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Let's Touch Shooting Stars Guide - Wishing Nebula Event

Let's Touch Shooting Stars Guide - Wishing Nebula Event

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Infinity Nikki | Let's Touch Shooting Stars Guide - Wishing Nebula Event - GameWith

This is a Let's Touch Shooting Stars Wishing Nebula guide for Infinity Nikki's limited-time event. Read to discover challenges tips and how to complete each challenge.

Table of Contents

Wishing Nebula

Complete "Save the Wishing Nebula!" Quest to Join

infinity nikki star lets touch shooting stars
Event PeriodDecember 29 to January 23, 2025
Event ConditionComplete the pre-requisite quest, "Save the Wishing Nebula!"

To participate in the limited-time event, "Let's Touch Shooting Stars,", players need to complete its pre-requisite quest, "Good Decor, Bad Decor" and "Save the Wishing Nebula!"

Star-Kissed Wishes Event

Access Events from the Party Popper Icon

infinity nikki events

Check events by selecting the party popper icon or pressing "K." on a keyboard. All active events and their rewards can be claimed in the events menu.


List of Challenges, Difficulties, and Release Dates

Challenge 1 - Jumping on CloudsAvailable upon unlocking Wishing NebulaUnlocked on Jan 5, 2025
Challenge 2 - Stellar RaceAvailable upon unlocking Wishing NebulaUnlocked on Jan 5, 2025
Challenge 3 - Nebula LeapAvailable upon unlocking Wishing NebulaUnlocked on Jan 5, 2025
Challenge 4 - Star ChaserUnlocked on Dec 31, 2024Unlocked on Jan 5, 2025
Challenge 5 - Spinning ClimbUnlocked on Dec 31, 2024Unlocked on Jan 5, 2025
Challenge 6 - Into the StarsUnlocked on Jan 2, 2025Unlocked on Jan 5, 2025
Challenge 7 - Celestial DanceUnlocked on Jan 2, 2025Unlocked on Jan 5, 2025

There are a total of 14 challenges in Wishing Nebula under "Normal" and "Hard" difficulty. Players can earn rewards only after a first-time completion. Apart from updating your best time record, there are no rewards for completing the same challenge multiple times.

Same Rules for All Challenges

infinity nikki wishing nebula rules

Each challenge requires players to reach the destination within 5 minutes. There are no time-based rewards apart from updating each player's best time record, and with a very ample time limit, players can complete challenges at a relaxed pace.

Challenge 1 - Jumping on Clouds

The only challenge in "Jumping on Clouds" are the moving platforms. Time your jumps and landing to complete this challenge easily.

There are additional moving platforms in hard difficulty but it is still a straightforward challenge that's easy to complete.

Challenge 2 - Stellar Race

In Stellar Race, be patient in timing your landings and be careful not to fall off the moving platforms. Once you are on the stationary platform in the center, you won't really even need the moving platforms to get to the blue platform.

The only difference in Stellar Race's hard difficulty is the additional rotating platforms. Time your jumps carefully to complete this challenge.

Challenge 3 - Nebula Leap

Navigate rotating platforms carefully in Nebula Leap. Hold the spacebar for higher jumps, time your descent while floating, and jump again quickly to move between platforms.

There's longer distances between stable platforms in Nebula Leap's hard difficulty. Use long jumps by holding the jump button, and time your float and dashes accordingly.

Challenge 4 - Star Chaser

The key to completing Star Chaser is correctly positioning Nikki while riding on moving platforms. Certain sections will push you out if you're not positioned correctly on the platforms, so always keep an eye on the platform's direction.

Star Chase's hard difficulty features more moving platforms and tight sections. Position Nikki correctly and be ready to jump on higher platforms.

Challenge 5 - Spinning Climb

Spinning Climb is one of the more difficult challenges because of vanishing floorboards. Watch for the pattern in which the floorboards appear and time for jumps and dashes carefully to reach the goal.

This challenge's hard mode features more vanishing floorboards. Remember that a floorboard will flash before it disappears so make sure to make the proper read to land on solid platforms.

Challenge 6 - Into the Stars

Into the Stars might seem daunting because of the combination of moving platforms and vanishing floorboards but this challenge is easy to complete. Time your dashes on the moving floorboards and use float to move on to the next platform.

Into the Star's biggest challenge is in the last section which contains vanishing floorboards. Use dash to close the distance and make sure to land on the final floorboard to jump and reach the goal.

Challenge 7 - Celestial Dance

Celestial Dance is the final Wishing Nebula challenge featuring rotating and moving platforms and vanishing floorboards. Correct positioning and timing are key to the moving platforms while using float and dashes to cover distances on vanishing floorboards will help you reach the goal.

Celestial Dance's hard difficulty features more of every challenge so far. Use long jumps and float to cover longer distances, position Nikki correctly in tight sections, and make the proper read to time your dashes on vanishing floorboards.


Limited Stylist Card Background

infinity nikki starlit wish

Successfully completing all challenges in the Wishing Nebula will reward the stylist card background, "Starlit Wish," as well as Diamonds, Shiny Bubbles, Shining Particles, Bling and Thread of Purity.

List of Rewards for Each Challenge

StageNormal Difficulty Rewards
1. Jumping on CloudsDiamondDiamond×40
Shining ParticlesShining Particles×55
2. Stellar RaceDiamondDiamond×40
Thread of PurityThread of Purity×300
3. Nebula LeapDiamondDiamond×40
Shiny BubblesShiny Bubbles×200
4. Star ChaserDiamondDiamond×40
Shining ParticlesShining Particles×55
5. Spinning ClimbDiamondDiamond×40
Thread of PurityThread of Purity×300
6. Into the StarsDiamondDiamond×50
Shiny BubblesShiny Bubbles×200
7. Celestial DanceDiamondDiamond×50
Shining ParticlesShining Particles×55
StageHard Difficulty Rewards
1. Jumping on CloudsDiamondDiamond×40
Thread of PurityThread of Purity×300
2. Stellar RaceDiamondDiamond×40
Shiny BubblesShiny Bubbles×200
3. Nebula LeapDiamondDiamond×40
Shining ParticlesShining Particles×55
4. Star ChaserDiamondDiamond×40
Thread of PurityThread of Purity×300
5. Spinning ClimbDiamondDiamond×40
Shiny BubblesShiny Bubbles×200
6. Into the StarsDiamondDiamond×50
Shining ParticlesShining Particles×55
7. Celestial DanceDiamondDiamond×50
Thread of PurityThread of Purity×300
Starlit Wish|Starlit WishStarlit Wish (Stylist Card Background)

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