Playground mode is back! Here is everything you need to know about the Playground Mode in Fortnite!!

Latest Change On Playground
Introducing Playground Challenge Mini Games!
3 Types of New Playground Challenge Mini Games have been introduced. Use this mode to
Test Your Maneuvering Skills with the Timed Trial

Practice your movement and building skills with the Timed Trial mini game! Collect all tokens before the time runs out!
Brush Up Your Building Skills with the Building Challenge

Your building speed and precision will be tested in the Building Challenge. Follow the pattern shown on the screen and build the requested platform as fast as you can!
Practice Your Shots Down the Shooting Range

You can test out new weapons and practice your aim without the hassle of being shot back! In this challenge, deal as much damage to the 2 test dummies before the time runs out. The dummies will start moving in higher difficulty!
Spiky Stadiums v2 Added

The classic Spiky Stadium has gone through an overhaul to make your deadly shenanigans all the more accessible!
Unique Respawn Location Available
Spiky Stadium has been fitted with its very own respawn location. Players who enter the arena will be able to respawn at the custom respawn location, so you can get back into action more
Port-A-Pirate Ship Added

All hands on deck! Port-A-Pirate Ship is a mini game where you and your friends can duke out an naval clash on their very own pirate ship! Use whatever you can to blow your rival's ship into smithereens!
Armored Variation Also Available
There also exists a mode where you can use a metal Pirate Ship instead of a wooden one. The sturdier the ship, more the firepower you need to take them down! Whip out your launchers and grenades!
Playground Mode Features

Playground is Fortnite's training/practice mode. Let your imagination run wild without needing to look over your shoulder for enemies.
Available for 1 to 4 Players

Explore the Fortnite map on your own or with a full Squad!
Session Available Up to 1 Hour

Players will have 55 minutes to freely move about on the map before the Storms starts closing in during the last 5 minutes.
Team Switching and Respawn

Have mock battles with your friends, switch teams, and don't worry about getting eliminated as respawn takes place in just 3 seconds!
Beware of the Storm
Note that respawn will not work if the player is eliminated by the Storm.
Playground Conditions Can Be Customized
Introduced in the v6.01 Update, Playgrounds now have customization options allowing you to take more control over the mode!
Available Customizations
Open Chat With Everyone
Chat is open to everyone in the Playground match regardless of which team you're on.
Regular Challenges Inaccessible in Playground
You will not be able to complete your regular Weekly Challenges in Playground mode.
An Insane Amount of Loot

Playground also offers more loot and building resources for players to play with.
Weapons and Other Items

No need to fight over weapons and recovery items! Playground is filled with treasure chests, ammo boxes, and supply crates ready for the taking!
Chests and Ammo Boxes Will Always Spawn
All treasure chests and ammo boxes have a 100% spawn chance in Playground. Floor spawn areas will also always have items so it's a good way of learning where loot can be found in the game!
Loads of Building Materials

The amount of materials you get from harvesting and with 100 Supply Llamas on the map, you will have a virtually unlimited supply of materials. Note that the maximum amount of each material you can carry remains unchanged.
Your Game, Your Rules

With no enemies to worry about, you have free reign to do whatever you want!
Practice Your Driving Skills!

As of the V5.30 update, Playground mode now has dozens of ATKs just waiting to be driven! Practice your ATK driving skills in Playground mode and remember, never cut corners!
Check Out How To Use The ATK HereTry Out Weapons

Raid the chests and floor loots for the rare and legendary weapons that you've been dying to try.
Check out the Weapon ListPractice Building

See how quickly you can put up a tower or go crazy and build a castle!
Check out Building Basics