This advanced building guide will teach you the basics of Stair Rushing in Fortnite Battle Royale. Learn to offensively rush enemies with stairs crafted to get the Victory Royale!!

Table of Contents
Building Is For Offense and Defense
The building mechanic used in Fortnite is a versatile gameplay element. Building structures can defend you from enemy fire, but can also give you the height advantage over other players.
Example: Dual Stairs Are For Offense & Defense

Dual Stairs are an example of both offensively and defensively building. It allows you to gain high ground, while making your stair structure sturdier so it does not collapse.
Check Out Building Guide - Dual Stairs HereStairs Are A Versatile Building Component

Stair Rushing is a technique allows you to rush enemies and get the high ground while also covering your front, back, top, and bottom.
Check Out What You Can Build HereMethod 1: Stair Rush Using The Stair Tunnel

Here is the first method for this technique. Scroll down for the guide which shows you how to do the more advanced technique.
Check Out Editing Buildings HereStep 1: Create A Floor

Creating a floor will provide your Stair Tunnel a base so it will not easily collapse.
Step 2: Create 2 Stairs On The Far & Near Side Of The Floor

After creating both stairs, stay in the middle of your floor and...
Step 3: Move Up While Creating Stairs

While aiming at the middle of both stairs, you will be able to create stairs on top and below you to cover your front and back.
Step 4: Repeat Step 3 As Much As Needed
Continue creating stairs as much as you want!
Method 2: Stair Rush Using Edits

This section will cover the second method of building your stairs. This method shields you from enemy fire directly in front of you. Loosen up your fingers cause we will be incorporating edits!
Step 1: Create A Floor

Like the basic method of building this structure, you will first need a base to snap your stairs on to.
Step 2: Create A Stair On The Floor

Snap on your stairs to the far side of the floor to create anchors.
Step 3: Move Up While Creating Stairs

Start building stairs like you normally would to get to the high ground.
Step 4: Create A Floor In Front Of You

Create a floor to shield yourself from enemy fire.
Step 5: Edit An Exit Out Of The Floor

You only need to edit out 1 corner. You can mix it up to keep the enemy guessing where you will pop out off!
Step 6: Repeat Steps 3 - 5 As Much As Needed
Rinse and repeat as much as you need to!
Uses Of The Stair Rush Technique

Stair Rush Is For Aggressive Play Styles
Aggressively Push Forward
This technique is used to cover yourself when rushing an enemy on high ground. Don't let them shoot you down while you make your way up!
Cover Your Front & Back
The Stairs Tunnel Technique is also useful when rushing the high ground if you are unsure that other players are taking aim at you from behind!
Pros & Cons Of Stair Rushing

Strengths Of The Stair Rushing
Cover Your Back & Front
Anything can happen in the Battle Royale. Don't carelessly leave your back with target painted on it by using the Stair Tunnel!
Rush The High Ground

Rush an enemy on high ground or get to the high ground safely by using the Stair Tunnel Technique!
Weaknesses Of Stair Rushing
Uses Lots Of Materials
Be prepared with a lot of materials because this technique uses up a lot of them! Remember you don't want to run out of materials when you're only halfway up the climb!
Check Out Gathering Building Materials HereRequires Lots Of Practice

Practice this technique first in a no pressure environment to get the hang of the it before using it on competitive game modes!
Check Out Playground Mode Here