This guide explores the various locations where Rifts, ATKs may spawn, & where the Moai are located. Happy hunting!!

Table of Contents
Interactive Map
Map Legend
- Blue Icons represent Rifts
- Purple Icons represent Moai
- Orange Icons represent ATKs
Please note that the markers on the map show usual spawn points. Traveling to these locations does not guarantee finding a rift, ATK, or Moai!!
When Did These Become Part Of Fortnite?

Epic Games' Season 5 update makes worlds collide in Fortnite. Rifts have opened up around the map and have brought with them vehicles, and statues! Other than that they also brought along new faces to join the fight!
Learn More About The Drift Skin Here!Locations of Rifts

Rifts look like glowing pieces of broken glass. Rifts teleport you directly above them when you step through them. Use them to quickly change your position, or outrun the storm!
Rift Location Characteristics
Where can one commonly find rifts on the map?
Near Moai

Rifts can commonly be found nearby Moai. It allows for the player to travel quickly between points.
On The Foot Of Hills
Rifts can be found on the foot of hills so that players can easily use it to get to the top of the hill quickly without building.
Locations of ATKs

An All Terrain Kart or ATK for short looks like a golf cart. It can seat four people, and allows for the players, except for the driver, to shoot and build around the kart.
Check Out How To Use ATKs!ATK Location Characteristics
Where can one commonly find ATKs on the map?
Near The Edge Of The Map

ATKs can be found near the edges of the map to help players who land far away from the eye of the storm, get to safety faster.
Desert Area

Several ATKs can be found around the new desert area of the map.
Locations of Moai

While exploring, you may come across a statue of a giant head, this is a Moai, which can be found across the map!
Moai Location Characteristics
Where can one commonly find Moai?
On Top of Hills

Moai can be found sitting on top of hills, taking in the sights of the map!
Near Rifts

Since Rifts brought the Moai into the world of Fortnite, and since Moai can not move, they're usually found near those rifts!