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Spawn Commands - Cheat Codes List

Valheim | Spawn Commands - Cheat Codes List

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Valheim | Spawn Commands - Cheat Codes List - GameWith
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Check out this Valheim guide for spawn commands and cheat codes. Includes how to use the cheat engine for debug mode, all item spawn codes, cheat list, spawn items & multiplayer!!!

Table Of Contents

Cheat Codes List

How Do You Use Cheat Codes?

1Press 5 to open up the command console.
2Type "devcommands" to turn on cheats (type it again to deactivate them)
3Type the specific cheat you want

It's possible to use cheat codes in Valheim without the use of any third-party mods! By accessing the command console you can input the cheat of your choice to give yourself a desired effect. Typing "help" will also show you a list of options.

How To Spawn Items

It's possible to spawn any item you wish in game using the "spawn" command. However, some items have a spawn code that is slightly different from their in-game name. You'll need to consult an item list to do this. ▼Check out our list of spawn codes below!

List Of Cheat Codes

CheatWhat It Does
gotoTeleport to a location (using coordinates)
posPrints your current player position
exploremapReveals the entire map
resetmapErases your map exploration progress
killallKills all enemies around you
tameTames specific animals around you
hairRemoves your hair
beardRemoves your beard
locationSpawn a location
raiseskill [skill] [amount]Increases a specific skill to a certain level
resetskill [skillResets a specific skill's level to 0
freeflyLets you fly around the world
ffsmoothAdjust the smoothness of the freefly camera (eg ffsmooth 0)
todChange the time of day. 0.5 is mid-day.
env [env]Sets up a debug environment
resetenvResets the debug environment
wind [angle] [intensity]Lets you adjust the wind to a specific angle or strength.
resetwindResets the wind entirely
godMakes you immune to damage.
event [name]Start a specific event
stopeventStop the currently ongoing event
randomeventStarts a random event
saveImmediately saves the game
resetcharacterReset all character data
removedropsRemoves every item drop in a particular area
setkey [name]Sets a new key
resetkeys [name]Resets a specific key.
listkeysLists all keys
players [nr]Adjusts the difficulty of content according to the number of players.
dpsdebugToggles the DPS debug overlay

Note: Cannot Be Used In Multiplayer

Note that the above cheats cannot be used on multiplayer servers. It is possible to add an item to your character and then bring it onto a multiplayer server. However, we do not recommend doing this unless you have the consent of all other players on that particular server.

Console Command Update

Console Command Update

Some have reported command console is not working or appearing when pressing the F5 button. With the recent patch update 0.148.6. The console command has the option to be turned on & off.

General Tab

To reactivate the console command you must first open your steam and right-click on Valheim then go to properties & you'll be in the General Tab and look for launch options & type "-console".

Press F5

By this point start up the game & press F5 & the console command should reappear again,


The cheat command has also been changed from "imacheater" to "devcommands" once the new cheat command has been typed in a warning message will appear.

Click Here For News & Updates!

Debug Mode

What Is Debug Mode?

Debug mode
How To ToggleEnter "debugmode" in the command console.

Debug mode is a way to "unlock" your character and allow them to do all sorts of things they wouldn't be able to do normally, such as insta-kill enemies by pressing a key, and most importantly, fly.

Debug Mode Commands

ZToggle flying on and off
KKill all enemies near you
BRepair all gear

All Item Spawn Commands and Codes

Spawn Commands At-A-Glance Chart

※ Click or tap the category to jump to the spawn codes below!!!



