Bullseye! Find out how to complete the "Hit a Player with a Snowball in Different Matches" with this guide! This includes where to get the snowball and tips to clear the challenge!

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Throw a Snowball at a Player in Different Matches Challenge
Throw a Snowball at Players Challenge - Summary

Have a snowball fight and get rewarded for it! To complete this challenge, all you have to do is hit a player with a snowball from the Snowball emote in a number of different matches.
How to Complete the Snowball Challenge
Hit a Player with the Snowball Emote

Using the Snowball emote, all you need to do is to hit another player with the snowball it spawns! You can somehow aim the trajectory of the snowball with your crosshairs to your target.
Day 3 Reward Snowball Toy Required to Complete the Challenge

The Snowball Emote is one of the unlockable items in the 14 Days of Fortnite event. If you miss out on completing the challenge that unlocks it, you won't be able to do this challenge. Be sure to complete the "Play 3 Matches with a Friend" Challenge to grab your Snowball Toy first!
Check Out the 14 Days of Fortnite Event HereTips to Complete the Snowball Challenge
Complete the Challenge in Spawn Island

Hitting a player with the Snowball in Spawn Island counts towards this challenge! Doing it there takes away the stress of having to fight enemies since Spawn Island is a no combat zone.
Hit a Teammate with the Snowball

Alternatively, you can also get a willing partner to complete the challenge! Have a friend stand still, hit them with the snowball, and it will count towards the challenge completion.