This guide will teach you how to stand your ground when enemies try to destroy your Fort. Learn tips & tricks to fight back and get the Victory Royale!!

Table of Contents
There May Be Situations Where You Need To Stand Your Ground

You may find yourself in situations where you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. An enemy may have you cornered in your Fort and is shooting at you or your structures.
Your Fort Can Only Protect You For So Long

Having a Fort can cover you and give you great height advantage over your enemy, but it can only take so much damage. Sometimes, the only option you have is to fight back.
Check Out Building Guide - Basic Fort HereStanding Your Ground When Enemies Rush Your Fort

One way to go about getting your Victory Royale is to learn how to stand your ground! Sometimes, the best defense is to have a good offense! Here are some things that you can do to counter your enemy!
Check Out How To Play Solos HereLet Them Destroy Your Wall & Fire Back Immediately
Step 1: Put Up A Wall To Lure Your Enemy

Putting up a wall would make the enemy want to destroy it in order to expose you to their fire.
Step 2: Line Up Your Shot

While the enemy is chipping away at your wall, line up your shot in their general direction. Take into consideration how far the enemy is when lining up your shot. A far-off enemy may need you to aim with a sniper rifle.
Step 3: Fire Away As Soon As Your Wall Breaks

Firing immediately after your wall breaks gives you an advantage since the enemy will not suspect an immediate counter-attack. You also have more bullets in your magazine while the enemy may need to reload!
Check Out What You Can Build HerePop Out Together & Focus Your Fire When In Teams

As soon as your wall gets destroyed, pop out together with your teammate and focus your fire on to the enemy!
Check Out How To Play Squad Mode HereTwo Or More Targets Can Disorient The Enemy
Having two targets shooting at the opponent may cause them to panic since they would have to choose who to fire at first. Use their confused state to your team's advantage!
Focusing Your Fire Can Eliminate Enemies Quicker
With you and your teammates shooting at the same target, more bullets will be able to hit the enemy, and deal more damage quicker!
Assess Your Situation
Before taking on an enemy, you first need to see whether you will come out of the encounter alive.
Know When To Run Away

There is no shame in running away in Fortnite. After all, your main goal is to survive! Assessing your situation first is important to know whether engaging in combat is worth it.
What Gun Is The Enemy Using?

Knowing what gun your enemy is using can help you plan your counterattack. For example, you'd want to keep a safe distance if the enemy is using a Shotgun! Plan your strategy according to your enemy's weapon!
Check Out The All Weapon List HereDo You Have Equipment To Fight Back With?

See if you have the right equipment for the job. Facing an enemy head on with an effective weapon is one way to go, but you can also place traps in unsuspecting places to damage their health for an easier kill!
How Many Resources Do You Have?

Engaging in combat may lead you to offensively or defensively build. Take time to assess if you have enough materials to last you in a building battle with your enemy!
Check Out Gathering Building Materials HereDo You Have Any Shield And Healing Items?

When engaging in combat, there is no guarantee that you will come out unscathed. See if you have any healing and shielding items to patch yourself up after your fight!
Check Out Health And Shields Here