Time Management is managing the in-game time schedule in Seasons Pioneers Of Olive Town (PoOT). Guide includes key hours, day change time, can you speed / slow down time & more!!!
Table of Contents
Time Management & Flow
Key In-Game Hours
・1 Day is AM 6:00 ~ AM 1:59 ・1 Month is 28 days ・4 month seasonal rotation - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter |
For each 1 second in real time, 1 minute passes in-game. While there is still 24 hours in-game, players are limited by the stamina & sleep mechanics to around 20 hours of activity time at the most.
Always Sleep Before 2AM
You will collapse due to fatigue if you don't go to your bed/sleeping bag by 2 AM. There will be a steep stamina & time penalty if this happens, so always try to go to bed before stamina fully drains or by 1:59 AM.
Daily Cutoff Hours At 2:00 AM

While the day will change over at 12:00 AM, your daily cutoff point is at 2 AM. This will affect mine spawns, crop growth, repairs and other daily calculations.
Pioneers Of Olive Town - Can You Slow Time?
No Time-Speed Change Option Right Now
Currently there are no options to change the in-game speed available for Pioneers Of Olive Town. Also, there are no mentions of such features being planned for later DLC contents.
Consider Easy Mode If Things Get Overwhelming

If you feel that the game speed is too fast and is overwhelming, you can consider switching the game to Easy mode for more resources and less stamina usage. This will help you catch a breath and get a better idea on how to do things more efficiently.
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