The GO Park is a unique feature of Fuschia City that allows you to transfer Pokemon from Pokemon Go. Learn about the GO Park features, minigames, prizes, & how to connect Pokemon GO & Let's Go here

What is the GO Park?
Area For Pokemon Transferred From Pokemon GO

This is where you can find the Pokemon you have transferred from Pokemon GO. Interact with them by walking around in the GO Park. Catch them again in the GO Park to take them with you in Let's Go!
Get Unlimited Catch Attempts

The Pokemon in GO Park can be attempted to be captured as many times as you want. You can retry them as much as you want when trying to catch them, so try using cheaper Pokeballs when catching them!
Check Out Catching Tips & Tricks!Can Store Up To 1,000 Pokemon

There are a total of 20 GO Parks each with a capacity of 50 Pokemon. Unless you really need Pokemon Candy in Pokemon GO, this is a good place to send your extra Kanto Pokemon!
Located in Fuschia City

The only way to access the GO Park is to make your way to Fuschia City. It's not possible to access the GO Park at the very beginning of Pokemon Let's Go.
Check Out Storyline Walkthrough & GuideMinigame Available In Play Area
You need at least 25 of a single species of Pokemon to access the Minigame. Herd all of the Pokemon in Play Area to the goal to win!
Receive Candies For Winning
You will receive different kinds of Candies for winning the Minigame. Use these to power up your Pokemon!
Check Out How To Get Candies Here!Which Pokemon Can Be Transferred to Let's Go?
Kanto Region Pokemon and Alolan Forms

Only Kanto Region Pokemon and their corresponding Alolan forms can be transferred to Pokemon Let's Go. Keep that in mind while stocking up on Pokemon!
Transferred Pokemon Can't Be Put Back
The transfer process from Pokemon GO to Pokemon Let's Go is one way only. Don't transfer Pokemon you will still need in Pokemon GO!
Cannot Transfer from Let's Go to Pokemon GO
Pokemon caught in Let's Go cannot be sent over to Pokemon GO so you cannot use this to complete your Pokemon GO Pokedex!
Legendary Pokemon Can Be Transferred

Complete the Legendary Pokemon by transferring them from Pokemon GO. However, transferred Pokemon cannot be returned to Pokemon GO so be careful!
Check Out Legendary Pokemon HereCan Only Send Presents to Pokemon GO

Although you cannot send Pokemon to Pokemon GO, you can send a Present which contain items that will be useful in Pokemon GO.
First Present Is Mystery Box To Capture Meltan

The first time you connect & transfer from Pokemon GO to Let's Go, you'll receive the Mystery Box. This item can be used in Pokemon GO to lure the mythical Pokemon Meltan!
Check Out The Mystery Box HereHow to Connect to Pokemon GO

Connecting Pokemon GO to Pokemon Let's Go uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). So make sure this is enabled for both devices.
Step 1: Go to GO Park
f:p:Connect both devices via Bluetooth when you get to the GO Park then talk to the GO Park attendant.Step 2: Select Pokemon To Send

Select which Pokemon you want to send to Let's Go from Pokemon Go. You can send up to 50 Pokemon at a time.
Step 3: Receive Pokemon At The GO Park

Enter the GO Park to see your newly transferred Pokemon!