Gather materials without being found out by enemies! Here's a guide on how you can quietly farm resources for materials!!

Risks of Gathering Materials

Breaking down sources of materials can attract unwanted attention by large sound and visual effects. Learning how to stealthily gather resources will secure your safety even while gathering resources!
How to Gather Materials Quietly
Don't Destroy Resources Completely

Destroyed resources can be seen collapsing from a distance. Farm a resource until there's little health left (around 50 if possible) before moving on to the next source.
Hit Every Resource You Pass
In a hurry? You can still gather materials discreetly by hitting every resource you pass at least once or twice. This is perfect when going through areas with lots of trees or rocks!
Gather from the Right Sources
Safe Sources

Prioritize resources that you can farm with less noise and gives an ample amount of materials in the process. Wooden palettes, indoor appliances, and small trees are samples of good material sources.
Risky Sources

Some resources are considerably risky to farm due to the noises they make or the way they could easily be seen from afar. Some cars for example have an alarm that blares when it is hit.
Check Out Choosing the Right Materials HerePut Gathering to Your Advantage
Gather Materials Safely

By not breaking down resources, you put yourself at less risk of getting into combat while still increasing the number of resources you have with you! This makes it safer for you to move across the map.
Use as a "Booby Trap"

Since the health of a resource won't be shown until it is hit, another player might try to farm the same resource you left behind. With a single swing, the resource will break down, attracting unwanted hostile attention!