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New Bloom Reunion Event Guide & Rewards

New Bloom Reunion Event Guide & Rewards

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New Bloom Reunion event guide in Infinity Nikki. See details about the event, walkthroughs for New Bloom Chronicles and Fun Encounters, along with how to unlock them, and rewards!

Table of Contents

New Bloom Reunion Event Details

New Bloom Reunion Event
Event PeriodJan 23 (After Maintenance) - Feb 25 11:49 (PST)
Unlock ConditionsClear Chapter 2 "The Truth is Close"

New Bloom Reunion is a limited-time event under the New Bloom Festival category. Complete side quests to earn various rewards such as the Cloudborne Cranes Sketch. You will first need to progress Main Quest Chapter 2 to participate in this event.

Wishfield Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Check the Event from the Party Popper Icon

Click the Party Popper icon

Ongoing events can be checked from the party popper icon at the top-right of the screen. You can also review Quests and claim rewards here, so keep it in mind.

Latest Events List

New Bloom Chronicles Walkthrough

Sailing Through Lens

Infinity Nikki Sailing Through Lens
Infinity Nikki Sailing Through Lens Map
How to UnlockComplete Chapter 2 "The Truth is Close"
Rewards- Diamond x40
- Shining Particles x40
- Bling x24.0K

The "Sailing Through Lens" quest is a World Quest where you'll help Ginona take pictures of the White Jade Pavilion. To complete the quest, capture photos of the ship's interior, show them to Ginona, and take a photo for Yayin.

Sailing Through Lens Walkthrough
  1. Talk to Ginona
  2. Take a Photo Inside the White Jade Pavilion
  3. Show Ginona the Photos
  4. Take a Photo for Yayin
  5. Show the Photo to Yayin
Talk to Ginona
Talk to Ginona

Sailing Through Lens begins when you talk to Ginona near where the White Jade Pavillion is docked at Florawish. Ginona is worried about missing her photo submission deadline, so Nikki volunteers to take interior shots of the White Jade Pavilion.

Take a Photo Inside the White Jade
Take a Photo inside the White Jade

To complete this task, you can choose to take a single photo inside the White Jade Pavilion that includes the plants, tea sets, and fixtures. Open your camera upon entering, adjust the angle to capture all three items in one shot, and take the photo.

Show Ginona the Photos

Talk to Ginona to submit the photos. Select the photo marked with a camera icon on the bottom right and submit it three times to complete this task.

Take a Photo for Yayin
Take a photo for Yayin

Yayin will ask you to take a photo of a location that best represents Florawish. Choose from The Florawish Stylists' Guild, The Great Wishtree, or Ray and Wing's. Your choice won't affect the quest outcome, so pick any spot and take a photo!

Show the Photo to Yayin
Show the photo to Yayin

Show Yayin the photo of your chosen spot. She will thank you, completing the quest.

Where the Strings Echo

Infinity Nikki Where the Strings Echo Location
Infinity Nikki Where the Strings Echo Map
How to UnlockComplete Chapter 2 "The Truth is Close"
Rewards- Diamond x40
- Thread of Purity x100
- Bling x32.0K

Where the Strings Echo is a world quest where you'll help Xian find inspiration for his music. To complete the quest, gather inspiration for Xian by gathering information from artists in Florawish and share it to Xian.

Clear the Prerequisite Quest First

Go here to accept All Fish Sing at Night quest

If you can't track the quest from the event screen, go southwest from Florawish and teleport to "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" then accept the quest All Fish Sing at Night from Koroth and complete it first.

Where the Strings Echo Walkthrough
  1. Talk to Xian
  2. Talk to Alber at Lilina's Statue
  3. Listen to a Conversation About Mr. Koroth
  4. Tell Xian on How to Get Inspired
  5. Choose an Option to Proceed:
    1. - Perform Yourself
    2. - Recommend Mr. Koroth
Talk to Xian
Talk to Xian

Where the Strings Echo begins when you talk to Xian at the White Jade Pavilion in Florawish. He is struggling to find inspiration for his new music piece and needs your help.

Talk to Alber at Lilina's Statue
Talk to Alber

Teleport to 'In Front of the Mayor's Residence' Warp Spire. Alber can be found standing near Lilina's statue. Talk to him and ask for advice on how to get inspired.

Listen to a Conversation About Mr. Koroth
Listen to a conversation about Mr. Koroth

Alber will suggest that you speak with people who recently watched a music performance. Head back to where the White Jade Pavilion is docked and listen to the conversation between two people talking about Mr. Koroth's performance.

Tell Xian How to Get Inspired
Tell Xian how to get inspired

Based on our findings, listening to different music styles can be a great source of inspiration. You will be given two options: Perform yourself or Recommend Mr. Koroth.

Note that your choice will lead to a different outcome, but we recommend choosing "Perform yourself" to complete the quest faster.

Perform Yourself
Perform Yourself using the violinist ability

If you choose this option, you'll play the violin yourself. Use your Violinist ability and play the notes as shown on the screen to complete the quest.

Recommend Mr. Koroth

If you choose this option, you'll need to teleport to Cicia Art Academy Field Base. Find Xian and Mr. Koroth, approach them, and after the dialogue, the quest will conclude.

Lost Cargo

Infinity Nikki Lost Cargo Location
Infinity Nikki Lost Cargo Map
How to UnlockComplete Echoes of the Past Exclusive Quest
Rewards- Diamond x40
- Shining Particles x40
- Bling x24.0K

Lost Cargo is a world quest where you'll help Yun find a box containing silk threads that was lost due to a massive wave. To complete the quest, help Yun find the box by tracing where it might have been swept away.

