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All Current Gacha - Latest Banners & Resonance List

All Current Gacha - Latest Banners & Resonance List

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Infinity Nikki | All Current Gacha - Latest Banners & Resonance List - GameWith

Resonance Guide for Infinity Nikki. See list of all currently available banners, featured outfits, latest Gacha, limited Resonance, Pity System mechanics, resonate, tips, and more!

Latest Update Information Summary

Table of Contents

List of Current Resonance (Gacha) Banners

Into the Illusion (Limited)

Infinity Nikki Into the Illusion Banner
Event PeriodMar 25, 2025 (Server Launch) - Apr 28, 2025 10:50 (PST)
Featured Outfit- Crimson Rhapsody (★5 - Transformation)
- Art of Tailoring (★4 - Animal-Grooming)

Into the Illusion Resonance features the limited ★5 outfit "Crimson Rhapsody" and the limited ★4 outfit "Art of Lingering." The Crimson Rhapsody outfit grants the "Hop Doll: Transformation" ability, allowing you to transform into a hopping doll to evade unsuspecting Esselings. Meanwhile, the Art of Lingering outfit provides the "Tailor: Animal-Grooming" ability, letting you skip the grooming animation and give animals in cute accessories.

Featured Outfit Ability Spotlight

OutfitAbility Effect
Infinity Nikki Crimson Rhapsody outfit
Crimson Rhapsody
You can transform into a hopping doll and jump around.
Infinity Nikki Art of Tailoring outfit
Art of Tailoring
You can groom animals and give them accessories.

Distant Sea (Permanent)

infinity nikki distant sea gacha
Event Period Permanent
Featured Outfit- Fairytale Swan (5-Star)
- Blossoming Stars (5-Star)
- Whispers of Waves (5-Star)
- Crystal Poems (5-Star with Purification Ability)

Distant Sea is Infinity Nikki's permanent resonance (gacha) collection and the easiest one to draw thanks to "Tidal Guidance", a feature that lets you choose a single 5-star outfit from the Distant Sea collection as the target for your next gacha pull.

5-Star Outfit Spotlight

How to Pull Gacha

  1. Unlock Resonance from the tutorial.
  2. Collect Diamonds and acquire crystals through Resonance exchange.
  3. Choose a Resonance outfit.
  4. Select Resonate once or 10 times in a row.
  5. Claim more rewards in Deep Echoes.
Unlock Resonance From the Tutorial
infinity nikki resonance

Resonance, Infinity Nikki’s gacha system, unlocks early in the game when Nikki and Momo approach a mural during the initial stages of the story.

Early Game Guide - Beginner Tips
Collect Diamonds and Acquire Crystals Through Resonance Exchange
infinity nikki resonance crystals
Required number for exchangeDiamonds ×120 (1 Gacha Pull)

To use Resonance (Gacha), you need "Revelation Crystals or Resonite Crystals, which can be exchanged with Diamonds. Revelation Crystals are used for limited-time resonance banners such as Butterfly Dream or Blossoming Fantasy, while Resonite Crystals are used to pull for the permanent resonance, Distant Sea.

Go to the Store for Revelation or Resonite crystal purchases.
infinity nikki resonance redirect to store

If you don't have the necessary crystals to perform a resonance(gacha)pull, you'll be redirected to the Store where you can purchase Revelation or Resonite crystals.

Target Specific Outfits Using Tidal Guidance or Ocean's Blessing
infinity nikki tidal guidance

Through Tidal Guidance, you can lock onto a 5-star piece from the Distant Sea collection as the target for your next gacha pull. For limited-time banners, you can use Ocean's Blessing, which guarantees your selected 5-star piece for your first five 5-star pull. You can access these options at the lower left portion of their resonance screens.

Select Resonate Once or 10 Times
infinity nikki resonate

After selecting an outfit for the gacha pull, you can choose to select Resonate once or 10 times.

Claim More Rewards in Deep Echoes
infinity nikki deep echoes

You can claim more rewards after performing a resonance (gacha) pull by accessing "Deep Echoes" located right above tidal guidance or ocean's blessing. You can claim your first reward after 20 draws and all the way up to 230 draws.

Gacha pulls are counted individually.

The total Resonance count applies exclusively to the type of Resonance used. Regular Resonance pulls do not contribute to the total count for limited Resonance, so keep this in mind for your next pulls.

Gacha Mechanic (Pity System)

MechanicsLimited-time ResonancePermanent Resonance
5-Star Guaranteed20 Pulls20 Pulls
4-Star Guaranteed10 Pulls10 Pulls
Targeted PieceIndividual PieceWhole Set
Targeted Piece (Pity System)Fifth 5-star DropEvery 5-star Drop
Change TargetOnly OnceUp to 99 Times

20 Pulls for Guaranteed 5-Star, 10 Pulls for Guaranteed 4-Star

For all Resonances, a guaranteed 5-star drop is triggered on the 20th attempt, while a 4-star drop is assured on the 10th. If you receive a drop before reaching the counter's limit, the counter will reset.

