Check out this guide for a full storyline walkthrough up to Erika and Celadon City Gym of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee, including gameplay tips, guides, & more!

Storyline Walkthrough & Guide
Check Out What To Do After Beating The GameTable of Contents
Diglett's Tunnel & Route 2

Diglett's Tunnel & Route 2 - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After meeting with Misty at Vermilion City, head along the path |
2 | Go through Diglett's Tunnel to arrive at Route 2 |
3 | Meet with the Assistant in Route 2 & follow him into a room |
4 | Learn Secret Technique Light Up from the Assistant |
5 | Once you've learned, exit the room & your Rival will arrive |
6 | Go back to Cerulean City with your Rival |
7 | After this, head east from the city to arrive at Route 9 |
2. Catch Diglett At Diglett's Cave

If you haven't found a Ground Pokemon yet, Diglett's Cave is one of the best places to search for a Ground Pokemon. Head here before fighting Lt. Surge as they are strong against Electric Types.
4. Learn Secret Technique Light Up From Assistant
In this part of the game, you'll learn another Secret Technique called Light Up. This allows you to illuminate dark caves.
Route 9 Through 10

Route 9 Through 10 - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Once at Route 9, head down the road to get to Route 10 |
2 | When you reach the Pokemon Center, battle Team Rocket here |
3 | After the battle, you'll meet with Lorelei - the first member of the Elite Four |
4 | After this, head inside the Rock Tunnel |
3. Meeting Lorelei From Elite Four
In Route 10, you'll come across one of the members of the Elite Four - Lorelei. Her team of Pokemon consist of Ice Types.
Rock Tunnel

Rock Tunnel - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Enter the Rock Tunnel and use the Secret Technique Light Up |
2 | Head right until you see a path down |
3 | Go down & head right again until you see a ladder going up |
4 | From the ladder, follow the path down to the left then go up |
5 | Keep going up until you see a path to the left and a ladder to go up |
6 | Use the ladder and go to the right, then down, then right until another ladder |
7 | Climb up the ladder and go left then up to another ladder |
8 | From the ladder, go down, left, then down until you get to the exit |
1~8. Use Light Up To Illuminate Rock Tunnel
Don't forget to use your newly learned Secret Technique Light Up to illuminate the dark Rock Tunnel.
1~8. Bring Many Recovery Items

The journey through Rock Tunnel will be quite long - be sure to bring many recovery items or retreat back to a Pokemon Center to keep your Pokemon's health up.
Visiting Lavender Town

Visiting Lavender Town - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After exiting the Rock Tunnel, head south to arrive at Lavender Town |
2 | Watch the Cubone enter the Pokemon Tower when you arrive |
3 | Go through the Pokemon Tower and head up to the 2F |
4 | Battle your Rival here when he appears - winning or losing won't affect the outcome of the story |
5 | After your battle with your Rival, go to the 3F to witness the Cubone event |
6 | After the Cubone event, exit Lavender Town & go to Route 8 |
4. Rival's Pokemon Has Evolved
In this battle, your Rival's Pokemon will have evolved already. They're also around Lv.26-28 at this point so level up accordingly.
4. Rival's Pokemon List:
Pokemon | Weakness / Most Used Moves |
![]() | [Weakness] - Electric - Ice - Rock [Commonly Used Move] - Swift - Take Down |
![]() | [Weakness] - Fire - Ice - Flying - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Razor Leaf - Mega Drain |
![]() | [Weakness] - Bug (x4) - Fire - Ice - Fling - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Razor Leaf - Sleeping Powder |
![]() | [Weakness] - Ground [Commonly Used Move] - Thunder Wave - Pin Missile |
![]() | [Weakness] - Ground [Commonly Used Move] - Thunder Punch - Thunder Shock |
Route 8-7 & Arrival At Celadon City
Route 8-7 & Arrival At Celadon City - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After exiting Lavender Town into Route 8, you'll encounter a Team Rocket event |
2 | Head west to get to the underground path |
3 | Once you've gone through the underground path, you'll arrive at Route 7 |
4 | From Route 7, keep going west until you reach Celadon City |
Head West To Get To Celadon City
You'll need to head west through the underground path and Route 7 to reach the giant Celadon City. You'll find the Game Corner & Department Store here!
Battle Erika At Celadon City Gym
How to Challenge the Celadon Gym Leader Erika

Have a "Cute" Pokemon in Your Party to Enter
You will need to have a "cute" Pokemon as a member of your party to be granted access to the Celadon Gym. Your Partner Pokemon (Pikachu or Eevee) or any other cuddly Pokemon will grant you access to this location.
Battle Erika At Celadon City Gym - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | At Celadon City, go to the Celadon City Gym - you need a cute Pokemon to enter |
2 | Go through the gym until you reach Erika |
3 | Battle & defeat Erika to receive the Rainbow Badge and TM53 - Mega Drain |
4 | Get the Rainbow Badge and TM53 - Mega Drain after your battle with Erika |
1. Show Partner Pokemon To Enter Celadon City Gym
Showing your partner in Celadon City Gym will let you enter it. Fight your way through until you reach Erika & her Grass Type Pokemon.
3. Erika Uses Grass Type Pokemon
Erika's roster is full of Grass Type Pokemon - they are weak against Fire, Bug, Flying, and Psychic Type moves.
Check Out How To Beat Erika!4. Get TM53 - Mega Drain After Beating Erika
Erika will hand over TM53 - Mega Drain to you once you defeat her. This drain's a target's HP and heals the user with half of the HP drained from target.
Check Out TM53 - Mega Drain Here!Erika's Pokemon List

Pokemon | Weakness / Most Used Moves |
![]() | [Weakness] - Flying - Poison - Bug - Fire - Ice [Commonly Used Move] - Bind |
![]() | [Weakness] - Flying - Fire - Ice - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Stun Spore - Sleep Powder |
![]() | [Weakness] - Flying - Fire - Ice - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Sleep Powder - Stun Spore |