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Oct. 30 - Update Summary: Weapon & Specialist Changes

CoD: BO4 | Oct. 30 - Update Summary: Weapon & Specialist Changes | Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

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CoD: BO4 | Oct. 30 - Update Summary: Weapon & Specialist Changes | Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - GameWith
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Learn about the significant changes made in the Oct. 30 - Update of CoD: BO4! This includes multiplayer balances, weapon changes, upgrades to specialists, and more!.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Oct. 20 Update Summary

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Oct. 30 Patch Summary - Multiplayer Balancing Pass

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has released its biggest update yet with changes covering changes to weapons, specialist, playlists, and more!

Weapon Changes

Assault Rifles

General- Slight reduction to ADS move and transition speed for Assault Rifles
ICR-7ICR-7- Reduced headshot damage
- Slight reduction to reload speed
VAPR-XKGVAPR-XKG- Reduced close-range headshot damage
- Closer damage drop-off range
- Reduced headshot multiplier for the High Caliber to prevent 3-hit kills

ICR-7 & VAPR-XKG A Bit Weakened

Headshot damages have been weakened on ICR-7 & VAPR-XKG. Also, the assault rifles require more time to be in ADS and the moving speed while ADS has been slowed.

Check Out the Assault Rifle Weapon List Here

Submachine Guns

MX9MX9- All damage ranges extended
- Reduced headshot multiplier for the High Caliber to prevent 4-hit skills
CORDITECORDITE- All damage ranges extended
- Overheat rate for the Belt-Feed Operator increased
GKSGKS- Increase time in between bursts for Quad Shot Operator Mod
SAUG 9MMSAUG 9MM- Hip-fire accuracy reduced for the Dual Wield Operator Mod

3 SMG Weakened While Operators Mods Attached

While Cordite, GKS and Saug 9mm are still strong, they get weakened while operator mods are attached.

Check Out the SMG Weapon List Here

Tactical Rifles

ABR 223ABR 223- Maximum damage range increased
- Longer fire rate acceleration for the Repeater Operator Mod
- Stock movement speed bonus reduced
- Hip fire accuracy improved for the Laser Sight & Laser Sight II
SWORDFISHSWORDFISH- Headshot multiplier reduced for the High Caliber to prevent 3-hit kills
- Extra granted clip-size reduced for Penta Burst Operator Mod
Check Out the Tactical Rifles Weapon List

Sniper Rifles

General- Turn sway when aiming down sights removed from all Sniper Rifles
PALADIN HB50PALADIN HB50- Shooting lower torso with the High Caliber II cannot 1-hit kill a Tak-5 boosted enemy anymore
- Damage against Scorestreaks raised with the FMJ II
- Time between breaths using the Stabilizer II shortened
OUTLAWOUTLAW- Damage raised from 110 to 130
- Idle sway reduced
- Improved base movement speed
- ADS movement speed increased for the Stock
SDMSDM- Clip size upgraded from 10 to 12
- Idle sway reduced
KOSHKAKOSHKA- Damage raised from 120 to 140
- ADS movement speed bonus improved for the Stock
Check Out the Sniper Rifles Weapon List

Snipers Rifles Got Buffed

Sniper rifles got buffed overall. Outlaw and Koshika got a stronger shot damage and hit a shot to an enemy then switch to a handgun to kill the enemy is easier now.

Light Machine Gun

TITANTITAN- Headshot damage decreased
- Hip-fire accuracy decreased
- ADS movement speed bonus reduced for the Stock
VKM 750VKM 750- Movement speed while firing decreased
- Damage lowered slightly
- Bullet tracer size reduced for the Fat Barrel Operator Mod
HADESHADES- Movement speed and accuracy reduced for the Cross Bar Operator Mor
- Recoil mitigation improved for the Steady Grip

Light Machine Guns Got Weakened

Light machine guns got less speed, less damage and less accuracy. So, less effective in close range combats from now on.

Check Out the LMG Weapon List Here


General- ADS-in transition speed decreased for all Pistols
RK 7 GARRISONRK 7 GARRISON- Time between bursts increased
- Reload speed decreased
Check Out the Handguns Weapon List Here


MOG 12MOG 12- 1-hit kill range lowered for the Choked Barrel
- Resolved issues and general bug fixes
SG12SG12- Resolved issues and general bug fixes
- Update coming soon to reduce Strobe Light interference range on enemy aim
Check Out the Shotguns Weapon List Here


Grip (I / II)Grip II- Lower ADS Flinch Mitigation
SuppressorSuppressor- Damage Falloff range lessened
HolographicHolographic Sight Optic- ADS recoil decreased
Dual ZoomDual Zoom Optic- ADS recoil decreased
ReconRecon Optic- ADS recoil decreased
ELOELO Optic- Slightly stronger ADS recoil
Check Out the All Attachments List Here

Specialists Changes

- Explosives will apply partial damage in front of the deployed Ballistic Shield user
- Ballistic Shield time will have a longer charge time
- K9-Unit health lowered by 10%
- “Teammate Used Pack” score event brought down from +50 to +25
- Purified flame damage increased, capable of killing players with no tactical masks
- Sensor Dart duration shortened
- Sensor Dart audio bug fixed
- Barricade earned rate raised
- Barricade hit points increased
- TAACOM audio bug fixed
- Tempest Projectile speed improved
- Tempest chain improved
- Resolved issues and general bug fixes

Popular Specialists Got Weakened

Ajax, Nomad, Crash and Recon have been popular among all game modes and strong and now they are a bit weakened. However, given their traits, they are still useful.

