All Family Trades List for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered (FFCC). This includes info on Production Level, home jobs, occupation bonus, profession leveling, and more.
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Family Trade / Home Job Guide & List
What Are Family Trades?

Family Trades refers to your character's Family occupation. These profession can be selected at the start of the game, and will provide you with variety of bonuses such as providing item recipes or crafting.
Selected Family Trades Are Permanent
Family Trades can be selected 1 per character, and cannot be changed once confirmed. However, you will be able to create up to 8 side character from different Tribe & Family Trades to share the acquired item.
Other Point Of No Return8 Types Of Family Trades
Alchemist | Provides new gear recipe annually |
Merchant | Sells items |
Blacksmith | Crafts Armors & Weapons |
Tailor | Crafts Accessories |
Farmer | Grows Wheat |
Rancher | Provides meat and dailies |
Miller | Creates Flour from Wheats |
Fisherman | Provides Fishes |
Certaun Family Trades Have Production Level
Alchemist, Merchant, Blacksmith, & Tailor hasFamily Trades level called Production Level. These Production Level increases based on your family's relationship value and are maxed at 3 (12 for Alchemist)
Relationships & Production Levels GuideWhich Family Trade / Home Job Is Best?
Alchemist, Merchant, Blacksmith, Tailor Recommended
These 4 Family Trades are essential to craft the 4 "Ultima Weapon" series and "Force Ring", the strongest accessory in game.
▶︎ Check Out The Best Build Guide
Choose Any Of Your Liking From Below
Alchemist | Provides Greatest Weapon Recipe & Force Ring Recipe Ring of Invincibility Recipe Unlocked at Level 11, Greatest Weapon Recipe unlocked at Level 12 |
Merchant | Provides material for Greatest Weapon & Force Ring Sells Ultimite & Dark Sphere on Level 3, an essential material for Ring of Invincibility & Greatest Weapon crafting |
Blacksmith | Can Craft Greatest Weapon Can craft the Ultima Weapon series from the Greatest Weapon Recipe in Level 3 |
Tailor | Can Craft Force Ring Can craft the Force Ring from the Ring of Invincibility Recipe in Level 3 |
It is possible to craft Ultima Weapon & Force Ring while solo. You will require to have 4 side characters to increase the Family Trade's Production Level.
▼ Recommended Family Trade Leveling Chart
Recommended Family Trade
Blacksmith or Merchant As Main Character
Blacksmith will provide more variety or armor / weapon per Production Level increase. Also, there is Blacksmith limited weapon available only via Family Mail. Assigning this to the character who will progress the story & reply to Family Mail is highly recommended.
Merchant will unlock more items to sell per Production Level increase. You will be able to earn rare materials such as Mythrils for an affordable price, and have multitude to use aside from getting the best gear.
Alchemist Recommended For Side Character
If you play Alchemist fas your main character, you may sometime max out the Relationship value before hitting the Production Level 12. In such case, you will need to decrease the family relationship (which is a hassle), and as such, are recommended to have them as a side character.
▶︎ How To Decrease Relationship
Farmer, Rancher, Miller, Fisherman Not A Requirement
The other 4 Family Trades does not provide much bonuses, and are not recommended for your first playthrough. You may want to choose them after collecting Ultima Weapon, Force Ring and still wish to continue your adventure.
Which Family Trade Did You Choose First?
Recommended Family Trade / Home Job Leveling Chart
Family Trade Leveling Goal
Alchemist | Production Level 11 Production Level 12 |
Merchant | Production Level 3 |
Blacksmith | Production Level 3 |
Tailor | Production Level 3 |
You will need to max out all Family trades' production level in order to get the Greatest Weapon & Force Ring. Follow the procedure below to complete your leveling by your 13th year, with the least amount of steps necessary.
About Production Level System
A Production Level will rise if one or more Relationship value have increased compared to the previous year. You can raise them consistently by talking to your father each year.
How To Raise Relationships Value
- Reply to letter (+?)
