Complete the main quest of Assassin's Creed Odyssey with this guide! Included are walkthrough, guide, tips, & more for Episode 6!!!

Main Quest Walkthrough
Check Out the Main Quest Guide & Tips HereRising from the Ashes
Chapter 1: Rising from the Ashes
This chapter is more story-based but will have combat in "And The Streets Run Red" & "Athens's Last Hope". Level & gear up first before attempting to attack higher-leveled enemies.
Check Out How To Level Up Faster!1-1: Abandoned by the Gods
No. | Procedure |
1 | Sail or fast travel back to Athens |
2 | You'll initiate a cutscene once you reach Athens |
3 | Head to the location of Aspasia & talk to her |
4 | Follow Aspasia's instructions & head up to Perikles's room |
5 | Talk to Perikles & escort him to the balcony |
6 | Once Perikles dismisses you, talk to Aspasia downstairs |
7 | Aspasia will tell you that Phoibe has gone missing & this ends the quest |
Story-Driven Quest

This quest has more cutscenes than combat - with a few decisions that don't majorly affect your future gameplay.
1-2: And the Streets Run Red
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the map marker to locate the house where Phoibe was supposed to go |
2 | Investigate the area to find clues until you hear Phoibe screaming in the distance |
3 | Run to Phoibe's location and eliminate the Cultist soldiers surrounding her |
4 | A cutscene will trigger once you've dealt with the Cultist soldiers |
Short Quest With Some Combat

This quest is heavily story-driven with the only combat involving a couple of Cultist soldiers.
1-3: Athens's Last Hope
No. | Procedure |
1 | Go to the Temple of Athena to talk to Aspasia |
2 | A cutscene will trigger & you'll have to eliminate more Cultist guards |
3 | Once you've taken care of the Cultist guards, you'll have to escort Aspasia and the others to your ship |
4 | Athenian soldiers will block you - eliminate them to trigger the cutscene that will end the quest |
Face Cultist Guards & Athenian Soldiers

You'll have to combat two sets of guards but they're not that hard to fight - just be leveled & geared enough.