  • Amber
  • AmberPearl
  • AncientSeed
  • Barley
  • BarleyFlour
  • BarleyWine
  • BarleyWineBase
  • BeechSeeds
  • BlackMetal
  • BlackMetalScrap
  • Bloodbag
  • BoneFragments
  • Bronze
  • BronzeNails
  • BoneFragments
  • CarrotSeeds
  • Chitin
  • Coal
  • Coins
  • Copper
  • CopperOre
  • CryptKey
  • Crystal
  • Dandelion
  • DeerHide
  • DragonEgg
  • DragonTear
  • ElderBark
  • Entrails
  • Feathers
  • FineWood
  • FirCone
  • FishingBait
  • FishRaw
  • FishWraps
  • Flametal
  • FlametalOre
  • Flax
  • Flint
  • FreezeGland
  • GreydwarfEye
  • Guck
  • HardAntler
  • Iron
  • IronNails
  • IronOre
  • IronScrap
  • LeatherScraps
  • LinenThread
  • LoxMeat
  • LoxPelt
  • LoxPie
  • Needle
  • Obsidian
  • Ooze
  • PineCone
  • QueenBee
  • Ruby
  • SerpentScale
  • SharpeningStone
  • Silver
  • SilverNecklace
  • SilverOre
  • Stone
  • SurtlingCore
  • Thistle
  • Tin
  • TinOre
  • TrollHide
  • TurnipSeeds
  • WitheredBone
  • WolfFang
  • WolfPelt
  • Wood
  • YmirRemains
  • NeckTail
  • RawMeat
  • Resin
  • RoundLog
  • SerpentMeat
  • YagluthDrop
List Of All Items


  • ArmorBronzeChest
  • ArmorBronzeLegs
  • ArmorIronChest
  • ArmorIronLegs
  • ArmorLeatherChest
  • ArmorLeatherLegs
  • ArmorPaddedCuirass
  • ArmorPaddedGreaves
  • ArmorRagsChest
  • ArmorRagsLegs
  • ArmorTrollLeatherChest
  • ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
  • ArmorWolfChest
  • ArmorWolfLegs
  • CapeDeerHide
  • CapeLinen
  • CapeLox
  • CapeOdin
  • CapeTest
  • CapeTrollHide
  • CapeWolf
  • HelmetBronze
  • HelmetDrake
  • HelmetDverger
  • HelmetIron
  • HelmetLeather
  • HelmetOdin
  • HelmetPadded
  • HelmetTrollLeather
  • HelmetYule
List Of Armor


  • ArrowBronze
  • ArrowFire
  • ArrowFlint
  • ArrowFrost
  • ArrowIron
  • ArrowNeedle
  • ArrowObsidian
  • ArrowPoison
  • ArrowSilver
  • ArrowWood


  • AtgeirBlackmetal
  • AtgeirBronze
  • AtgeirIron
  • Battleaxe
  • Bow
  • BowDraugrFang
  • BowFineWood
  • BowHuntsman
  • KnifeBlackMetal
  • KnifeChitin
  • KnifeCopper
  • KnifeFlint
  • MaceBronze
  • MaceIron
  • MaceNeedle
  • MaceSilver
  • ShieldBanded
  • ShieldBlackmetal
  • ShieldBlackmetalTower
  • ShieldBronzeBuckler
  • ShieldIronSquare
  • ShieldIronTower
  • ShieldKnight
  • ShieldSerpentscale
  • ShieldSilver
  • ShieldWood
  • ShieldWoodTower
  • SledgeIron
  • SledgeStagbreaker
  • SpearBronze
  • SpearChitin
  • SpearElderbark
  • SpearFlint
  • SpearWolfFang
  • SwordBlackmetal
  • SwordBronze
  • SwordCheat
  • SwordIron
  • SwordIronFire
  • SwordSilver
  • Tankard
  • TankardOdin
  • Club
  • Torch
List Of Weapons


  • AxeBronze
  • AxeFlint
  • AxeIron
  • AxeStone
  • AxeBlackMetal
  • PickaxeAntler
  • PickaxeBronze
  • PickaxeIron
  • PickaxeStone
  • Cultivator
  • FishingRod
  • Hammer
  • Hoe
List Of Tools


  • BeltStrength
  • Wishbone
  • HelmetDverger


  • Blob
  • BlobElite
  • Boar
  • Boar_piggy
  • Crow
  • Deathsquito
  • Deer
  • Draugr
  • Draugr_Elite
  • Draugr_Ranged
  • Fenring
  • Ghost
  • Goblin
  • GoblinArcher
  • GoblinBrute
  • GoblinClub
  • GoblinHelmet
  • GoblinLegband
  • GoblinLoin
  • GoblinShaman
  • GoblinShoulders
  • GoblinSpear
  • GoblinSword
  • GoblinTorch
  • GoblinTotem
  • Greydwarf
  • Greydwarf_Elite
  • Greydwarf_Root
  • Greydwarf_Shaman
  • Greyling
  • Leech
  • Lox
  • Neck
  • Seagal
  • Serpent
  • Skeleton
  • Skeleton_Poison
  • StoneGolem
  • Surtling
  • Troll
  • Valkyrie
  • Wolf
  • Wolf_cub
  • Wraith
Enemy List - All Creatures