Targeted Piece

Targeted pieces using Tidal Guidance or Ocean's Blessing can be selected from different options depending on the type of resonance. For limited-time resonance banners, you can choose one piece from the featured 5-star outfit, while permanent resonance allows you to choose one outfit from the selection of 5-star outfits in the Distant Sea collection.

Targeted Piece (Pity System)

For limited-time resonance banners, a targeted piece may be acquired at the fifth 5-Star drop while in permanent Resonance, the targeted 5-star outfit are guaranteed to drop during a 5-star pull.

Changing Target Outfit

Limited-time resonance banners allows you to select a targeted piece once. On the other hand, permanent resonance, allows you to change selections up to 99 times.

Past Resonance (Gacha) Banners

Journey on Wind (Limited)

Infinity Nikki Journey on Wind Banner
Event PeriodMar 11, 2025 20:00 - Mar 25, 2025 12:49 (PST)
Featured Outfit- Adventure Ride (★4 - Whimsicality)

In Journey on Wind Resonance, the limited ★4 outfit "Adventure Ride" is available. When using the outfit Ability "Motorcycle: Whimsicality," you can summon a bike and move freely, just like the Whimcycle.

Featured Outfit Ability Spotlight

OutfitAbility Effect
Infinity Nikki Adventure Ride Outfit
Adventure Ride
You can summon a motorcylce and move freely.

Time of Serenity (Limited)

Infinity Nikki Time of Serenity Banner
Event PeriodMar 11, 2025 20:00 - Mar 25, 2025 12:49 (PST)
Featured Outfit- Dream Banquet (★4 - Whimsicality)

In the Time of Serenity Resonance, the limited ★4 outfit "Dream Banquet" is available. When using the outfit Ability "Tea Time: Whimsicality," you can summon an exquisite tea table.

Featured Outfit Ability Spotlight

OutfitAbility Effect
Infinity Nikki Dream Banquet Outfit
Dream Banquet
You can summon the tea table and use it for taking photos.

Lingering Finale (Limited)

Lingering Finale Resonance Banner
Event PeriodFeb 25, 2025 (Server Launch) - Mar 25, 2025 12:49 (PST)
Featured Outfit- Timeless Melody (5-Star with Purification Ability)
- Spectral Mist (4-Star)

The Lingering Finale Resonance features the limited ★5 Clothing "Timeless Melody" and the limited ★4 Clothing "Spectral Mist" as part of the pickup. The Timeless Melody has the Purification Ability, and Spectral Mist has a special effect where a ghost appears when you aim the camera at night, allowing for the capture of a special photo.

Featured Outfits Ability Spotlight

OutfitAbility Effect
Timeless Melody outfit
Timeless Melody
When activating a special Ability with 6 Wish Orbs, you enter the "Timeless Dance" state, putting nearby Esselings and animals to sleep.
【PC】Q + Left Click
【PS5】◯ + △
Spectral Mist outfit
Spectral Mist
If you turn on the camera at night, a ghost will appear.

Blossom Silhouettes

Infinity Nikki Blossom Silhouettes Image
Event PeriodFeb 13, 2025 7:00pm - Feb 25, 2025, 11:49 (PST)
Featured Outfit- Whispers of Bliss

In the Blossom Silhouettes event, you can acquire the limited ★4 Clothing "Whispers of Bliss," which is being highlighted. While wearing Whispers of Bliss, the picnic basket's contents will change as you collect Woolfruit, Lampchilis, Buttoncones, or Seed Pearls.

Breezy Melodies

Breezy Melodies Image
Event PeriodFeb 13, 2025 7:00pm - Feb 25, 2025, 11:49 (PST)
Featured Outfit- Breezy Melodies

During the Gentle Breeze Melody event, the limited ★4 Breezy Melodies outfit is featured. When you wear Breezy Melodies and gather Daisy, Hare Powder, Sunny Orchid, or Rainy Orchid, the bouquet you hold will change its appearance.

Skyward Bouquets (Limited)

Infinity Nikki Skyward Bouquets Resonance
Event PeriodJan 23, 2025 (After Maintenance) - Feb 25, 2025, 11:49 (PST)
Featured Outfit- Stardust Flare (5-Star - Whimsicality Ability)
- Midnight Vigil (4-Star - Whimsicality Ability)

In the "Skyward Bouquets" Resonance, the limited 5-Star Outfit "Stardust Flare" and 4-Star Outfit "Midnight Vigil" are featured. Both outfits come with a unique "Whimsicality" Ability, offering new ways to enjoy photo shoots and other features.

Featured Outfits Ability Spotlight

OutfitsAbility Effect
Infinity Nikki Stardust Flare outfit
Stardust Flare
Displays fireworks effects around Nikki
Infinity Nikki Midnight Vigil outfit
Midnight Vigil
Allows you to patrol together with animals after performing Animal Grooming

Fireworks Prelude (Limited)

Infinity Nikki Fireworks Prelude Resonance banner
Event PeriodJan 23, 2025 (After Maintenance) - Feb 25, 2025, 11:49 (PST)
Featured Outfit- Dance Till Dawn (5-Star - Gliding Ability)
- Enduring Bond (4-Star - Whimsicality Ability)

In "Fireworks Prelude" Resonance, the limited 5-Star Outfit "Dance Till Dawn" and 4-Star Outfit "Enduring Bond" are featured. Dance Till Dawn has the "Gliding" Ability, which can be used in the new area, Firework Isles, making it a convenient Ability Outfit for exploration.

