Max out your Pokemon IV & stats after they reach Lv. 100! Read this Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee guide on how to hyper train Pokemon, bottle cap & gold bottle cap info, about Pokemon Day Care and more!

Storyline Walkthrough & Guide
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Hyper Train To Boost Pokemon's IV
Talk To Mr. Hyper In Pokemon Day Care

Talking to Mr. Hyper in the Pokemon Day Care in Route 5 will open the option of Hyper Training your Pokemon. You can maximize your Lv. 100 Pokemon's stats using Bottle Caps & Gold Bottle Caps!
Hyper Training Only Available for Level 100 Pokemon
Hyper Training can only be applied to Level 100 Pokemons. Be sure to level your Pokemon thoroughly before visiting the Pokemon Day Care!
Check Out the Fast Leveling GuideUse Bottle Cap To Max 1 IV Stat

Regular Bottle Caps are used in Hyper Training to boost a Lv. 100 Pokemon's one stat to maximum. You can get these from defeating Mina once a day in Vermilion City Port.
Check Out How To Beat Mina!Use Gold Bottle Cap To Max All IV Stats

A Gold Bottle Cap is used in Hyper Training to boost all of a Lv. 100 Pokemon's stats. This is a rare item that can randomly be picked up from the floor of the Celadon City Game Corner.
Check Out How To Get A Gold Bottle Cap!About Pokemon Day Care
Place To Activate Hyper Training

The Pokemon Day Care in Pokemon Let's Go Eevee / Pikachu is where you can Hyper Train your Pokemon - increasing their stats to maximum at Lv. 100.
Day Care Automatically Levels Pokemon Over Time

The Pokemon Day Care offers a babysitting service for your Pokemon. You can leave them for a time and they'll slowly gain levels. You need to pay to pick them up.
Day Care Doesn't Offer Breeding / Eggs
The Pokemon Day Care in this game acts as it does in other games however it does not offer Pokemon breeding.