Learn how to play the game mode: Infected! Everything you need to know about the Infected Game Mode, including tips, recommended specialists, and more.

Multiplayer Game Mode Articles
Table of Contents
Infected Mode - Overview
Game Mode Description

In this mode, all players start off as survivors with 1 player randomly becoming infected. The infected will try to infect as many survivors as possible using only a bowie knife and a throwing axe, while survivors fend them off for as long as possible!
Specialist Gear, Equipment and Class Setups Disabled

In this game mode, all specialist weapons, gear, and even class setups are disabled. Players are given select pre-set loadouts they can choose from.
Recommended Loadouts

Reason For Recommendation
This loadout includes the Cordite submachine gun with extended mags. This loadout also boasts higher mobility with Gung Ho, Lightweight, and Dexterity perks. With this loadout, you can go for hit and run tactics, being able to run in for a quick kill, and escape from the rest of the horde.
Lead Spitter

Reason For Recommendation
This loadout features the Titan LMG, which alone is a decent gun for taking out zombie hordes given its high bullet capacity. You can also chuck in a grenade for high damage towards a cluster of zombies.

Reason For Recommendation
Since zombies will try to aim to get up close and personal with their bowie knives, have them have a taste of their own medicine with your VAPR-XKG's Bayonet attachment! Fend them off with your molotov as well to keep them at bay while you shoot!
Infected - Gameplay Tips
Tips For Playing As A Survivor
Stick Together With Your Team

As a survivor, try to rack up points as much as you can by killing zombies. This is easier to do by sticking together with your team.
Make The Most Out Of Your Loadout

Unlike the zombies, you are better equipped with a gun, and crowd control gear such as grenades and molotovs, which can block off crucial choke points.
Take The Highground
Since zombies are limited to melee attacks and throwing axe, looking for high ground camp spots to bait zombies in. For example, the tower at Firing Range is a good spot to shoot zombies from. Just be careful of random axe throws that can land on you.
Choose To Side With Zombies

You can deliberately join the other side by roaming around and waiting for a zombie to infect you. However, you are limited to just a bowie knife melee weapon, and a throwing axe.
Tips For Playing As A Zombie
Aim For Long Distance Axe Throws

Since survivors tend to group up, use your throwing axe as much as possible since there's a great chance that your axe will end up hitting someone.
Use Map Boundaries To Reach Camping Areas

Survivors also have a tendency to group up on their original spawn point, and in certain cases, can be accessible via fences that you can reach by temporarily going out of the combat zone.
Use Tracker Perk To Hunt Survivors

Zombies come equipped with the Tracker perk which highlights enemy footsteps. Use this information to track down survivors.