Featured Outfits Ability Spotlight

OutfitsAbility Effect
Infinity Nikki Dance Till Dawn outfit
Dance Till Dawn
Can glide by holding onto balloons
Infinity Nikki Enduring Bond outfit
Enduring Bond
Can perform teleportation magic

Ribbon Reverie (Limited)

Infinity Nikki Ribbon Reverie Resonance
Event Period01/13/2024 20:00 - 01/23/2025 12:50 p.m (UTC-7)
Featured Outfit- Pink Ribbon Waltz (4-star)

In the "Ribbon Reverie" Resonance, the exclusive 4-star Clothing, "Pink Ribbon Waltz," is featured. This Sweet Stylish Outfit is inspired by the Pink Ribbon Eel from the Lucky Fishing Day event.

Starlit Wishfin (Limited)

Infinity Nikki Starlit Wishfin Resonance
Event Period01/13/2024 20:00 - 01/23/2025 12:50 p.m (UTC-7)
Featured Outfit- Daughter of the Lake (4-star)

In the "Starlit Wishfin" Resonance, the exclusive 4-star Clothing, "Daughter of the Lake," is featured. This Sexy Stylish outfit is inspired by the Ribbon Eel, a fish found in the Breezy Meadow.

Celestial Wishes (Limited)

infinity nikki wings of wishes
Event Period12/29/2024 20:00 - 01/23/2025 12:50 p.m (UTC-7)
Featured Outfit- Wings of Wishes (5-star with Paper Crane: Floating Ability)
- Starfall Radiance

The Version 1.1 update gives us the latest "Celestial Wishes" Resonance in Infinity Nikki! This gacha event features "Wings of Wishes," a stunning outfit that slightly speeds up the Floating ability, and a 4-star outfit "Starfall Radiance".

Outfit Spotlight

Croaker's Whisper

infinity nikki croakers whisper
Event Period12/18 20:00 - 12/29 12:50 p.m (UTC-7)
Featured Outfit- Froggy Fashion (4-star with Electrician Ability)
- Froggy Fashion Night (4-star)

The limited-time event gacha banner, "Croaker's Whisper," is now live, featuring a 4-star ability outfit (Electrician), "Froggy Fashion," inspired from the Croakers during the Power Outage Incident Main Quest and a 4-star outfit variant, "Froggy Fashion Night". Both outfits will allow you to equip a Lotus Umbrella (Froggy Fashion) or Twilight Lotus (Froggy Fashion Night) pieces to open a lotus umbrella and stay dry in the rain!

Outfit Spotlight

infinity nikki froggy fashionFroggy Fashioninfinity nikki froggy fashion nightFroggy Fashion Night

Bubbling Affections

infinity nikki bubbling affections
Event Period12/18 20:00 - 12/29 12:50 p.m (UTC-7)
Featured Outfit- Dreamy Glimmer (4-Star with Whimsicality Ability)
- Dreamy Glimmer Melody (4-Star)

The limited-time event gacha banner, "Bubbling Affections," is now live, featuring a 4-star ability outfit (Whimsicality), "Dreamy Glimmer," inspired by the Monroefin, the first boss from the Power Outage Incident Main Quest and a 4-star outfit variant, "Dreamy Glimmer Melody". The Dreamy Glimmer outfit will allow you to blow heart-shaped bubbles with a chance to form a heart-shaped bubble cluster!

Outfit Spotlight

infinity nikki dreamy glimmerDreamy Glimmerinfinity nikki dreamy glimmer melodyDreamy Glimmer Melody

Blooming Fantasy (Limited)

infinity nikki blooming fantasy gacha
Event Period12/18 10:00 - 12/19 09:59 (server time)
Featured Outfit- Blooming Dreams (5-Star with Floating Ability)
- Moment Capturer (4-Star)

The Blooming Fantasy is a limited-time Resonance (Gacha) which features a 5-star limited outfit, "Blooming Dreams" and a 4-star limited outfit, "Moment Capturer." Blooming Dreams is an ability outfit which you can use for floating.

Outfit Spotlight

Butterfly Dream (Limited)

infinity nikki butterfly dream gacha
Event Period12/5 10:00 - 12/19 09:59 (server time)
Featured Outfit- Flutter Storm (5-Star)
- Flowing Colors (4-Star with Whimsicality Ability)

The Butterfly Dream is a limited-time Resonance which features a limited 5-star outfit, "Flutter Storm" and a limited 4-star outfit, Flowing Colors, imbued with the Whimisicality ability.

Outfit Spotlight

Gacha Pull Animation & 5 Star Drop Rate

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