Find out the best multiplayer custom class setup for different weapons in COD BO4. Get loadout tips from attachments and gear to perks and scorestreaks.

Recommended Custom Classes
About Custom Class
Recommended Custom Classes
OUTLAW Recommended Custom Class

Primary | OUTLAW |
Secondary | None |
Optic | None |
Attachments | Hybrid Mags, High Caliber, Bolt Cylinder |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Ghost, Cold Blooded, Engineer |
Wildcards | Primary Operator Mod |
Recommended Specialists | Nomad, Torque |
Scorestreaks | UAV, Sentry, Sniper Nest |
Tips To Use OUTLAW Set Up
This setup focuses on taking out enemies stealthily and minimizing getting discovered. Quickly move towards vantage points overlooking chokepoints where enemies. Focus on using the OUTLAW once you've managed to secure a good sniping position.
Compatible Specialists
Use TORQUE's Razor Wire or NOMAD's Mesh Mine specialist equipment to secure your position. This keeps you focused on sniping, instead of worrying about close-range ambush and engagements.
Check Out The OUTLAW HereSAUG 9MM Recommended Custom Class

SAUG 9MM Setup Loadout
Primary | SAUG 9MM |
Secondary | None |
Optic | None |
Attachments | Fast Mags, Dual Wield |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Scavenger,Engineer, Dead Silence |
Wildcards | Primary Operator Mod, Perk 1 Greed |
Recommended Specialists | Crash and Ajax |
Scorestreaks | UAV, CUAV, Snipers Nest |
Tips To Use SAUG 9MM Setup
Ideal for close range aggressive tactics, take advantage of this setup to maintain a high DPS given by Dual Wield. Fast mags is a must since you're reloading two weapons.
Check Out The SAUG 9MM HereCompatible Specialists
Use CRASH's Assault Pack to rack up points quickly, or use AJAX's 9-Bang. Both specialists complement an aggresive playstyle and is a great combination for the SAUG 9MM.
DAEMON 3XB Recommended Custom Class

SAUG 9MM Setup Loadout
Primary | DAEMON 3XB |
Secondary | None |
Optic | Reflex Sight |
Attachments | High Caliber I and II, Hybrid Mags |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Scavenger,Engineer, Gung Ho, Dead Silence |
Wildcards | Perk 1 Greed |
Recommended Specialists | Crash and Ajax |
Scorestreaks | UAV, CUAV, Snipers Nest |
Tips To Use DAEMON 3XB Setup
With its high fire rate and accuracy, the DAEMON 3XB is best used with High Caliber I and II to maximize its damage. Make the most out of each burst with a close range sight like the Reflex.
Check Out The DAEMON 3XB HereCompatible Specialists
As with the SAUG 9MM, the DAEMON 3XB is best used with Specialists that complement an aggressive playstyle like CRASH and AJAX.
ABR 223 Recommended Custom Class

Primary | AB3 223 |
Secondary | None |
Optic | None |
Attachments | Repeater, Quickdraw, Extended Mags |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Scavenger, Lightweight, Dead Silence |
Wildcards | Primary Operator Mod |
Recommended Specialists | Crash, Ajax, Seraph |
Scorestreaks | UAV, C-UAV, Sentry |
Tips To Use ABR 223 Setup
This setup favors an aggresive close to mid-range combat thanks to the ABR's Repeater Operator mod. Rush in to chokepoints and make sure you fire first! Your perks will help you play aggressively.
Compatible Specialists
Similar to the 9MM and DAEMON setups, you can opt for Specialist that benefit aggressive play. You can also go with SERAPH to help secure mid-range chokepoints.
Check Out The ABR 223 HereTITAN Recommended Custom Class

Primary | TITAN |
Secondary | None |
Optic | NVIR |
Attachments | FMJ I & II, Extended Mags |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Engineer, Lightweight, Team Link |
Wildcards | Primary Gunfighter |
Recommended Specialists | Seraph, Recon, Crash |
Scorestreaks | UAV, Sentry, Snipers Nest |
Tips To Use TITAN Set Up
This setup maximizes the damage and gun handling for the TITAN, making it capable of killing even enemies with armor. Take advantage of the perks to take out enemy scorestreaks and equipment before they have a chance to attack.
Check Out The TITAN HereCompatible Specialists
Use Seraph to control the battlefield and ensure your teammates spawn around you. You can also use Recon to maximize your intel gathering. Crash helps you become the ultimate support class by boosting their health and increasing scorestreak potential.
ICR-7 Recommended Custom Class