Lost Cargo Walkthrough
  1. Talk to Yun
  2. Talk to Lai
  3. Inform Yun About the Cargo's Location
  4. Talk to Donald
Talk to Yun
Talk to Yun

Lost Cargo begins when you talk to Yun near where the White Jade Pavilion is docked at Florawish. Talk to Yun, and she mentions that she is looking for a lost box containing silk threads.

Talk to Lai
Talk to Lai

Talk to Lai, who is located in the upper section of the White Jade Pavilion. He explains that the winds were blowing from the northeast, and the current may have carried the box to the west shore of Wishfield.

Answer his question with "The Leisurely Anglers," as it is located on the west shore of Wishfield according to the map.

Inform Yun About the Cargo's Location
Inform Yun about the cargo

Based on Lai's information, we now have a lead on where the box might have ended up. Talk to Yun, and she will ask you to go ahead and ask Donald if he has seen the box.

Talk to Donald
Talk to Donald

Talk to Donald and ask if he has seen a box containing silk threads. Donald confirms that he has the box. Yun arrives, and after the conversation ends, the quest concludes.

Fun Encounters Walkthrough

Observation: The White Jade

Infinity Nikki Observation The White Jade Location
Infinity Nikki Observation The White Jade Map
How to UnlockComplete Chapter 2 "The Truth is Close"
Rewards- Diamond x30
- Shining Particles x30
- Thread of Purity x150

Observation: The White Jade is a random quest where you'll answer Aventura's question about the White Jade. To complete the quest, answer Aventura's question correctly.

Observation: The White Jade Walkthrough
  1. Talk to Aventura
  2. Answer Aventura's Question
Talk to Aventura
Talk to Aventura

For "Observation: The White Jade," Aventura is located near the White Jade Pavilion docking site. Walk along the path near the wharf where Aventura is to start the quest.

Answer Aventura's Question
Answer Aventura's question
Correct AnswerA Pipa

Aventura will ask you this trivia question: “What is the emblem of the White Jade?” Respond with the correct answer and the quest will be complete.

Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit

Infinity Nikki Kindled Inspiration New Bloom's Reunion Location
Infinity Nikki Kindled Inspiration New Bloom's Reunion Map
How to UnlockComplete Sailing Through Lens World Quest
Rewards- Diamond x30
- Cloudborne Cranes Skecth
- Shiny Bubbles x120
- Bling x30.0K

Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit is a random quest where you'll help Yayin find a reference for a peace charm she'll design. To complete the quest, show Yayin an accessory that is Paper Craned-themed.

Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit Walkthrough
  1. Talk to Yayin at the White Jade Pavilion
  2. Wear a Paper Crane-Themed Accessory
  3. Show the Accessory to Yayin
Talk to Yayin at the White Jade Pavilion
Talk to Yayin

Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit begins when you approach Yayin at the White Jade Pavilion. Talk to her, and she will be thinking about what kind of peace charm she will design.

Wear a Paper Crane-Themed Accessory
Star of Wishes Paper Crane-Themed Accessory

Open your Wardrobe, then click "Neckwear." Find the "Star of Wishes" necklace and click save. If you don't have the "Star of Wishes," you'll need to progress through Chapter 7 to unlock it.

Wishfield Chapter 7 Walkthrough
Show the Accessory to Yayin
Show the Accessory to Yayin

Talk to Yayin while wearing the Star of Wishes necklace. She will recognize it as the paper crane-themed accessory she was looking for, and she will give you a sketch of her design.

Wish of Lanterns

Infinity Nikki Wish of Lanterns Location
Infinity Nikki Wish of Lanterns Map
How to UnlockComplete Lost Cargo World Quest
Rewards- Diamond x30
- Shining Particles x30
- Thread of Purity x150

Wish of Lanterns is a random quest where you help Yun repair a broken Flower Lantern. To complete it, provide Yun with Florascent Wool to fix the lantern.

Wish of Lanterns Walkthrough
  1. Talk to Yun
  2. Give Yun the Florascent Wool
Talk to Yun
Talk to Yun

Wish of Lanterns starts when you speak to Yun at the Flora Wharf, where the White Jade Pavilion is docked. Yun is panicking because one of the Flower Lanterns is broken, and they are short on Florascent Wool.

Give Yun the Florascent Wool
give Yun the Florascent Wool

After the conversation, if you have extra Florascent Wool, give it to Yun to complete the quest after a short dialogue. If you don’t have any, use the material tracking feature to locate where you can find Florascent Wool.

How to Gather and Track Materials

Rewards List

Get a Limited-Time Sketch

Crafting Cloudbourne Cranes Sketch

In "Fun Encounters," completing the quest "Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit" will reward you with the exclusive Bracelet "Cloudborne Cranes" Sketch. Additionally, Diamonds can be earned from all quests, so aim to complete them during the event period.

Cloudborne Cranes (Bracelets)


New Bloom ChroniclesDiamondDiamond x120
Shining ParticlesShining Particles x80
Thread of PurityThread of Purity×100
BlingBling x80,000
Fun EncountersDiamondDiamond x90
Shining ParticlesShining Particles x60
Thread of PurityThread of Purity x300
Shiny BubblesShiny Bubbles×120
BlingBling x30,000
Cloudbourne CranesCloudborne Cranes (Sketch)

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