Fire Break and Torque Got Much Stronger

Fire Break and Torque are now stronger. Now that they could be top rated specialists depending on game modes. Check out their suitable game modes in the link below.

Check Out the All Specialist List Here

Spawn Changes

Game ModeChanges
Team Deathmatch ModeTeam Deathmatch- Slums, Summit, Militia, and Firing Range spawn adjustments
Domination ModeDomination- Icebreaker, Contraband, Hacienda, Payload, Gridlock, Slums, Summit, Militia, Jungle, and Firing Range Spawn Adjustments
Hardpoint ModeHardpoint- Spawn logic calibrated to how the active Hardpoint affects nearby spawns
- Additional global spawn changes
- Frequency and Seaside Spawn adjustments

Gear Changes

Stim ShotStim Shot- Duration to fully heal increased
ArmorArmor- Resolved issues and general bug fixes
Acoustic SensorAcoustic Sensor- Sprinting enemy detection range lessened
Check Out the Best Gear in Custom Class

Perks Changes

Dead Silence PerkDead Silence- Player movement volume decreased
- Distance that players with Dead Silence can be heard decreased
Engineer PerkEngineer- Engineer Perk will no longer highlight extraction helicopter in Heists
Check Out the All Perk List Here

Scorestreaks Changes

Scorestreak MantisMantis- Resolved issues and general bug fixes
Scorestreak DartDart- Explosion radius and damage improved
- Second Dart can now be used when players earn two Dart Scorestreaks
Scorestreak Strike TeamStrike Team- Prevented Strike Team kills from adding to owner's kills without dying medals

Map Changes

Icebreaker- Cover pieces adjusted to prevent spawn-camping
- Covers added to lower respawn sides
Slums- Cover pieces adjusted to prevent spawn camping
Miscellaneous- Resolved issues and general bug fixes

Miscellaneous Changes

Click To See Changes

Gameplay Changes

  • Assault Rifles, Tactical Rifles, Submachine guns, and Light Machine Guns range requirement to earn Longshot Medals reduced.
  • Crouching or proning cannot be done while Gesturing.
  • Resolved issues and general bug fixes.

Game Modes

  • XP earn rate raised in Heist.
  • XP earned per kill raised in Free for All.
  • Planting and defusing bombs will be silent with the the Silent Plant Option in Custom Games.
  • Resolved issues and general bug fixes.

Playlist Changes

  • "Gun Game" playlist added to Featured Playlist.
  • “Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit" and “Chaos Domination” playlists added to the Featured Category.
  • Player numbers increased to 6v6 with only 2 specialists per team in Hardcore TDM / Hardcore Kill Confirmed.

Theater Changes

  • Theater files recorded before the update will be unviewable.
  • Watermark added to the HUD when in Theater mode.

Audio Changes

  • Resolved issues and general bug fixes

Oct. 30 Patch Summary - Blackout Mode

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Oct. 20 Update Summary
Check Out the Black Out Mode Guide Here


Body armor

Armor will allow more damage to come through when players are hit in areas with damage multiplies, such as the head and the upper chest.

Character Missions

The remaining specialist character missions are now available. Battery, Firebreak, Nomad, Prophet, Ruin, and Seraph are now unlocked around the Blackout map.

"Item Found Notifications" Added

Players can now tag items to notify teammates of their location through the Item Found feature. Items tagged by teammates will appear brighter with the display lasting for a certain amount of time.


Enemy footsteps will be louder than footsteps from allies. Footsteps have also been adjusted for all Armor types in both first-person and third-person for better directionality and distance information

Miscellaneous Updates

Resolved issues and general bug fixed implemented for the UI and Calling Cards & Challenges.

Oct. 30 Patch Summary - Zombies Mode

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Oct. 20 Update Summary
Check Out the Zombies Mode Guide Here


The XP earn rate for the Hardcore and Realistic difficulties have been increased, making grinding through them a lot more rewarding for players.

Blood of the Dead

A few bug fixes were added to the Blood of the Dead, including a fix on the lever animation on the Power House ghoul in the Main Easter Egg Quest.

Miscellaneous Fixes

Multiple issues have been resolved for Zombies Mode, such as removal of exploitable bugs and issues with perks not appearing in the HUD.

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Article Written by
CoD: BO4 Strategy Team

CoD: BO4 Strategy Team

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