From catching Pokemons to maxing out Stats, this guide will teach essential tips to make the most of your journey towards becoming a Pokemon Master in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee!

Pokemon Featured Article
Tips for Adventure
- Swapping Pokemon Party Members
- Utilize Excellents & Berries
- Ride Pokemons to Travel
- Learn Type Weakness
- Partner Exclusive Moves
- Using Master Balls
Tips for Pokemon Training
Swapping Pokemon Party Members
Use Your Pokemon Box From the Inventory

Pokemon Box is a feature where you can store all of your Pokemons you previously caught in a stowage, where you can select and organize your team anytime you wish from your Bag. In Pokemon Let's Go, you will have access to your Pokemon Box at anytime during your adventure, and not just in Pokemon Centers!
Using & Accessing Pokemon BoxUtilize Excellent Throws and Berries

Use Berries, Better Pokeballs & Excellent Throws When Catching Wild Pokemons
Use all that you can, Berries and better Pokeballs to enhance your chance of catching them, and aim for perfectly timed excellent throws for added bonus!
Tips & Tricks to Catching PokemonsRide Pokemons to Cover Ground Fast

Riding on Certain Pokemon Provides Travel Speed Boost
Certain large Pokemon can be brought out of your Pokeball to ride on their backs. By doing so, some Pokemon will provide substantial speed boost when traveling!
Recommended Pokemon to Ride Early On
Which Pokemon Are Rideable?Learn Type Strength & Weakness

Learn & Exploit Type Weaknesses
Each Pokemon in Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee have been updated with new Types introduced in later version of the game. Some moves may not work as it did initially on the original Pokemon. Always remember to check their weakness prior to their battles!
Move & Type Related Articles
Learn to Utilize Partner Exclusive Moves
Use Powerful Partner Exclusive Moves as a Game Changer
Partner Exclusive Moves are unique feature first introduced in Pokemon Let's Go which has powerful traits & effects. Learning to use these effectively will help you fight Gym Trainers and even your friends through online battles!
Partner Exclusive Move Related Articles
Use Master Ball to Capture Rare Pokemons
Save Up & Use Master Ball on Pokemon You Need to Get

Being a special Pokeball that can catch any Pokemon in a single throw, it would be advised that you save up the Master Ball for a special occasion; using it against Rare legendary Pokemon, shiny Pokemons and more!
Master Ball - Information & How To GetMaster Balls Can Be Randomly Found in Cerulean Cave

Although rare, the Master Ball can be found as a random drop loot in the Cerulean Cave. This area is only accessible after you beat the game.
What To Do After Beating The GameUtilize Combo Capture to Level Up Fast
Catch Same Pokemon in a Row to Gain Combo Bonuses

By capturing the same kind of Pokemon in a row (a.k.a. Combos), you will gain a stacking bonus multiplier to your Exp. which will eventually stack up to tremendous amounts!
How To Level Up Fast GuideSave Farming Money Until End-Game

Battle Elite Four & End-game Trainers for Money
One of the most efficient methods of earning money is by fighting the Elite Four and other end-game Trainers repeatedly. These trainers will be available once you have beaten the Pokemon League on your first time, so no need to farm Money during your initial game play!
Elite Four & End Game Trainer Rematch Guide
Know Your Hidden Stats to Min-Max Your Pokemon
Know Your IVs & Base Stats to Max Out Your Pokemon

Knowing your Pokemon's hidden Stats, such as IVs and Base Stats will give you the edge you need when facing touch opponents. Knowing what each of these are and how these stats work is a must-have knowledge for player looking to min-max their Pokemon!
IVs & Base Stats Guide
Maximize Your Pokemon's Potential With Super Train
Boost Pokemon's IVs with Hyper Training

In Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon's IVs can be boosted through a process called Hyper Training, a feature only available for Pokemon who reached Level 100. In order to apply these hyper training, you will need to visit the Pokemon Day Care in Route 5 and also have an unique item called Bottle Cap or Gold Bottle Cap.
IVs & Base Stats Guide
Pokemon's Nature & Effect

Each Pokemon that exists are assigned with unique personality, Nature, as referred in game. These natures effect the Pokemon's overall stats according to each traits. Though negligible when just aiming to beat the story, these Pokemon natures will be a crucial key to min-maxing your party for PVP battles and against Master Trainers.
Pokemon's Nature - Featured Articles
Remembering Forgotten Moves

The moves that Pokemon learns by levelling up can be taught again by meeting a special NPC in Indigo Plateau. Remembering a move will each require an unique item called the Heart Scale. Be sure to check out where you can get your hands on them!