Check out this guide for a full storyline walkthrough up to Koga and Fuchsia City Gym of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee, including gameplay tips, guides, & more!

Storyline Walkthrough & Guide
Check Out What To Do After Beating The GameTable of Contents
Battle Team Rocket In Game Corner
Battle Team Rocket In Game Corner - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the Game Corner in Celadon City |
2 | Encounter & battle Team Rocket in front of the poster |
3 | After beating Team Rocket, they'll move out of the way - push the button behind the poster |
4 | After pushing the button, head down the stairs to the Rocket Hideout |
3. Defeat Team Rocket To Access Rocket Hideout
Team Rocket will move out of the way once you defeat them and you can push the button to gain access to their hideout under the Game Corner.
Expose Rocket Hideout
Expose Rocket Hideout - Walkthrough Chart

No. | Procedure |
1 | Inside the Rocket Hideout, make your way down the floors |
2 | Use the panels on the floor to get to the next levels |
3 | After you reach the end, Team Rocket will try to hide the Card Key. |
4 | Check the chair near the vent & climb it to get to the pipes |
5 | Head outside from the vent to the left |
6 | Move along the pipe and interact with it once there's only 1 pipe left |
7 | After coming down from the pipes, ride the elevator to the B4F. |
8 | Alight the elevator & battle Jesse and James in front of Giovanni's Room |
9 | After defeating them, battle with the Team Rocket executive, Archer |
10 | Once you've defeated him, you'll face off with Giovanni |
11 | Beat Giovanni to receive the Silph Scope |
12 | Head outside & talk to the man with the balloons beside the Game Corner - he will teach you the Secret Technique Sky Dash |
2. Rocket Hideout Panel Pattern Is Same As Pokemon Yellow
The patterns of the panels on the floor are the same as those of Pokemon Yellow. You can follow the original patterns to get through the floors fast.
8. Jesse & James Now Have Arbok & Weezing

Jesse & James will now have the evolved forms of their Pokemon - Arbok & Weezing. They're weak to Ground & Bug Type Pokemon.
8. Jesse & James's Pokemon List:
Pokemon | Weakness / Most Used Moves |
![]() | [Weakness] - Ground - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Poison Jab - Glare |
![]() | [Weakness] - Ground - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Sludge - Toxic |
9. Battle Team Rocket Executive Archer

Archer also uses Poison Type Pokemon similar to Jesse & James. It's best to use a Psychic Type Pokemon to take him down.
9. Archer's Pokemon List:
Pokemon | Weakness / Most Used Moves |
![]() | [Weakness] - Ground - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Sludge - Toxic |
![]() | [Weakness] - Psychic - Rock - Electric - Ice [Commonly Used Move] - Swift - Confuse Ray |
10. Giovanni Has Lv.35 Pokemon

Team Rocket's Leader Giovanni has Lv.35 Pokemon. Persian is a Normal Type & Rhydon is a Ground Type. Persian's weakness is Fighting & Rhydon's weakness is Water & Grass.
Giovanni's Pokemon List:
Pokemon | Weakness / Most Used Moves |
![]() | [Weakness] - Fighting [Commonly Used Move] - Fury Swipes - Slash |
![]() | [Weakness] - Water(x4) - Grass(x4) - Ice - Fighting - Ground - Steel [Commonly Used Move] - Take Down - Drill Run |
12. Learn Secret Technique Sky Dash

In this part of the story, you'll learn the Secret Technique Sky Dash - this lets you fly and visit the towns you've already gone to before.
Check Out Secret Technique List Here!Back To Lavender Town
Back To Lavender Town - Walkthrough Chart

No. | Procedure |
1 | Now you've received the Silph Scope, head back to Lavender Town |
2 | Go into the Pokemon Tower, your Rival will meet you there |
3 | Once you reach the 6F, a Marowak event will happen - no battle will occur |
4 | Head up to the 7F and you'll battle with Jesse & James again |
5 | After the Team Rocket fight, rescue Mr. Fuji - you'll receive the Poke Flute for saving him |
6 | Once you're done in Pokemon Tower, head down to the city & Route 12 with the Poke Flute |
5. Receive Poke Flute After Saving Mr. Fuji

On the 7F of the Pokemon Tower, you'll encounter Team Rocket. Save Mr. Fuji and he'll give you a Poke Flute in thanks. This wakes up sleeping Pokemon.
Wake Up Snorlax At Route 12
Wake Up Snorlax At Route 12 - Walkthrough Chart

No. | Procedure |
1 | Now you've received the Poke Flute, make your way to Route 12 |
2 | Once you come across a Snorlax, use the Poke Flute in front of the Pokemon |
3 | Once woken up, defeat the Snorlax to initiate the Capture Challenge |
4 | Capture the Snorlax to include it in your Pokedex |
5 | Proceed through Route 12 until you see a house in the south |
6 | Talk to the man inside to receive TM32 - Dazzling Gleam |
3. Snorlax Is Lv.34
The Snorlax you encounter will be at Lv.34. It's a Normal Type Pokemon and has a weakness against Fighting Type moves.
Check Out Snorlax Stats & Moves Here!Route 13-15 & Arrival At Fuchsia City
Route 13-15 & Arrival At Fuchsia City - Walkthrough Chart

No. | Procedure |
1 | After waking up Snorlax, proceed through the path |
2 | Keep going until you arrive at Route 14 |
3 | Just keep moving forward until you pass through Route 15 |
4 | From Route 15, keep going until you arrive at Fucshia City |
1~4. Keep Following The Path To Reach Fuchsia City
The path is easy to follow and you just need to keep going until you reach the end and arrive at Fuchsia City.
Battle Koga At Fuchsia City Gym
How to Challenge the Fuchsia Gym Leader Koga

Capture 50 Types of Pokemon to Enter
In order to enter the Fuchsia Gym, you will need to capture 50 types of Pokemon on your Pokedex to be granted access. If you have trouble collecting types of Pokemon, try evolving your Pokemon with Evolution Stone or those with multiple evolution states.
Battle Koga At Fuchsia City Gym - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Once you arrive, head to the Fuchsia City Gym - you need to have capture 50 types of Pokemon to enter |
2 | Go through Fuchsia City Gym until you reach Koga |
3 | Battle and defeat Koga |
4 | Receive the Soul Badge and TM27 - Toxic after defeating Koga |
1. Level Pokemon Or Use Evolution Stones
To fill up your Pokedex with 50 Pokemon, you need to also level up Pokemon with multiple evolutions - for example Pidgey or Caterpie. You can also use evolution stones like Moon Stone etc.
2. Spot Invisible Wall's Outline Through Fog
Navigating Fuchsia City Gym won't be that difficult as you can see the invisible wall's outline even through the fog.
3. Koga Uses Poison Type Pokemon
Defeat Koga's powerful Poison Types by bringing Ground or Psychic Pokemon. His roster has a x2 weakness to these types.
Check Out How To Beat Koga!4. Obtain TM27 - Toxic From Koga
After defeating Koga in the Fuchsia City Gym, you'll receive TM27 - Toxic. This is a Poison Type move that intoxicates the target with poison.
Check Out TM27 - Toxic Here!Koga's Pokemon List

Pokemon | Weakness / Most Used Moves |
![]() | [Weakness] - Ground - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Toxic - Self-Destruct |
![]() | [Weakness] - Ground - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Toxic - Sludge |
![]() | [Weakness] - Psychic - Rock - Electric - Ice [Commonly Used Move] - Toxic - Air Slash |
![]() | [Weakness] - Flying - Rock - Fire - Psychic [Commonly Used Move] - Psychic - Leech Life |