Check out this Dungeon Levels & Dungeon Cycle guide for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered (FFCC). Includes Dungeon Level system, requirements, how to raise it & more!
Table of Contents
What Is Dungeon Level (Dungeon Cycle) System?
Stats Representing Dungeon Difficulty Level
Dungeon Levels are difficulty level indicating how tough a dungeon has become, divided into 1, 2 and 3 (The higher the number the higher the difficulty). All dungeons starts with LV.1 but will rise up to Lv.3 based on player interactions.
Check out All Dungeons here!Gameplay Changes With Increased Dungeon Level
1. Item Drops Changes

As Dungeon Level increases, the monster drops and Artifacts will be replaced with rarer items. While the harder a dungeon the better the loot, note that however there are items that can only be acquired at lower Dungeon levels.
Check out All Artifacts List here!2. Tougher Enemies & Bosses

When Dungeon levels go up, all monsters including bosses will get a stats buff. Additional buffs to enemies include a get wider variety of attacks, more enemy units, or may change into a stronger variant.
Check out All Boss List & Guides here!3. May Alter Map Terrain
Changes to Dungeon level may change the Dungeon terrain as well. Dungeons such as Goblin Wall or The The Mushroom Forest may change depending on the Dungeon Level, and allow access to previously unreachable areas.
How To Raise Dungeon Level (Dungeon Cycle) - Requirements
Harvest Myrrh From Dungeons

After harvesting Myrrh from a dungeon, collect 4 Myrrhs from different dungeons to have that dungeon's Myrrh spawn back. Then, go back to that dungeon and collect its Myrrh again. This will increase that Dungeon's Dungeon Level by 1, up to 3.
Check out All Dungeons here!Myrrh Can Be Harvested Even After Dungeon LV.3
You may continue to harvest Myrrh even after reaching Dungeon Level 3 by completing the aforementioned requirement. This will allow you to gradually increase the Dungeon Levels for all Dungeons.
Important! Dungeon Level Cannot Be Lowered
Dungeon level increase is permanent and cannot be undone. Once increased, Dungeon level cannot be brought back down. Thus, Dungeon levels are points of no return.
Check out other Points Of No Return here!Dungeons, Boss, & Town Guides
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Dungeon Boss Guides & Tips

Town Maps & Shops

Tipa Peninsula | |
Tipa | Port Tipa |
Iron Mine Downs | |
Marr's Pass | Jegon River (East) |
Vale Of Alfitaria | |
Alfitaria | - |
Veo Lu | |
Shella | - |
Plains Of Fum | |
Jegon River (West) | Fields of Fum |
Lynari Isle | |
Leuda | - |
The Abyss | |
Mag Mell | - |