- Talk to Father at least once within the year (+3)
- Talk to Brother at least once within the year (+3)
- Talk to Sister at least once within the year (+3)
Point To Note On Alchemist
Do not reply to letters, just talk to your father
As an Alchemist, if you reply to letters or talk to your siblings, it will max out your Relationship and stops you from increasing Production Level. You can technically decrease Relationship value, but it is recommended you do not reply to letter as Alchemist, and not talk to any family aside your father.
You will not be able to backtrack and receive recipes after Production Level increases
Alchemist has a set of recipes obtained per Production Level. You will need to visit your father every time once the level increases to obtain the said recipe. For example, if you skip talking to your father upon reaching Level 11, and increased your production level to Level 12, you will not be able to obtain the "Ring of Invincibility" recipe, but instead will obtain the "Greatest Weapon" recipe.
Recommended Family Trade Leveling Chart
Red Column: Main Character Usage
Blue Column: Side Character Usage
1st Year (Production Level: 0) | |
1 | Create your main character for progressing the story. Set Family Trades to either Blacksmith or Merchant |
2 | After watching the opening cutscene, talk to your father to raise the Relationship value, exit town |
3 | Create 3 side characters each with different Tribe & Family Trade |
4 | Talk to the father of each side characters to raise the Relationship value, exit town |
5 | Swap to your main character, progress the story and collect 3 Myrrh drops to progress the year * You may reply to your letter, as long as your main character's family trade is not Alchemist |
2nd Year (Production Level: 1) | |
6 | Talk to your father to raise the Relationship value At this point you should have reached Production Level 1 (Mithril available for purchase) |
7 | Swap to your side character, talk to each character's father to raise Relationship value At this point you should have reached Production Level 1 (Alchemist should receive "Iron Armor" recipe) |
8 | Swap to your main character, progress the story and collect 3 Myrrh drops to progress the year * You may reply to your letter, as long as your main character's family trade is not Alchemist |
3rd Year (Production Level: 2) | |
9 | Talk to your father to raise the Relationship value At this point you should have reached Production Level 2 (Magma Rock available for purchase) |
10 | Swap to your side character , talk to each character's father to raise Relationship value At this point you should have reached Production Level 2 (Alchemist should receive "Warrior's Weapon" recipe) |
11 | Swap to your main character, progress the story and collect 3 Myrrh drops to progress the year * You may reply to your letter, as long as your main character's family trade is not Alchemist |
4th Year (Production Level: 3) | |
12 | At this point you should have reached Production Level 3 (Ultimite & Dark Sphere available for purchase) |
13 | Swap to your Alchemist side character, talk to your father to raise the Relationship value At this point you should have reached Production Level 3 (Alchemist should receive "Flame Craft" recipe) |
14 | Swap to your main character, progress the story and collect 3 Myrrh drops to progress the year * You may reply to your letter, as long as your main character's family trade is not Alchemist |
All Production Level Will Be Maxed Except Alchemist
Following the above steps should have not just the Merchant, but Blacksmith and Tailor Production Level maxed out.Production Level will not decrease from here on out, you will not need to talk to your family except the Alchemist from here on out.
Continue Leveling Alchemist Production Level
After your 5th year, you will need to keep playing the story with your main character, and swap over to Alchemist and talk to your father to raise the Production Level. You should be able to obtain the "Ring of Invincibility" recipe on the 12th year, and "Greatest Weapon" recipe on the 13th year.
Point To Note On Alchemist
Do not reply to letters, just talk to your father
As an Alchemist, if you reply to letters or talk to your siblings, it will max out your Relationship and stops you from increasing Production Level. You can technically decrease Relationship value, but it is recommended you do not reply to letter as Alchemist, and not talk to any family aside your father.
You will not be able to backtrack and receive recipes after Production Level increases
Alchemist has a set of recipes obtained per Production Level. You will need to visit your father every time once the level increases to obtain the said recipe. For example, if you skip talking to your father upon reaching Level 11, and increased your production level to Level 12, you will not be able to obtain the "Ring of Invincibility" recipe, but instead will obtain the "Greatest Weapon" recipe.
Point To Note After Obtaining Recipe
The "Ring of Invincibility" recipe and "Greatest Weapon" recipe can only be obtained once per save. It is to be noted that item recipes can be transferred to other character, but crafted items are character bound. Be sure to transfer the recipe first before crafting to your desired character.