Find out about damage, effective range, magazine size, traits and tips of the Shotgun weapons in COD BO4

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Shotgun List
※Max value is 20
Shotgun Overview
Weapon Traits
High Damage
Shotguns can deal a lot of damage in a single shot because they fire a lot of pellets in front of them. Getting hit with all of the shotgun's pellets is lethal if not deadly!
Short Range
Because of the Shotgun's spread shot, it is not very accurate or effective at mid-long range. However, when it comes to close range, the Shotgun is a trusty weapon to have!
Weapon Tips
Get Up Close And Personal
In order for you to make the most out of the Shotgun, you need to get close to the enemy so that their body catches a lot of the weapon's pellets. This will deal the Shotgun's maximum damage!
Slide To Get Close
Sliding is a great way to get close to opponents since it makes you a harder target while quickly approaching the enemy. Once you are close enough, you can use the Shotgun to shoot them down!