Animal Breeding is where you can breed livestock in Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town (PoOT)! The guide includes how to breed Livestock Animals & more!!!
Table of Contents
What Is Animal Breeding
Breeding Livestock

Animal Breeding is a process of where you can breed the same animal to produce more products such as Fur, Wool, Egg & Milk.
Click Here For Items Guide!How To Breed Livestock - Barn Animals (Cows, Alpaca, Sheep)
Breeding Barn Animals

To breed barn animals, all you have to do is go to the Animal Store and talk to Patricia, select "Apply Livestock Breeding Kit" & choose a Barn Animal To Breed.
Selecting A Barn Animal To Breed

Once you have chosen a Barn Animal to breed, an Offspring will be placed on the barn & wait a couple of days and a cutscene should be triggered that the offspring has been born.
You Can Only Breed Barn Animals In A Big Barn

How To Breed A Chicken & Silkie
Breeding A Chicken Or A Silkie

To Breed a chicken or a silkie go to the Animal Store and talk to Patricia & select the "Apply Chicken Breeding Kit".
Selecting A Chicken Or Silkie To Breed

Once you have chosen a Chicken or a Silkie to breed, an Offspring will be placed on the Coop & wait a couple of days and a cutscene should be triggered that the offspring has been born.
You Can Only Breed Chickens Or Silkies In A Big Coop

Just like the Barn Animal Breeding, Chickens or Silkies also needs a Big Coop in order for you to breed them. So save up some gold & upgrade your Coop to a Big Coop to breed Chickens or Silkies.
Click Here For Big Coop Guide!How To Release An Animal
Releasing An Animal

To release an animal you must to travel to Earth Sprite Village by talking to Navi-sprite located in your farm on the rightside of your home. Select travel & you should see the Travel To Earth Sprite Village.
Earth Sprite Village

Once you've selected the Travel To Earth Sprite Village go to the Elder, located on top of the mountain and talk to it.
The Elder Sprite

Once you've talked to the Elder, select release an Animal and it should prompt you to select which animal you would like to release. Take note that once you release an animal, there is no chance of getting back, so choose your decision carefully.
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