Draining is a skill in Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town (SoS PoOT). Guide includes Draining skill level unlocks, obtainable traits, recipe & more!!!
Table Of Contents
Draining Skill - All Obtainable Traits & Recipe
All Obtainable Traits & Recipe
Lv1 | 【Obtainable Traits】 - 【Obtainable Recipe】 ・Mortar |
Lv2 | 【Obtainable Traits】 - 【Obtainable Recipe】 ・Mortar Road ・Mortar Fence ・Mortar Gate |
Lv3 | 【Obtainable Traits】 Water draining Material gain increased by 1 【Obtainable Recipe】 ・Mortar Item Box ・Brick Maker |
Lv4 | 【Obtainable Traits】 Draining water consumes less energy 【Obtainable Recipe】 ・Brick Road ・Brick Fence ・Brick Gate |
Lv5 | 【Obtainable Traits】 - 【Obtainable Recipe】 ・Suction Pump |
Lv6 | 【Obtainable Traits】 Water draining Material gain increased by 2 【Obtainable Recipe】 - |
Lv7 | 【Obtainable Traits】 Draining water consumes far less energy 【Obtainable Recipe】 - |
Lv8 | 【Obtainable Traits】 - 【Obtainable Recipe】 ・Fountain |
Lv9 | 【Obtainable Traits】 Profits increased for treasure items 【Obtainable Recipe】 ・Treasure Chest |
Lv10 | 【Obtainable Traits】 Water draining Material gain increased by 3 【Obtainable Recipe】 ・Giant Brick Maker |
How To Unlock & Raise Skill
Unlocks The Day After It Rains

Unlock Conditions | Get a Bucket the day after it rains |
How To Increase | Use a bucket to scoop water. Scooping water will yield materials like clay. |
The day after it rains, Clemens will give the player a bucket. Find the bucket in your tool bag.
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