Ralph is a character in Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town (SoS PoOT). Learn the Ralph' best gifts, likes, heart events, location & schedule!!!
Ralph - Birthday & Location
Ralph Overview & Details

Birthday | Summer 21 |
Family | Father: Nigel |
Location | Ranger Station, West of the Shrine, East of the Shrine |
Best Gifts & Presents
Love | Pot-au-feu Fashionable Bracelet |
Like | Yellow Potage Mixed Soup Shellfish Soup Bread Shiny Watch |
Slight Like | Springtime March Winter Bloom Rondo Jewelry Ring |
Normal | Turnip Beans Tulip Milk 白湯鍋 |
Ralph - How To Romance & Marry
1 | Increase hearts until you are able to confess |
2 | Get to 10 hearts and after all the romance events are completed, propose by giving them a Blue Feather |
3 | Hold a wedding ceremony |
Confess To Ralph After 6 Hearts
By talking with Ralph and giving him his favorite gifts, you will be able to increase your relationship with him. There will be an event for each heart you get. By the 6th event, you will be able to confess to him using a Confession Pendant.
Propose After 10 Hearts
After getting even closer to your partner of choice, you can propose to them when you reach 10 hearts. If you've seen all 9 other events, you can give Ralph a Blue Feather to propose to him. However, you need to upgrade your house beyond a Log Cabin to do so!
Hold A Wedding Ceremony
After you propose, you will hold a wedding with Ralph! The day after you propose you'll decide what to wear. After this you'll start living together with Ralph.
Ralph - All Heart Events & Requirements
Event 1
Event Requirements |
Heart: At least 1 Weather: Sunny・Rain・Snow Time: AM 8:00 ~ PM 5:59 Location: East of the Shrine |
Event Details |
While walking through the forest, you fall into a trap intended for small animals. Ralph comes to help you out. |
Event 2
Event Requirements |
Heart: At least 2 Weather: Sunny, Rain, Snow Time: AM 8:00 ~ PM 5:59 Location: West of the Shrine |
Event Details |
You happen upon a bear in the woods, when Ralph comes running to you. |
Event 3
Event Requirements |
Heart: At least 3 Weather: Sunny, Rain, Snow Time: AM 8:00 ~ PM 5:59 Location: East of the Shrine |
Event Details |
Jacopo asks you to bring Ralph lunch. |
Event 4
Event Requirements |
Heart: At least 4 Weather: Sunny, Rain, Snow Time: AM 8:00 ~ PM 5:59 Location: Central Plaza |
Event Details |
Jacopo wants Ralph to teach him how to play American Football, and talks about his reasons for wanting to do so. |
Event 5
Event Requirements |
Heart: At least 5 Weather: Sunny, Rain, Snow Time: AM 8:00 ~ PM 5:59 Location: Plaza |
Event Details |
Victor indignantly asks Ralph to do something about a bear that has been spotted in the woods. |
Event 6
Event Requirements |
Heart: At least 6 Weather: Sunny, Rain, Snow Other: Hand them a Confession Pendant (purchasable at the General Store). |
Event Details |
After confessing to him, Ralph is very grateful. Shortly after, Jacopo appears and congratulates you. |