Farming Guide includes tips & instructions for Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town (PoOT)! The guide includes how to do farming & More!!!
Table of Contents
Farming Tips - Land Tilling & Plot Setup
Till The Soil

To till the soil, equip the Hoe first, the range of the field is different for everyone, but we would recommend making a set of 3x3 square that way you'll be able to apply the Sprinkler.
Returning The Cultivated Soil To Normal

To return the soil back to normal, just equip the Hammer, lock it on the soil you wish to revert back & press Y. If you mistakenly put the wrong seed, you can collect them by smashing it with the hammer.
Farming Tips - Seed Sowing
Planting Seeds On The Tilled Soil

To plant seeds, select the seeds on your inventory you wish to Sow on the tilled soil then press Y. Please take note that a number of days are required for harvesting crops.
Sow An Entire Tilled Soil Area

To sow an area, press and hold Y and make sure that you are locked on target then release and it should sow the area.
Click Here For Seeds Guide!Ship Wild Crops & Buy Seeds At The General Store

Seeds of certain crops can be purchased at the general store by shipping. Naturally, some crops will be sold when their farming skills have reached level 9.
Click Here For Skills List!Farming Guide - Upkeep And Harvest
Watering Your Seeds Every Day

Water the planted crops daily to grow them. As soon as you water them every day, your fieldwork skill should rise up and you'll be able to craft the sprinkler. That way you don't have to water them individually.
Some Weathers Don't Need Watering
On rainy days, you don't have to water your crops, so you can just go tend to them if they are ready to harvest, this also goes on snowy days as well on the Winter Month.
Click Here For Tools List Guide!Harvest The Crops

Once the craft has fully grown, to harvest them, get close and press Y to collect the crops. Remember, the higher the quality, the higher the amount will be paid to you in gold. So always remember to buy seeds & plant.
Crop's Quality

With the Crop's Quality there is a chance that dishes will have a good quality rating as well.
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