Sword of Convallaria Guide Wiki
Bitterwort Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

Bitterwort Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

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Sword of Convallaria | Bitterwort Best Build and Skill Tree Guide - GameWith

Build and skill tree guide for Bitterwort in Sword of Convallaria (SoC). See the best gear (weapon/trinket/tarot), skin, tier, and review here!

Table of Contents

Bitterwort Tier & Basic Info

RarityEpic iconEpic
RoleWatcher iconWatcher
FactionNight Crimson iconNight Crimson
Discipline iconDiscipline
Iria iconIria

Movement Stats

MoveStandHigh JumpLow Jump

Bitterwort Tier

List of All Characters

Review & How to Get

Review- Autoheals when Dying
- Excellent Recovery and Support
- Access to Ranged Piercing and DoTs
How to Get- Obtain from Gacha (Summon)

User Score

Best Build - Skill, Gear, and Tarot

Recommended Build

Basic AttackReaction
Disarm StrikeDisarm StrikeCurseCurse
Can't Give Up!Can't Give Up!Luxite SharpnelLuxite SharpnelInner LightInner Light
Reorganized CubeReorganized CubeDisaster BottleDisaster BottleGuidance of the WorldGuidance of the World

This build is a general use build chosen to compliment Bitterwort's skill kit. Since she already has buffs, DoTs, and NRG recovery, we've selected Guidance of the World to help her use her abilities continuously.

Bitterwort Skill Unlock Priorities

Recommended Skill Set

Merciful StrikeMerciful StrikeRK9Disarm StrikeDisarm Strike
CanCan't Give Up!RK7Quick BandagingQuick Bandaging
Endurance ActivationEndurance ActivationRK5CurseCurse
Police LassoPolice LassoRK3Luxite SharpnelLuxite Sharpnel
Attack CommandAttack CommandRK1Inner LightInner Light

Bitterwort Trait & Skills

Bitterwort Trait

Max Effect
Bitterwort icon[Bitterwort]
Increases M.ATK by 15%. At the start of the battle, grants Bitterwort to all allies within 4 tiles around the character.
See Effects for 4 Stars or Less
Stars UnlockedEffect
4 star iconIncreases M.ATK by 12%. At the start of the battle, grants Bitterwort to all allies within 2 tiles around the character.
3 star iconIncreases M.ATK by 8%. At the start of the battle, grants Bitterwort to all allies within 2 tiles around the character.
2 star iconIncreases M.ATK by 4%. At the start of the battle, grants Bitterwort to all allies within 2 tiles around the character.
1 star iconAt the start of the battle, grants Bitterwort to all allies within 2 tiles around the character.

Bitterwort Base Skill

Energy WaveEnergy WaveRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deal 80% Magical DMG.
Bitter MedicineBitter MedicineRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 0
(Healing) Single-target healing. Restores 40% of the target's HP. If the target does not have [Bitterwort], grants them 1 [Bitterwort].

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK1

Attack CommandAttack Command-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Aura) Increases ATK by 12% for other allies within 2 tiles around the character.
Inner LightInner LightRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 3
(Support) [Instant] Restores 1 NRG to all other allies within 3 tiles around the target.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK3

Police LassoPolice LassoRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 3回
(Support) [Instant] Inflicts [Restraint], [▽ ATK II], and [✗ Assist] on the target for 2 turns. Additionally inflicts [Stunned] for 2 turns on targets with [Restraint]. Can be used 3 times.
Luxite SharpnelLuxite SharpnelRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 3
(Piercing DMG) Deals [Piercing DMG] equal to 10% of the target's HP to all enemies within 2 tiles around the target and inflicts 3 stacks of [Infection].

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK5

Endurance ActivationEndurance Activation-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When receiving healing, gains [DMG Reduction II] for 2 turns.
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. Upon receiving an active attack, inflicts [Vulnerable II] on the attacker for 2 turns.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK7

Can't Give Up!Can't Give Up!Range
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 4
(Healing) Heals all allies within 3 tiles of the target for 60% of M.ATK, granting them [△ATK II] and [Regeneration II], lasting for 2 turns. Also grants [Bitterwort] to the 2 allies with the lowest HP percentage in battle.
Quick BandagingQuick Bandaging-
[Skill] Cost: 0 CD: 3
(Passive) At the start of the turn, heals a random [Injured] ally within 3 tiles of the character, healing for 30% of M.ATK, t hen dispels 3 [debuffs]. If the target doesn't have [Bitterwort], grants them [Bitterwort].

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK9

Merciful StrikeMerciful StrikeRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 80% magical DMG and increases the effect of the next healing skill by 15%, lasting for 2 turns.
Disarm StrikeDisarm StrikeRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 80% magical DMG and inflicts [▽ 3ATK I] on the target for 2 turns.

Weapons That Bitterwort Can Equip

List of Weapons

Starry Sky HeritageStarry Sky HeritageReorganized CubeReorganized CubeSkeleton StaffSkeleton Staff
Focus WandFocus WandResentment BroomResentment BroomDiffusing PrismDiffusing Prism
Cornucopia StaffCornucopia StaffNightmare PuppetNightmare PuppetGazing OrbGazing Orb
Explosive CrystalExplosive CrystalInk TotemInk TotemSolid WandSolid Wand
Astral RodAstral RodApprentice WandApprentice Wand

Bitterwort Voice Actor & Profile

Bitterwort Voice Actor (CV)

VAJapanese VA: None

Bitterwort Profile


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