Read this Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee guide and walkthrough on how to get a male or female Pikachu or Eevee!

How To Tell Pikachu / Eevee Gender
Check Pokemon's Tail

The easiest & most simple way to check a Pikachu or Eevee's gender is through their tail. If their tail has straight lines, it's male, if it's curved, then it's female.
Male & Female Eevee Tail
Male Eevee Tail Has Jagged Lines

A male Eevee's tail will have jagged lines separate the darker brown with the yellow-brown part.
Female Eevee Tail Has Curve Lines

A female Eevee will have softer, curved lines separating the hues of brown on its tail. From an angle, it looks like a heart shape.
Male & Female Pikachu Tail
Male Pikachu Tail Is Straight

A male Pikachu's tail ends in a blunt straight line, making it look rectangular.
Female Pikachu Tail Is Curved

A female Pikachu's tail will be curved at the end. It look like a the top half of a heart.
How To Get Male Or Female
Determine Gender During TV Cutscene

You can determine the gender of your partner Pokemon the moment you start the game. During the cutscene with the TV, when their tail pops up, you can already see their gender.
Close Software If You Don't Like Gender

If you don't like the gender of your Pokemon, you can easily press the "Home" button, close the software, and start the game again.
Difference Between Male Or Female
No Known Difference Between Male Or Female
There is no known difference between a male or female partner Pokemon except the physical shape/image of their tails.