to max level
Become an Echo Enthusiast!Absorb 100 Echoes in total
Butterfly Effect ITune Echoes 50 times
Nothing LessActivate all Sonate Effects of an Echo set for the first time
Do You Believe in Light?What on earth is that twinkling thing...
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What Are Achievements?

One-Time Achievement Rewards

Wuthering Waves Wild Hunter Image

Achievements can be obtained by progressing the game and completing the requirements to get Asterites. You can only receive the reward once but there is no time limit, so you can take your time.

Check The List From The Terminal

Wuthering Waves Trophies Terminal Image

Achievement conditions and reward can be found in the Terminal under Achievements.

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