  • Eikthyr
  • gd_king
  • Bonemass
  • Dragon
  • GoblinKing


  • Bread
  • BloodPudding
  • Blueberries
  • Carrot
  • CarrotSoup
  • Cloudberry
  • CookedLoxMeat
  • CookedMeat
  • FishCooked
  • Honey
  • Mushroom
  • MushroomBlue
  • MushroomYellow
  • NeckTailGrilled
  • Raspberry
  • QueensJam
  • Sausages
  • SerpentMeatCooked
  • SerpentStew
  • Turnip
  • TurnipStew
List Of Food


  • MeadBaseFrostResist
  • MeadBaseHealthMedium
  • MeadBaseHealthMinor
  • MeadBasePoisonResist
  • MeadBaseStaminaMedium
  • MeadBaseStaminaMinor
  • MeadBaseTasty
  • MeadFrostResist
  • MeadHealthMedium
  • MeadHealthMinor
  • MeadPoisonResist
  • MeadStaminaMedium
  • MeadStaminaMinor
  • MeadTasty
List Of Potions


  • Cart
  • Raft
  • Karve
  • VikingShip
  • Trailership


  • Haldor (Spawns a foot off the ground and cannot be removed)


  • TrophyBlob
  • TrophyBoar
  • TrophyBonemass
  • TrophyDeathsquito
  • TrophyDeer
  • TrophyDragonQueen
  • TrophyDraugr
  • TrophyDraugrElite
  • TrophyDraugrFem
  • TrophyEikthyr
  • TrophyFenring
  • TrophyForestTroll
  • TrophyFrostTroll
  • TrophyGoblin
  • TrophyGoblinBrute
  • TrophyGoblinKing
  • TrophyGoblinShaman
  • TrophyGreydwarf
  • TrophyGreydwarfBrute
  • TrophyGreydwarfShaman
  • TrophyHatchling
  • TrophyLeech
  • TrophyLox
  • TrophyNeck
  • TrophySerpent
  • TrophySGolem
  • TrophySkeleton
  • TrophySkeletonPoison
  • TrophySurtling
  • TrophyTheElder
  • TrophyWolf
  • TrophyWraith
List Of Trophies


  • BonePileSpawner
  • Spawner_Blob
  • Spawner_BlobElite
  • Spawner_Boar
  • Spawner_Draugr
  • Spawner_Draugr_Elite
  • Spawner_Draugr_Noise
  • Spawner_Draugr_Ranged
  • Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise
  • Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30
  • Spawner_DraugrPile
  • Spawner_Fenring
  • Spawner_Fish4
  • Spawner_Ghost
  • Spawner_Goblin
  • Spawner_GoblinArcher
  • Spawner_GoblinBrute
  • Spawner_GoblinShaman
  • Spawner_Greydwarf
  • Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite
  • Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman
  • Spawner_GreydwarfNest
  • Spawner_Hatchling
  • Spawner_imp
  • Spawner_imp_respawn
  • Spawner_Leech_cave
  • Spawner_Location_Elite
  • Spawner_Location_Greydwarf
  • Spawner_Location_Shaman
  • Spawner_Skeleton
  • Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher
  • Spawner_Skeleton_poison
  • Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30
  • Spawner_StoneGolem
  • Spawner_Troll
  • Spawner_Wraith


