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Wishfield Journal Event Guide and Rewards

Wishfield Journal Event Guide and Rewards

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Infinity Nikki | Wishfield Journal Event Guide and Rewards - GameWith

The Wishfield Journal is a Limited-Time Event in Infinity Nikki. Read ahead to learn how to complete daily challenges, as well as the rewards, and how to unlock events!

Table of Contents

Wishfield Journal Event Period

Infinity Nikki - Wishfield Journal
Event PeriodDecember 5 - December 30

The Wishfield Journal is a Limited-Time Event where you can collect "Travel Insights" by completing specified missions. You can earn 200 Travel Insights per day, and you will receive all rewards after completing 5 days' worth of missions.

New missions unlocked everyday

Each set of tasks in the Wishfield Journal is locked behind a time-gate, wherein players must login the next day to unlock the next set of missions. Since players can still complete tasks from previous login days, you can progress through the event at your own pace. Just make sure to complete all the tasks before the end of the event.

Day 1 Guide: Whimstar Collection

Infinity Nikki - Whimstar Collection

The Whimstar Collection is a set of challenges that involve collecting specific Whimstars that are hidden throughout Miraland! Each of these Whimstars are found near Florawish, so beginners will have no problems completing this step of the Wishfield Journal.

How to Get Whimstars

A Whimstar Decoration

Infinity Nikki - A Whimstar Decoration World View
Infinity Nikki - A Whimstar Decoration Map View

The Whimstar Decoration challenge is found towards the mouth of the river, on the southern side of Florawish. First, touch the glowing ball of yarn on the roof, then head towards the window and interact with the vine-covered Whimstar hanging by the window to complete the challenge.

Infinity Nikki - Momo Icon
Important Note!
There is a similar Whimstar locked behind the same type of challenge which is also located on the roof of a house. So be careful not to confuse that challenge for the event challenge

Whimstar over Florawish

Circular Plaza Ruins
Infinity Nikki - Circle Plaza Ruins
Infinity Nikki - Whimstar over Florawish World View
Infinity Nikki - Whimstar over Florawish Map View

The Whimstar over Florawish challenge is referring to the Whimstar situated on the top of the shortest tower located directly north of Florawish. To reach it, Nikki needs to climb to the roof of the 2nd tallest tower. From there, Nikki will need to use the Bubbly Voyage Ability Outfit and a series of floating trampolines to reach the dome where the Whimstar is.

2nd Tower Climbing Route

Little Big Whimstar

Infinity Nikki - Little Big Whimstar World View
Infinity Nikki - Little Big Whimstar Map View

The Little Big Whimstar challenge can be found south of Florawish, in the Breezy Meadows area. Located on the left entrance of the Leisurely Anglers Florawish Branch, this challenge involves riding a cotton candy cloud and collecting Whimstar fragments. Exit Florawish and walk southwards, or take the nearby Warp Spire if you already have it activated to reach this location.

Infinity Nikki - Momo Icon
Falling off the cloud does not end the challenge, so you can still collect stars, as long as you get them all before time runs out.
Grab the fragment on top of Karpa's stall before boarding the cloud to make the challenge easier!

Whimflutter Hunt

Infinity Nikki - Whimflutter Hunt World View
Infinity Nikki - Whimflutter Hunt Map View

The Whimflutter Hunt challenge can be completed by capturing any Whimflutter in Miraland. The nearest Whimflutter can be found just north of Florawish, south of the Circle Plaza Ruins from the earlier challenge! There is also another Whimflutter floating in the middle of some nearby ruins further north of Florawish!

Infinity Nikki - Momo Icon
Important Note!
Whimflutters do not appear until Nikki unlocks the Bug-Catching Ability Outfit, so don't be surprised if you head to the location without crafting this outfit, and you cannot see the Whimflutter.

Day 2 Guide: Moments of Travel

Infinity Nikki - Moments of Travel

The Moments of Travel is a set of challenges that involve taking photos of or at specific areas in Miraland! Make sure to unlock Momo's Camera before attempting these challenges, as you will not be able to continue without it!

