Complete the main quest of Assassin's Creed Odyssey with this guide! Included are the walkthrough, guides, tips, & more for Episode 3!!!

Main Quest Walkthrough
Check Out the Main Quest Guide & Tips HereThe Wolf And The Snake
Of Visions and Visionaries
Beware the Snakes
Chapter 1A: The Wolf and the Snake
This chapter will introduce you to your first line of multiple quests - allowing you to choose your own path & adventure within the game.
Check Out Choices & Consequences Guide!1A-1: Onwards to Phokis
No. | Procedure |
1 | After confronting Nikolaos, head down to The Adrestia & talk to Barnabas |
2 | Undock your boat and sail towards Phokis |
2. Choose Between Two Quests

After talking to Barnabas and landing in Phokis, you have the choice to go straight to Elpenor or visit the Oracle of Delphi.
Chapter 1B: Of Visions and Visionaries
This path holds a mix of story-telling and heavy combat. It's best to be geared and leveled enough to face the brutes & soldiers that'll come your way.
Check Out How To Level Up Faster!1B-1: Consulting a Ghost
This guide chose to follow the Oracle of Delphi route!!!
No. | Procedure |
1 | Once you land in Kirrha, make your way up the mountain to the Sanctuary of Delphi |
2 | Head to the temple and speak to Barnabas to meet Herodotos |
3 | Once you're done talking, talk to the man in the entrance of the temple |
4 | You'll be lead inside the temple to speak to the Oracle & initiate the cutscene |
1. This Quest Is Heavily Story-Based With No Combat

Speaking with the Oracle of Delphi does not involve any combat and will mostly have cutscenes of characters talking.
1B-2: The Truth Will Out
No. | Procedure |
1 | After speaking to Herodotos, head down to the Chaora of Delphi |
2 | Locate the house where the Oracle is staying |
3 | Eliminate the enemies & clear the area of foes |
4 | Inside one of the rooms, you'll find the Delphi - speak to her |
5 | After talking with the Oracle, locate & speak with Herodotos |
3. Use Cover Of Night For Stealth Attacks

This area is small and enemies are clustered close together. Meditate until nighttime so that enemies can't spot you easily & you can assassinate them instantly.
Chapter 2: Beware the Snakes
Another chapter that involves infiltrating bases & caves, going through them in stealth mode will make this chapter quicker & easier to complete.
Check Out Stealth Tips & Guide Here!2-1: Snake in the Grass
No. | Procedure |
1 | Ride your horse & use your marker to locate Elpenor's location |
2 | Infiltrate the enemy base & take out Elpenor's decoy |
3 | Head out after finding out about Elpenor's true location |
4 | Make your way up to the entrance of the cave & take out the enemies along the way |
5 | Go inside the cave to spot & kill Elpenor |
6 | Loot Elpenor's corpse to get the Cultist mask & robes |
2. Go To Back Of Base To Eliminate Elpenor Fast

You can get easy access to Elpenor's decoy by going through the mountains in the back. The area is sparsely guarded, with only a few enemies, before you can reach the decoy.
4. Kick Enemies Off Cliffs For Insta-Kills

Use your Sparta Kick Ability to kick enemies off of cliff edges. The fall damage with kill them instantly if you're high enough.
2-2: The Serpent's Lair
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head back and speak to Herodotos to find the entrance to the Cultist chamber |
2 | Once inside, walk around & talk to the Cultists to investigate their identities |
3 | After completing the investigation, head to the center of the chamber to interact with the gold glowing pyramid |
4 | A cutscene will trigger right after to end the quest |
2. Choose Freely In This Quest

There are several decisions you can make in this portion of the game. They don't have any major effect so feel free to choose whatever you want.
4. Start The Hunt For Cultists

After completing this quest, you'll gain access to a "Cultists" tab in your menu. You can infiltrate Cultist chambers & eliminate them for rewards such as legendary gear.