This Fortnite guide will discuss moving faster in water. Learn techniques & tips on how to move faster in water to get the Victory Royale!!

Table of Contents
Jump To Move Faster In Water
Video Demonstration
— Vids (@GW_Vids) September 05, 2018
As seen from the video above, jumping in intervals helps you move faster in water instead of normally sprinting. Jump in intervals because jumping countinuously will only slow you down.
The Pros And Cons Of Jumping On Water
Pro: Jumping Makes You Move Faster

Jumping will help you traverse large bodies of water more quickly instead of just normally sprinting on the body of water.
Con: Jumping Will Make You Easier To Spot

Since you will be moving a lot when using this technique, a nearby enemy may be able to spot you! Be careful and stay aware of your surroundings when doing this technique!
Check Out How To Prevent Being SpottedBuild To Move Faster In Water
Video Demonstration
— Vids (@GW_Vids) September 05, 2018
As seen from the video above, building to help you move "across" the water is also a viable option. Remember to have lots of building materials if you plan on using this technique.
The Pros And Cons Of Building To Move Faster
Pro: Building Creates A Bridge For You

Building a bridge to move across water will not impede your speed when crossing bodies of water. You can also use the bridge to go back where you came from if you need to return!
Check Out What You Can Build HereCon: You Need Lots Of Materials

One thing that you need to remember is that if you want to use this technique, you will need to carry lots of building materials. You don't want to get stuck in the middle of a lake with an unfinished bridge!
Check Out Gathering Building Materials HereUse Items To Move Away From Enemies
There may be times where you find yourself in the water with an enemy. Here are some items that can guarantee you running away safely!
Have A Rift-To-Go In Handy

Using a Rift-To-Go will teleport you directly above your location so you can Glide over water and away from the enemy. Be careful however since the enemy can follow you through the Rift you made!
Check Out The Rift-To-Go HereUse An Impulse Grenade To Send Someone Flying!

Using an Impulse Grenade can send both you and your enemy flying in different directions. It lets you traverse the water faster, and also creates some space between you and your enemy!
Check Out The Impulse Grenade HereUse A Shockwave Grenade To Create More Space

Using a Shockwave Grenade has the same effects as the Impulse Grenade. Only the Shockwave Grenade sends you and your enemy flying further!
Check Out The Shockwave Grenade HereBodies Of Water On The Map
Loot Lake

Loot Lake is a named area on the Map which features a large body of water. Using the techniques listed below may help you move across the lake faster.
Check Out Loot Lake HereParadise Palms Lake

Paradise Palms features a small lake with a treasure chest in the middle. Remember to use the techniques to get to the loot faster!