ICR-7 Setup Loadout
Primary | ICR-7 |
Secondary | None |
Optic | Reflex |
Attachments | Quickdraw, Long Barrel |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Lightweight, Dexterity, Team Link |
Wildcards | Primary Gunfighter |
Recommended Specialists | Prophet, Recon, Crash |
Scorestreaks | Attack Chopper, Care Package, Hellstorm |
Tips To Use ICR-7 Setup
This ICR-7 setup focuses on being able to engage enemies accurately while on the move. Take advantage of the improved gun handling from the attachments and perks to take down enemies before they get too close.
Check Out The ICR-7 HereCompatible Specialists
Use Prophet to detect enemies using Seeker Mine and pick off enemies from a slight distance. Recon helps you find where enemies may camp, while Crash enables you to rack up score faster.
RAMPART 17 Recommended Custom Class

RAMPART Setup Loadout
Primary | RAMPART 17 |
Secondary | None |
Optic | Reflex |
Attachments | High Caliber I & II, Fast Mags |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Scavenger, Lightweight, Dead Silence |
Wildcards | Primary Gunfighter |
Scorestreaks | UAV, Counter UAV, Sentry or Sniper's Nest |
Recommended Specialists | Crash, Ajax, Seraph |
Tips To Use RAMPART 17 Setup
Similar to the ABR, this favors aggresive play on both close to mid-range. Rush in to choke points fast and target your opponents in the chest upward to maximize the damage of your High Caliber.
Check Out The RAMPART 17 HereCompatible Specialists
Use specialists that favor rush and aggressive play like Crash and Ajax, or control the battlefield with Seraph's Tac-deploy.
MX9 Recommended Custom Class

MX9 Setup Loadout
Primary | MX9 |
Secondary | None |
Optic | ELO |
Attachments | High Caliber, Rapid Fire, Hybrid Mags |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Engineer, Gung Ho, Dead Silence |
Wildcards | Primary Gunfighter |
Scorestreaks | UAV, C-UAV, Sniper's Nest |
Recommended Specialists | Crash, Ajax, Seraph |
Tips To Use MX9 Setup
This MX9 setup focuses on being constantly on the move. Hybrid Mags allow you to engage enemies longer while Dead Silence helps you move around without alerting enemies.
Check Out The MX9 HereCompatible Specialists
Crash Ajax and Seraph will work great with this setup since they favor aggressive close-range play.
MOZU Recommended Custom Class

Primary | None |
Secondary | MOZU |
Optic | Compact Scope |
Attachments | Skull Splitter, Speed Reloader |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Scavenger, Gung Ho, Tracker |
Wildcards | Secondary Operator Mod |
Scorestreaks | UAV, CUAV, Sentry |
Recommended Specialists | Recon, Seraph |
Tips To Use MOZU Set Up
This setup allows you to deal lethal headshots at any range so always aim for the head, even when on the move. Take the opportunity to pick up ammo when you can as this may also deplete your supply quickly.
Check Out The MOZU HereCompatible Specialists
Recon will help you find enemies at a distance, while Seraph can help you deploy in vantage points near chokepoints.
SG12 Recommended Custom Class

MX9 Setup Loadout
Primary | None |
Secondary | SG12 |
Optic | None |
Attachments | Max Load, Extended Mags, Strobe Light |
Gear | Stim Shot |
Perks | Scavenger, Lightweight, Dead Silence |
Wildcards | Secondary Operator Mod |
Recommended Specialists | Ajax |
Scorestreaks | UAV, CUAV, Sniper's Nest |
Tips To Use SG12 Setup
Ideal for aggressive play, this will allow you to clear tight spots easily thanks to the Strobe Light Operator Mod. Engage at close range to maximize damage.
Check Out The SG12 HereCompatible Specialists
Ajax is the perfect specialist for this setup. Disable your enemies using the 9-bang and rush in while they're blind, plus the shield allows you to close in, so when it runs out, you are already in range to take them out.
What Is Custom Class

A Custom Class is a unique class where you will be able to optimize your soldier's loadout by choosing which weapons, perks, and more will be equipped by your soldier.
Custom Class Is Unlocked When Reaching Level 5
Once you reach level 5, you will be able to start creating a custom class for yourself. Try to reach level 5 as soon as possible to start creating your own class!
Things To Remember When Making A Custom Class
Stim Shot Is A High Priority Gear
The Stim Shot will let you heal after almost every engagement. This will be very useful to prolong yourself in battle, and minimize respawns!
More Custom Class Slots Available After Prestige
You will be able to unlock more gear, items, attachments, and more when you Prestige. Once you Prestige, you will have more slots to equip your character with, giving you more advantages in combat!
Check Out How To Level Up FastBest Custom Class Criteria
The following list of custom classes have been recommended based on the following criteria:
The best custom class setups must allow players to react to different combat situations and eliminate threats accordingly.
High Damage Or Rate Of Fire
It is essential that setups allow players to eliminate enemies in the shortest amount of time possible - be it via high damage shots or a string of rapid fire shots.
Focus On Weapon Strengths
These setups were designed to further highlight the strengths of each particular weapon, allowing them to better perform their role when used in a match.
Compatibility with Specialists
These class setups are best used with specific specialists in order to maximize the class's potential.
Check out All Specialists Here!