How to Use Momo's Camera

Catching the Sunshine

Infinity Nikki - Catching the Sunshine

Catching the Sunshine involves snapping a photo of Nikki while also capturing the sun in the picture! The easiest way to do this is to stand somewhere up high, so that buildings and trees do not block the camera's view of the sun. Additionally, we recommend changing the time to be somewhere in between 07:00 and 15:00, as this is when the sun is easiest to spot.

How to Change Time

Azure Secret

Cave Entrance
Infinity Nikki - Azure Secret Cave Entrance
Infinity Nikki - Azure Secret World View
Infinity Nikki - Azure Secret Map View

The Azure Secret can be completed by snapping a photo inside a cave hidden in the north of the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. This area is located far southwest of Florawish, close to a river that runs through a peninsula. The entrance can be difficult to spot, so make sure to go to our exact location on the map to locate the cave entrance!

Finding Romance

Infinity Nikki - Finding Romance World View
Infinity Nikki - Finding Romance Map View

Finding Romance can be completed by snapping a photo by the Swan Gazebo in Breezy Meadows. This location is located just south of the Leisureely Angler's Florawish Branch, so teleport to that Warp Spire and head south to snap your picture in this romantic location!

A Step Closer to Dream

Infinity Nikki - A Step Closer to Dream World View
Infinity Nikki - A Step Closer to Dream Map View

A Step Closer to Dream can easily be completed by snapping a photo near the entrance of the Dream Warehouse. Climb the tower via the nearby trampolines, or use the nearby Warp Spire if you already have it active.

Day 3 Guide: Adventure Helper

Infinity Nikki - Adventure Helper

The Adventure Helper challenge is comprised of tasks that involve riding or boarding specific things! One of these challenges can only be completed through progressing the main quest, so be sure to do that in addition to the other 3 challenges.

Whimcycle Ride!

Infinity Nikki - Whimcycle Ride! World View
Infinity Nikki - Whimcycle Ride! Map View

Complete the Whimcycle Ride! challenge by paying 200 Bling and renting a Whimcycle from any location in Breezy Meadow. Even though first introduction of Whimcycles is during the Secret Ledger quest of the main story, Nikki does not need to progress to that portion of the story to rent a Whimcycle. Simply head to any of the locations in Breezy Meadow that rent a Whimcycle, and take it out for a spin to complete the challenge!

Sky Monarch Ride

Sky Monarch Plateau
Infinity Nikki - Sky Monarch Plateau
Infinity Nikki - Sky Monarch Ride World View
Infinity Nikki - Sky Monarch Ride Map View

The Sky Monarch is a giant bird that you can ride and enjoy a flight in the sky. One of them is found nesting in the northern part of Stoneville. Nikki will need to use nearby leaf trampolines to reach the location of it's nest. Once you've reached the nest, wait for the Sky Monarch to arrive before hopping onto its back and going for a flight!

If you can't reach that area yet, there is also another bird at the south-east corner of Breezy Meadow, on the east side just outside of the Queen's Palace.

Infinity Nikki - Momo Icon
Important Note!
Nikki must groom the Sky Monarch with the Animal Grooming Ability Outfit before she can ride it. You just need to leap onto it once you groom it.

Hot Air Balloon Ride

Pavri Location
Infinity Nikki - Pavri Location
Infinity Nikki - Hot Air Balloon Ride Location View
Infinity Nikki - Hot Air Balloon Ride Map View

The Hot Air Balloon Ride challenge can be completed by renting a Hot Air Balloon from Pavri, who can be found in one of the buildings surrounding the Great Wishtree. Simply head up the stairs and speak to Pavri to rent a Hot Air Balloon for 200 Bling to complete this challenge!

Paper Crane Ride

Infinity Nikki - Paper Crane Ride World View
Infinity Nikki - Paper Crane Ride Map View

From what we know, this challenge can only be completed by players who have unlocked the Dream Warehouse by progressing through the main story. Since boarding the Paper Crane is a mandatory event to progressing the game, this challenge can be completed without any worries!

