Fortnite: Tips & Guide
Hunting Rifle - Damage & Stats

Fortnite | Hunting Rifle - Damage & Stats

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Weapon Stats & Strategy for Hunting Rifle! Read here to find information about the damage (DPS), rarity and gameplay video for Hunting Rifle!!

Table of Contents

Featured Weapon Article

Hunting Rifle - Weapon Stats & Damage

Hunting Rifle - Weapon Overview

Hunting Rifle Icon

Basic Information

Weapon TypeSniper Rifle
Where to FindOn Floor, Chests,
Supply Drops, Vending Machine
AmmoHeavy Bullets
Check out the All Weapons List!

Hunting Rifle- Stats & Damage (DPS)

Hunting Rifle Icon★390901721.8sec.
Hunting Rifle Icon★28686168.81.9sec.
Check out the All Sniper Rifle stats List!

Hunting Rifle - Weapon Review

Weapon Rating

*Weapons are rated from Rank "D" - Rank "S"!!


Hunting rifles are best suited for Duos and Squads due to the long reload time so it's good to have someone watching your back.

Effective Range

*Effective range is rated by ◎ (Excellent), ◯(Good), △(Mediocre), ×(Bad)!!

Close RangeMiddle RangeLong Range

Hunting Rifles are best at mid-long range due to its bullet drop off.

Hunting Rifle - Traits & Tips

Hunting Rifle - Weapon Traits

Hunting rifles have no scope

It can still be accurate despite not having a scope, keeping in mind the effective range of the weapon. Aiming tends to be a challenge especially if you are not used to the hunting rifle.

Bolt-action reloading

Reload takes place after every shot and you will need to have good cover when using it.

High damage per shot

It is possible to one-shot-kill enemy players especially via headshots.

Noticeable Bullet Drop & Shot Sound

Hunting Rifle's bullet drop makes aiming challenging. It also fires bullets loudly which will alert enemies.

Hunting Rifle - Weapon Tips

Use in early engagements

The high damage makes it ideal as first weapon in engagements when enemies have not yet managed to get too close.

Always have a back-up

Hunting rifles are not ideal for close-range fights so always have a back-up weapon to use.

Always have cover

With almost 2 seconds reload time, having cover to put in between yourself and enemy players is essential.

Stop and aim

Right-click to narrow down sights. This will help improve your chances of hitting your target. It is also recommended that you fire at enemies while they are reloading.

What are Weapons?

Main Damage Dealer in Fortnite

Main Damage Dealer in Fortnite

Grab a gun and deal some damage! Although there are other ways to deal damage in Fortnite, it's through weapons that you can deal as much damage against your opponents during fights.

Requires Ammo to Use

Requires Ammo to Use

Most weapons will require you to have their specific bullet type to be able to use. Familiarize yourself with which ammo goes with which gun to make the best of it.

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Fortnite Strategy Team

Fortnite Strategy Team

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