  • GlowingMushroom
  • ancientbarkspear_projectile
  • aoe_nova
  • barrell
  • bed
  • bee_aoe
  • beech_log
  • beech_log_half
  • Beech_Sapling
  • Beech_small1
  • Beech_small2
  • Beech_Stub
  • Beech1
  • Beehive
  • Birch_log
  • Birch_log_half
  • Birch1
  • Birch1_aut
  • Birch2
  • Birch2_aut
  • BirchStub
  • blastfurnace
  • blob_aoe
  • BlueberryBush
  • boar_ragdoll
  • BombOoze
  • bonemass_aoe
  • bonemass_throw_projectile
  • bonfire
  • BossStone_Bonemass
  • BossStone_DragonQueen
  • BossStone_Eikthyr
  • BossStone_TheElder
  • BossStone_Yagluth
  • bow_projectile
  • bow_projectile_fire
  • bow_projectile_frost
  • bow_projectile_needle
  • bow_projectile_poison
  • bronzespear_projectile
  • bucket
  • Bush01
  • Bush01_heath
  • Bush02_en
  • CargoCrate
  • CastleKit_braided_box01
  • CastleKit_groundtorch
  • CastleKit_groundtorch_green
  • CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit
  • CastleKit_pot03
  • Chain
  • charcoal_kiln
  • Chest
  • CloudberryBush
  • cultivate
  • dead_deer
  • Deathsquito_sting
  • deer_ragdoll
  • DeerGodExplosion
  • DG_Cave
  • DG_ForestCrypt
  • DG_GoblinCamp
  • DG_MeadowsFarm
  • DG_MeadowsVillage
  • DG_SunkenCrypt
  • digg
  • digg_v2
  • dragon_ice_projectile
  • draugr_arrow
  • draugr_bow_projectile
  • Draugr_elite_ragdoll
  • Draugr_ranged_ragdoll
  • Draugr_ragdoll
  • draugr_axe
  • draugr_bow
  • draugr_sword
  • eikthyr_ragdoll
  • dragoneggcup
  • dungeon_forestcrypt_door
  • dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate
  • eventzone_bonemass
  • eventzone_eikthyr
  • eventzone_gdking
  • eventzone_goblinking
  • eventzone_moder
  • EvilHeart_Forest
  • EvilHeart_Swamp
  • Fenring_ragdoll
  • fermenter
  • fire_pit
  • FireFlies
  • FirTree
  • FirTree_log
  • FirTree_log_half
  • FirTree_oldLog
  • FirTree_Sapling
  • FirTree_small
  • FirTree_small_dead
  • FirTree_Stub
  • Fish1
  • Fish2
  • Fish3
  • Fish4_cave
  • FishingRodFloat
  • FishingRodFloatProjectile
  • Flies
  • flintspear_projectile
  • ForestTroll_ragdoll
  • forge
  • forge_ext1
  • forge_ext2
  • forge_ext3
  • forge_ext4
  • forge_ext5
  • forge_ext6
  • gdking_Ragdoll
  • gdking_root_projectile
  • goblin_banner
  • goblin_bed
  • Goblin_Dragdoll
  • goblin_fence
  • goblin_pole
  • goblin_pole_small
  • goblin_roof_45d
  • goblin_roof_45d_corner
  • goblin_roof_cap
  • goblin_stairs
  • goblin_stepladder
  • goblin_totempole
  • goblin_woodwall_1m
  • goblin_woodwall_2m
  • goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs
  • GoblinArmband
  • GoblinBrute_ArmGuard
  • GoblinBrute_Attack
  • GoblinBrute_Backbones
  • GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap
  • GoblinBrute_HipCloth
  • GoblinBrute_LegBones
  • GoblinBrute_ragdoll
  • GoblinBrute_RageAttack
  • GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard
  • GoblinBrute_Taunt
  • GoblinKing_ragdoll
  • goblinking_totemholder
  • GoblinShaman_attack_poke
  • GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers
  • GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers
  • GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball
  • GoblinShaman_protect_aoe
  • GoblinShaman_ragdoll
  • GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones
  • GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers
