A3: STILL ALIVE Wiki Guide & Walkthrough
Shiland Mine Guide - Rewards List

A3: STILL ALIVE | Shiland Mine Guide - Rewards List

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A3: STILL ALIVE | Shiland Mine Guide - Rewards List - GameWith
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Check out our Shiland Mine Guide for A3: STILL ALIVE. Find out how to unlock & clear the dungeon, as well as how to beat the boss Kunpoosh on all difficulties!

Table of Contents

Check Out Our Beginner's Guide Here!

Adventure Info

Clear Chapter 1-12 To Unlock

Shiland Mine

Shiland Mine is the first dungeon/adventure you'll unlock, and it comes pretty early in your main quest. You can easily clear up to this part with just auto-play, so make sure to progress your story!

Check Out How To Unlock Other Normal Adventures Here

3 Difficulty Levels

DifficultyUnlock LvlRecc. CPRecc.
Soul Linker CP

Shiland Mines has 3 stages of difficulty, with the rewards improving as the difficulty increases. Remember that the daily limit for doing this dungeon applies regardless of difficulty! You should therefore prioritize clearing it on harder difficulties!

すっぴんちゃんTip!This dungeon can only be done twice per day. Thankfully, your attempts are only consumed if you successfully clear the dungeon. If you fail, you can try again until you win!
▼Check out the rewards for each difficulty below.

Shiland Mine - Walkthrough

Auto-Battle Through The Dungeon

Shiland Mine

You can swap between Manual and Auto mode by tapping the button to the left of your chat box. While exploring the dungeon, you don't have to worry too much about dangerous enemies, so you should be safe to use Auto Battle. If your stats are somewhat low, make sure to watch for the telegraphed attacks of mid-sized enemies and avoid them accordingly!

Defeat The Goblin Packs Near The Entrance

Shiland Mine

Right after entering the dungeon, you'll be able to see a group of Goblins near the entrance. Try to defeat all the Goblins in this entire area!

Defeat Goblins Deeper In The Dungeon

Shiland Mine

After crossing a bridge, a horde of Goblins will move your way. Among these are some that will jump at you and attack you from range, so you'll want to be careful and make sure you're able to survive their hits!

Defeat The Awoken Kunpoosh

Shiland Mine

After defeating all enemies, you'll have to take on the boss! This boss will have abilities with visual indicators on the ground, so you'll have to carefully use your dodge button to avoid getting hit by these attacks!

Shiland Mine - Boss Walkthrough

Kunpoosh Boss Battle Guide

Crimson Egory Chief Kunpoosh

Kunpoosh has very high attack and HP, so it'll be important to adeptly handle his attacks while also dealing damage to take him out. This boss has many AoE attacks, so you'll have to really pay attention to exactly when the attacks go off! Avoid them!

Basic Attacks

Shiland Mine

The boss has several main attacks, including one where magic bursts out of the ground, one where he swings his staff and interrupts you, and another where he sprays out a liquid. The liquid attack in particular will stay on the field for a while after being cast, and stepping on it will lower your movement speed, so be careful!

3 Circular Beam Attack


This attack will fire out 3 circular beams in various areas in the room, which will stun you if hit. They don't do damage, but the stun itself is quite long and will leave you unable to dodge the boss's other attacks, so make sure to avoid these.

Body Press Attack

Shiland Mine
Shiland Mine

The boss's Body Press attack will have a large, red circulator indicator. This can get confusing and chaotic due to the other things to avoid, but this attack in particular is quite lethal and also stuns you, so we strongly recommend you dodge it!

3 Pronged Attack

Shiland Mine
Shiland Mine

After drinking some ale, the boss will fire off 3 frontal waves of damage. The ground will light up red, and eventually white wolves will travel down the lines dealing damage to you. The damage on this ability is not that significant, so classes with high defensive stats don't have to worry too much about it. If you're playing a squishy character, however, do your best to get out of this.

Ground Shockwave Attack

Shiland Mine

After spewing out some green mist, the boss will create a red circle around him, dealing damage to all within it. This is quite dangerous and will stun you, so you'll want to prioritize getting out of this.

List of Rewards

Rewards Change According To Your Clear Time

Shiland Mine

You will be given a rank according to your clear time. Getting a higher rank will give you special "rank rewards"! You'll want to focus on dealing huge damage and clearing the dungeon as fast as you can!

CommonGold (30,000)
Apostle EXP(9000)
Weapon/Armor Enhancement Stone (Uncommon)
Accessory Enhancement Stone (Uncommon)
Weapon/Armor Enhancement Stone (Common)
Accessory Enhancement Stone (Common)
HeroicGold (60,000)
Apostle EXP(90,000)
Weapon/Armor Enhancement Stone (Uncommon)
Accessory Enhancement Stone (Uncommon)
Weapon/Armor Enhancement Stone (Common)
Accessory Enhancement Stone (Common)
NightmareGold (90,000)
Apostle EXP(900,000)
Weapon/Armor Enhancement Stone (Superior)
Accessory Enhancement Stone (Superior)
Weapon/Armor Enhancement Stone (Uncommon)
Accessory Enhancement Stone (Uncommon)
Weapon/Armor Enhancement Stone (Common)
Accessory Enhancement Stone (Common)
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A3: STILL ALIVE Strategy Team

A3: STILL ALIVE Strategy Team

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