Day 4 Guide: Travel Companions

Travel Companions

Travel Companions challenge is comprised of tasks that involve meeting certain characters. Again, you will need to progress the main story to Chapter 4 to complete every task.

Chanting Cadenceborn

Kilo location
Kilo map

Kilo the Cadenceborn can be found at the "Old Florawish Memorial Park" which is at the west of Florawish. You can receive rewards if you give Dew of Inspiration to Kilo, so it's recommended to visit this location in the early game.

A Whimstar Merchant

Hatty location
Hatty map

The NPC Stray Hatty, located beside the Stylist Guild, will give you Whimstars for some Blings. The number of Blings required for the exchange will increase each time you buy it, but if you have enough Blings, it's the fastest way to get Whimstars.

Ribbit, Ribbit!

croaker location
croaker map

Croakers will appear early in the game if you progress the main story. You will encounter them in Chapter 1 at the Mayor's Residence. If you haven't met a Croaker yet, progress the main story first.

Creatures of Garments

Raggy location
Raggy map

To meet Raggy the Piecey, you will need to progress the main story to Chapter 4. You will meet him right at the beginning of Chapter 4 in the Abandoned District.

Day 5 Guide: Wishfield Chronicles

Infinity Nikki - Wishfield Chronicles

The Wishfield Chronicles is the 5th and final set of challenges for the Wishfield Journal event. This day is comprised of challenges that involve basic interactions with the world of Miraland. Make sure to unlock the Animal Grooming and Fishing Ability Outfits, as they are both required to complete this challenge!

Bibcoon Fan

Infinity Nikki - Bibcoon Fan World View
Infinity Nikki - Bibncoon Fan Map View

The Bibcoon Fan challenge is completed by Grooming a Bibcoon. The nearest Bibcoon is located just outside the aptly named Bibcoon's Chuckle Club in Florawish! So head over there to groom that adorable little animal!

Master Angler

Infinity Nikki - Master Angler World View
Infinity Nikki - Master Angler Map View

The Master Angler challenge is completed by successfully catching any fish that weighs over 3.3kg. Thankfully, Florawish is abundant in fishing spots since it is home to many docks and piers. Head towards the southern, water-facing side of Florawish and walk the coastline to find fishing spots that could have your prize fish!

How to Fish and Find Fishing Spots

Unboxing Thrill

Infinity Nikki - Unboxing Thrill World View
Infinity Nikki - Unboxing Thrill Map View

The Unboxing Thrill challenge is completed by locating the Advanced Chest near the Kingdom Guard's Office. This office can be found next to the left of the Mayor's Residence, and is also visited during Chapter 2.

The Advanced Chest in question is hidden on the front balcony of the office. Climb onto the roof and claim the chest to complete this challenge.

Spire Master

Infinity Nikki - Warp Spires

The Spire Master Challenge is completed by activating a total of 25 Warp Spires. Even if you don't actively look for Warp Spires, completing this challenge will happen naturally over the course of Nikki's journey through Miraland. If you happen to be in a rush to complete this challenge, please visit our Warp Spire map below to find locations for all the Warp Spires to easily complete this challenge!

All Warp Spire Locations

Wishfield Journal Rewards

Gacha Crystals and Profile Background

Travel InsightsRewards
100Resonite CrystalResonite Crystal×2
200Resonite CrystalResonite Crystal×3
400Revelation CrystalRevelation Crystal×3
600Resonite CrystalResonite Crystal×5
800Revelation CrystalRevelation Crystal×5
1000Wonderful Travels Profile Background

By collecting a total of 1,000 Travel Insights, Nikki can claim a total of 10 Resonite Crystals, 8 Revelation Crystals, and an exclusive profile card background! These Revelation Crystals are permanent, so you can spend them on current banners, or save them for future banners!

How to Unlock Events

Progress Through the Main Story

Enter PLayer Name in Pear-Pal

Events are not immediately available to new players of Infinity Nikki. To unlock events, players need to progress through Chapter 1 of the main story until they reach the point in which they receive their Pear-Pal from Dada. After choosing a Stylist Name, players will then have access to the Events screen!

Chapter 1 Guide

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