  • GoblinSpear_projectile
  • Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_throw_projectile
  • Greyling_ragdoll
  • guard_stone
  • guard_stone_test
  • GuckSack
  • GuckSack_small
  • Hatchling
  • hatchling_cold_projectile
  • Hatchling_ragdoll
  • HealthUpgrade_Bonemass
  • HealthUpgrade_GDKing
  • hearth
  • HeathRockPillar
  • HeathRockPillar_frac
  • highstone
  • highstone_frac
  • horizontal_web
  • HugeRoot1
  • ice_rock1
  • ice_rock1_frac
  • ice1
  • IceBlocker
  • Imp_fireball_projectile
  • iron_grate
  • itemstand
  • itemstandh
  • Leech_cave
  • Leviathan
  • LocationProxy
  • loot_chest_stone
  • loot_chest_wood
  • LootSpawner_pineforest
  • lox_ragdoll
  • lox_stomp_aoe_OLD
  • marker01
  • marker02
  • MineRock_Copper
  • MineRock_Iron
  • MineRock_Meteorite
  • MineRock_Obsidian
  • MineRock_Stone
  • MineRock_Tin
  • MountainGraveStone01
  • mud_road
  • mudpile
  • mudpile_beacon
  • mudpile_frac
  • mudpile_old
  • mudpile2
  • mudpile2_frac
  • Neck_Ragdoll
  • Oak_log
  • Oak_log_half
  • Oak1
  • OakStub
  • odin
  • OLD_wood_roof
  • OLD_wood_roof_icorner
  • OLD_wood_roof_ocorner
  • OLD_wood_roof_top
  • OLD_wood_wall_roof
  • oozebomb_explosion
  • oozebomb_projectile
  • path
  • paved_road
  • Pickable_Barley
  • Pickable_Barley_Wild
  • Pickable_BogIronOre
  • Pickable_Branch
  • Pickable_Carrot
  • Pickable_Dandelion
  • Pickable_DolmenTreasure
  • Pickable_DragonEgg
  • Pickable_Flax
  • Pickable_Flax_Wild
  • Pickable_Flint
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRandom
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04
  • Pickable_Item
  • Pickable_Meteorite
  • Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried
  • Pickable_Mushroom
  • Pickable_Mushroom_blue
  • Pickable_Mushroom_yellow
  • Pickable_Obsidian
  • Pickable_RandomFood
  • Pickable_SeedCarrot
  • Pickable_SeedTurnip
  • Pickable_Stone
  • Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom
  • Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand
  • Pickable_Thistle
  • Pickable_Tin
  • Pickable_Turnip
  • piece_artisanstation
  • piece_banner01
  • piece_banner02
  • piece_banner03
  • piece_banner04
  • piece_banner05
  • piece_bed02
  • piece_beehive
  • piece_bench01
  • piece_brazierceiling01
  • piece_cauldron
  • piece_chair
  • piece_chair02
  • piece_chest
  • piece_chest_private
  • piece_chest_wood
  • piece_cookingstation
  • piece_gift1
  • piece_gift2
  • piece_gift3
  • piece_groundtorch
  • piece_groundtorch_green
  • piece_groundtorch_wood
  • piece_jackoturnip
  • piece_maypole
  • piece_sharpstakes
  • piece_spinningwheel
  • piece_stonecutter
  • piece_table
  • piece_throne01
  • piece_walltorch
  • piece_workbench
  • piece_workbench_ext1
  • piece_workbench_ext2
  • piece_workbench_ext3
  • piece_workbench_ext4
  • piece_xmastree
  • PineTree
  • Pinetree_01
  • Pinetree_01_Stub
  • PineTree_log
  • PineTree_log_half
  • PineTree_log_halfOLD
  • PineTree_logOLD
  • PineTree_Sapling
  • Player
  • Player_ragdoll
  • Player_ragdoll_old
  • Player_tombstone
  • PlayerUnarmed
  • portal
  • portal_wood
  • projectile_beam
  • projectile_chitinharpoon
  • projectile_meteor
  • projectile_wolffang
  • raise
  • RaspberryBush
  • replant
  • Rock_3
  • Rock_3_frac
  • Rock_4
  • Rock_4_plains
  • Rock_7
