Check out the latest news and updates for Pokemon Let's Go! Get information on features, release information, & more!

Latest In Pokemon Let's Go
Meltan Has Evolved To Melmetal

A Steel-type Pokemon born from multiple Meltans combining and heavier than Snorlax, Melmetal has a powerful 2-strike move called Double Iron Bash that can make opponents flinch!
Check Out More Melmetal Information HereMeet Meltan

Meet Meltan - the mysterious Steel Pokemon that's been popping up in Pokemon Go. Find out more about this inquisitive Pokemon and how to catch it in Pokemon Let's Go!
Check Out Meltan HereConnect With Pokemon Go

Transfer Pokemon from Pokemon Go to Pokemon Let's Go and interact with them at the GO Park. Receive presents in Pokemon Go for transferring Pokemon and get other perks!
Check Out Connect With Pokemon Go HereDifference Between Versions

Not sure whether to get Let's Go Pikachu or Let's Go Eevee? We give you the rundown on what to expect from each version to make deciding easier!
Check Out The Differences Between VersionsRelease Date

The Nintendo Switch gets its very own Pokemon game starting on November 16th, 2018. We have information on pre-orders, bundles, prices, and special freebies from select retailers!
Check Out Release Date And Pre-Order