Complete the main quest of Assassin's Creed Odyssey with this guide! Included are walkthrough, guide, tips, & more for Episode 1!!!

Main Quest Walkthrough
Check Out the Main Quest Guide & Tips HereChapter 1: Another Day, Another Drachmae
Chapter 2: A Debt to Pay
Chapter 1: Another Day, Another Drachmae
This chapter is the first in the game and introduces you to the basics. You'll learn how to fight, sneak into battle, and make choices in-game that will affect your future gameplay.
Check Out The Starter Tips & Guide Here!1-1: So It Begins
No. | Procedure |
1 | Defeat the rogue and the thug |
2 | Talk to Phoiebe |
3 | [CHOICE A] Let the thugs go or kill them |
4 | Climb up to your station and loot the huge box |
5 | Open your inventory menu & equip your gear |
6 | Travel to the southern part of Mount Ainos to get to Markos' Vineyard |
7 | [CHOICE A] If you let the thugs go, they will ambush you on the road |
8 | Call Ikaros and locate Markos' vineyard |
9 | Head to Marko's house; Talk to Markos |
10 | [CHOICE B] Select your horse |
3. Choice A: Kill the Thugs

If you decide to spare the thugs, they will come back to ambush you on your way to Markos' Vineyard. It's better to kill them in the options as it will only take a hit each to take them down.
10. Choice B: Choose Your Horse

Hear out the descriptions of each horse first before choosing which one you want. They each have a slight difference in stats and once you select your horse, it will be your horse for the rest of the game.
1-2: Debt Collector
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the Bandit Camp in Ktimene Beach |
2 | Assassinate the bandits and free Phoibe |
3 | Go to Duris and talk to him |
4 | [CHOICE] Break his merchandise or kill him |
5 | Return to Markos & talk to him |
6 | Follow Drucilla to her workshop |
7 | Try out your bow and destroy the training dummies |
2. Whistle to Lure the Bandits to Your Position

Get guards in the right position by whistling. They'll head to your general direction to investigate, giving you the opening to assassinate them!
4. Choice: Break Duris Merchandise

Follow Markos' advise and keep Duris alive. You can break the pots around him instead to make him give the Drachmae he owns.
Chapter 2: A Debt to Pay
This chapter will introduce you to the first few camps & bases you need to infiltrate. Assassination skills & abilities are key to completing your missions successfully in this chapter.
Check Out Stealth Tips & Tricks!2-1: An Eye for an Eye
No. | Procedure |
1 | Talk to Markos |
2 | Go to the Cyclops's Lair |
3 | Enter the house at the edge of the lair |
4 | Go out the other end to go to the entrance of house next door |
5 | Steal the eye and return to Markos |
2. Use Ikaros to Scout Out Enemy Positions

Call Ikaros and from his vantage point, scout out the positions of enemies and their levels in the lumber yard. Plot out your course of action based on their numbers and positions.
2. You Can Meditate to Switch to Nighttime

At night, some guards will be sleeping and you will be generally harder to locate thanks to the dark. If you want to raid the base sneakily, it's better to go at nighttime.
4. Enter this House then Exit at its Front

The obsidian eye can be found in the house next door. Sneak your way to the other side, but be careful as you are out in the open when you leave the house.
2-2: Fancy Guests
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the east of the Coast of Koliadai |
2 | Use Ikaros to locate the Abandoned House |
3 | Kill the enemies surrounding the Abandoned House |
3. Meditate to Switch to Nighttime

Make sneaking around the area easier by switching to nighttime. Some enemies will also be sleeping so you can take them out while they're asleep.
2-3: Penelope's Shroud
No. | Procedure |
1 | Use the rowboat to get to Ithaka |
2 | Call Ikaros to search for the location of the shroud |
3 | Go to Odysseus' Palace and sneak around to the location of the shroud |
4 | Return to Elpenor at the Temple of Zeus |
2. Use Ikaros to Scout Out the Area / Enemy Positions

Call Ikaros and from his vantage point, scout out the positions of enemies and their levels in the lumber yard. Plot out your course of action based on their numbers and positions.
3. Kill Sleeping Enemies for Quick Kills

Around Odysseus' Palace, you will see sleeping enemies. Assassinate them in their sleep for quick kills and less people to worry about in the base.
4. Hide in Bushes to Keep from Being Discovered
Stay in bushes to remain hidden from enemies. Whistle to get them to go near you enough to assassinate them.
2-4: The Big Break
Recommended Lvl. 5 and above!!!
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the docks and talk to the shipbuilder |
2 | Go to the Kleptous Bay to talk to the Cyclops |
3 | Defeat the enemies around the base |
4 | Head to the marker to trigger the cutscene |
5 | Kill the Cyclops and his men |
6 | Go to Barnabas and free him |
7 | Follow Barnabas |
8 | Head to the Sami Harbor and talk to Barnabas there |
5. Take Out the Henchmen First

Fight the Cyclops one-on-one by taking out his men before focusing on him. Keep your distance from the Cyclops while you're taking out his men or he might get cheap shots at you.