Sword of Convallaria Guide Wiki
Candlelight Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

Candlelight Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

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Sword of Convallaria | Candlelight Best Build and Skill Tree Guide - GameWith

Build and skill tree guide for Candlelight in Sword of Convallaria (SoC). See the best gear (weapon/trinket/tarot), skin, tier, and review here!

Table of Contents

Candlelight Tier & Basic Info

RarityEpic iconEpic
RoleWatcher iconWatcher
FactionIria iconIria
Discipline iconDiscipline

Movement Stats

MoveStandHigh JumpLow Jump

Candlelight Tier

List of All Characters

Review & How to Get

Review- Recovers 1 ally NRG within range
- Can recover 4 NRG of an ally
- Heals and Move+1 to allies around the enemy
- Powerful support through healing and buffs
How to Get- Obtain from Gacha (Summon)

User Score

Candlelight Skill Unlock Priorities

Recommended Skill Set

Sealing AttackSealing AttackRK9Feverish AttackFeverish Attack
Wanted NoticeWanted NoticeRK7Special MissionSpecial Mission
Endure PainEndure PainRK5NRG RecoveryNRG Recovery
Potential BurstPotential BurstRK3Inner LightInner Light
Soul SoothingSoul SoothingRK1P.DEF CommandP.DEF Command

Candlelight Trait & Skills

Candlelight Trait

Max Effect
Candlelight icon[Candlelight]
Before being attacked from the front or side, inflicts The Hanged Men's Mark on the attacker for 2 turns. Allies within 5 tiles around the character take 20% less DMG if the attackers have The Hanged Men's Mark.
See Effects for 4 Stars or Less
Stars UnlockedEffect
4 star iconBefore being attacked from the front or side, inflicts The Hanged Men's Mark on the attacker for 1 turn. Allies within 5 tiles around the character take 17% less DMG if the attackers have The Hanged Men's Mark.
3 star iconBefore being attacked from the front or side, inflicts The Hanged Men's Mark on the attacker for 1 turn. Allies within 5 tiles around the character take 15% less DMG if the attackers have The Hanged Men's Mark.
2 star iconBefore being attacked from the front or side, inflicts The Hanged Men's Mark on the attacker for 1 turn. Allies within 5 tiles around the character take 12% less DMG if the attackers have The Hanged Men's Mark.
1 star iconBefore being attacked from the front or side, inflicts The Hanged Men's Mark on the attacker for 1 turn. Allies within 5 tiles around the character take 10% less DMG if the attackers have The Hanged Men's Mark.

Candlelight Base Skill

Energy WaveEnergy WaveRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deal 80% Magical DMG.
Light of JudgementLight of JudgementRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 0
(Magical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 140% DMG. After attacking, heals the ally with the lowest HP percentage in battle for 50% of the character's M.ATK.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK1

Soul SoothingSoul SoothingRange
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Healing) Heals the target by 75% of M.ATK.
P.DEF CommandP.DEF Command-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Aura) Increases P.DEF by 30% for other allies within 2 tiles around the character.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK3

Potential BurstPotential BurstRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 3
(Support) Grants the target [△ ATK II], [△ P.DEF II], and [△ M.DEF II]. dispels all [Attribute Debuffs] from the target, granting immunity to these debuffs. All effects last for 2 turns.
Inner LightInner LightRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 3
(Support) [Instant] Restores 1 NRG to all other allies within 3 tiles around the target.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK5

Endure PainEndure Pain-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. When [Injured], the DMG taken is decreased by 20%.
NRG RecoveryNRG Recovery-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. Upon receiving an active attack, additionally recovers 1 NRG.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK7

Wanted NoticeWanted NoticeRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 3
(Healing) Inflicts [the Hanged Men's Mark] and [▽ SPD II] on the target, lasting for 2 turns. Heals all allies within 4 tiles around the target for 65% M.ATK and gains [△ Move I] for 1 turn.
Special MissionSpecial MissionRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 3
(Support) Restores 4 NRG to the target ally and grants [△ ATK II], [△ M.DEF II], and [△ P.DEF II] for 2 turns.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK9

Sealing AttackSealing AttackRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Base Attack) Deals 80% magical DMG and inflicts [✗ Passive Skills] on [injured] targets before attacking, lasting for 2 turns.
Feverish AttackFeverish AttackRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 80% magical DMG and gains 20% [Life Steal].

Weapons That Candlelight Can Equip

List of Weapons

Starry Sky HeritageStarry Sky HeritageReorganized CubeReorganized CubeSkeleton StaffSkeleton Staff
Focus WandFocus WandResentment BroomResentment BroomDiffusing PrismDiffusing Prism
Cornucopia StaffCornucopia StaffNightmare PuppetNightmare PuppetGazing OrbGazing Orb
Explosive CrystalExplosive CrystalInk TotemInk TotemSolid WandSolid Wand
Astral RodAstral RodApprentice WandApprentice Wand

Candlelight Voice Actor & Profile

Candlelight Voice Actor (CV)

VAJapanese VA: None

Candlelight Profile


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