  • Rock_destructible
  • Rock_destructible_test
  • rock1_mountain
  • rock1_mountain_frac
  • rock2_heath
  • rock2_heath_frac
  • rock2_mountain
  • rock2_mountain_frac
  • rock3_mountain
  • rock3_mountain_frac
  • rock3_silver
  • rock3_silver_frac
  • rock4_coast
  • rock4_coast_frac
  • rock4_copper
  • rock4_copper_frac
  • rock4_forest
  • rock4_forest_frac
  • rock4_heath
  • rock4_heath_frac
  • RockFinger
  • RockFinger_frac
  • RockFingerBroken
  • RockFingerBroken_frac
  • rockformation1
  • RockThumb
  • RockThumb_frac
  • root07
  • root08
  • root11
  • root12
  • rug_deer
  • rug_fur
  • rug_wolf
  • sapling_barley
  • sapling_carrot
  • sapling_flax
  • sapling_seedcarrot
  • sapling_seedturnip
  • sapling_turnip
  • shaman_attack_aoe
  • shaman_heal_aoe
  • ship_construction
  • shipwreck_karve_bottomboards
  • shipwreck_karve_bow
  • shipwreck_karve_chest
  • shipwreck_karve_dragonhead
  • shipwreck_karve_stern
  • shipwreck_karve_sternpost
  • shrub_2
  • shrub_2_heath
  • sign
  • sign_notext
  • silvervein
  • silvervein_frac
  • skeleton_bow
  • skeleton_mace
  • Skeleton_NoArcher
  • skeleton_sword
  • Skull1
  • Skull2
  • sledge_aoe
  • smelter
  • stake_wall
  • StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf
  • StaminaUpgrade_Troll
  • StaminaUpgrade_Wraith
  • StatueCorgi
  • StatueDeer
  • StatueEvil
  • StatueHare
  • StatueSeed
  • stone_arch
  • stone_floor
  • stone_floor_2x2
  • stone_pile
  • stone_pillar
  • stone_stair
  • stone_wall_1x1
  • stone_wall_2x1
  • stone_wall_4x2
  • stoneblock_fracture
  • stonechest
  • stonegolem_attack1_spike
  • StoneGolem_clubs
  • StoneGolem_hat
  • Stonegolem_ragdoll
  • StoneGolem_spikes
  • stubbe
  • stubbe_spawner
  • sunken_crypt_gate
  • SwampTree1
  • SwampTree1_log
  • SwampTree1_Stub
  • SwampTree2
  • SwampTree2_darkland
  • SwampTree2_log
  • TentaRoot
  • tentaroot_attack
  • tolroko_flyer
  • TrainingDummy
  • TreasureChest_blackforest
  • TreasureChest_fCrypt
  • TreasureChest_forestcrypt
  • TreasureChest_heath
  • TreasureChest_meadows
  • TreasureChest_meadows_buried
  • TreasureChest_mountains
  • TreasureChest_plains_stone
  • TreasureChest_sunkencrypt
  • TreasureChest_swamp
  • TreasureChest_trollcave
  • troll_groundslam_aoe
  • troll_log_swing_h
  • troll_log_swing_v
  • Troll_ragdoll
  • troll_throw_projectile
  • tunnel_web
  • turf_roof
  • turf_roof_top
  • turf_roof_wall
  • VegvisirShard_Bonemass
  • vertical_web
  • vines
  • widestone
  • widestone_frac
  • windmill
  • Wolf_Ragdoll
  • wood_beam
  • wood_beam_1
  • wood_beam_26
  • wood_beam_45
  • wood_door
  • wood_dragon1
  • wood_fence
  • wood_floor
  • wood_floor_1x1
  • wood_gate
  • wood_ledge
  • wood_pole
  • wood_pole_log
  • wood_pole_log_4
  • wood_pole2
  • wood_roof
  • wood_roof_45
  • wood_roof_icorner
  • wood_roof_icorner_45
  • wood_roof_ocorner
  • wood_roof_ocorner_45
  • wood_roof_top
  • wood_roof_top_45
  • wood_stack
  • wood_stair
  • wood_stepladder
  • wood_wall_half
  • wood_wall_log
  • wood_wall_log_4x0.5
  • wood_wall_roof
  • wood_wall_roof_45
  • wood_wall_roof_top
  • wood_wall_roof_top_45
  • woodiron_beam
  • woodiron_pole
  • woodwall
  • wraith_melee

The above information is provided courtesy of Reddit user Demogrim!!!

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