Complete the main quest of Assassin's Creed Odyssey with this guide! Included are walkthrough, guide, tips, and more for Episode 5!!!

Main Quest Walkthrough
Check Out the Main Quest Guide & Tips HerePirate Hospitality
Land of the Lawless
- 1B-1: To Find A Girl
- 1B-2A: To Help a Girl
- 1B-2B: Follow That Boat
- 1B-2C: Port of Lawlessnes
- 1B-3: Monger Down
A Prescription for Discovery
Choose Any Of 3 Leads

From this point, you'll be given 3 leads to search for your mother. They can be completed in any order.
Chapter 1A: Pirate Hospitality
To go through this chapter quickly, make sure you have enough drachmae (15,000) to pay Xenia The Pirate for information. If not, you can complete the Support Quests available within the island.
1A-1: Island of Misfortune
No. | Procedure |
1 | After finishing Perikles's symposium, head out to sea & sail to Keos Island |
2 | Dock your ship & head up the hill to meet the pirate, Xenia |
3 | After the cutscene with Xenia, find work around the island to pay her fee of 15,000 drachma |
4 | Complete the Support Quests to earn enough to pay Xenia |
5 | After paying Xenia, a cutscene will initiate to end the quest |
6 | Head out to the other locations or proceed with the chapter once this quest is done |
3. Find Work Around The Harbor

You need to pay Xenia 15,000 drachma to get information out of her. If you don't have enough drachma by this point, you can earn money by taking up side quests around the island.
Chapter 1B: Land of the Lawless
This chapter will have you do a series of varying Support Quests to get information. You need the right mix of combat, stealth, & decision-making skills to proceed through this chapter smoothly.
Check Out Starter Tips & Guides Here!1B-1: To Find a Girl
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the marker in Korinthia and speak to the woman about Anthousa |
2 | Go up to the temple of Aphrodite and beat up the thugs harassing the worshippers |
3 | After eliminating the thugs, a cutscene will initiate |
4 | Head down from the temple to find & talk to Anthousa |
4. Option Of Three Quests

After talking to Anthousa, three quests will sprout up. You need to accomplish this to move to the part of the storyline. You can complete them in any order.
1B-2A: To Help a Girl
No. | Procedure |
1 | Talk to Damalis to initiate the quest |
2 | Head to the client's house to get information out of him - you'll encounter Phoibe along the way |
3 | CHOICE A: Listen to Phoibe first or go straight towards the house |
4 | Go inside the house & confront the man |
5 | CHOICE B: Answer man's questions correctly so Phoibe won't get caught |
6 | After getting more information, talk to Phoibe outside the house |
7 | Head to the marked house near you & investigate the area, you can choose to eliminate the guards or not |
8 | After investigating, a cutscene will initiate & you have to eliminate the target |
9 | Report back to Damalis once you've killed the man to end the quest |
3. Choice A: Listen to What Phoibe Said

You can choose to listen to Phoibe and gather more information before proceeding with the quest. This will help you answer the man's question's correctly.
5. Choice B: Answer Correctly To Keep Phoibe Safe

Answering the man's questions correctly will give Phoibe enough time to investigate the area & bring home some goods.
1B-2B: Follow That Boat
No. | Procedure |
1 | Talk to Erinna & follow her to the port |
2 | After Erinna points you to the pirate ship, board The Adrestia & chase after it |
3 | Damage the pirate ship enough to initiate boarding |
4 | Eliminate all men on board to initiate the cutscene with Kleio |
5 | CHOICE: Choose to bring Kelio back to Korinthia or bring her to Mykonos |
6 | Head back to the port where Erinna is waiting after you've decided what to do with Kleio |
3. Don't Cleave The Pirate Ship, Board It Instead

Kleio will die if you sink the pirate ship so make sure not to ram it. Damage it enough so you can trigger the boarding sequence.
Check Out The Naval Combat Guide!5. Choice: Choose Where To Bring Kleio

Kleio will beg you not to bring her back to Korinth and bring her to Mykonos instead. The choice is yours.
1B-2C: Port of Lawlessness
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the port & locate the Monger's warehouse |
2 | Sneak into the warehouse & burned the cargo placed inside |
3 | A cutscene will trigger once all cargo have been burned - you will meet Brasidas here |
4 | Fight through the thugs that show up after the cutscene |
5 | CHOICE: Choose to side with Brasidas or Anthousa |
6 | Finish your talk with Brasidas to complete the quest |
4. Choose Between Brasidas or Anthousa

Talking with Brasidas will give you the option to side with him or Anthousa with regards to the killing of the Monger. Choose according to your preference.
1B-3: Monger Down
No. | Procedure |
1 | Go back to Anthousa & speak to her to initiate the cutscene |
2 | CHOICE A: Choose to lead the Monger to the cave or theater |
3 | Head to the chosen location to confront the Monger |
4 | Fight the Monger & his thugs |
5 | CHOICE B: Choose between the cave & theater again |
6 | Once the Monger is killed, a cutscene will initiate to end the quest |
3. Choice A: Choose Where To Lead The Monger

Anthousa will ask you to choose where to lead the Monger to kill him. You can choose between Brasidas's or Anthousa's plan.
5. Choice B: Final Choice Where To Kill The Monger

If you choose to bring the Monger to the Scared Cave, Anthousa will appear and make you decide where to kill the Monger. Choose whichever you prefer.
Chapter 1C: A Prescription for Discovery
In this chapter, you'll need to complete more Support Quests, with most being stealth missions. "The Doctor Will See You Now" and "Speak No Evil" can be completed quicker in stealth mode.
Check Out Stealth Tips & Tricks Here!1C-1: First Do No Harm
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the city of Argolis to track Hippokrates |
2 | Once you reach his clinic in the city, talk to his assistant to find his location |
3 | Head towards where Hippokrates is to trigger some Support Quests you need to complete |
3. Two Support Quests, Complete Them In Any Order

You'll trigger two new Support Quests after talking to Hippokrates. You can complete them in any order you choose.
1C-2A: The Doctor Will See You Now
No. | Procedure |
1 | Go to Fort Tiryns & speak to Dymas |
2 | CHOICE: Bribe, knock out, or help Dymas |
3 | After talking to Dymas, meet them back at Hippokrates's location to finish the quest |
2. Choice: Bribe, Knock Out, Or Assist Dymas

You can choose to either bribe Dymas into leaving his patient, knocking him out & taking him out of the fort by force, or assisting him in curing his patient. The choice is up to you.
1C-2B: The Priests of Asklepios
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the Sanctuary of Asklepios & talk to the priests there |
2 | Complete the Support Quests to move forward with the story |
2. Complete The Priests' Errands

You need to complete all three priests' errands to move on with the story. They are relatively fast & easy to accomplish.
1C-3: Speak No Evil
No. | Procedure |
1 | Find the guesthouse in the city |
2 | Sneak in or eliminate the soldiers guarding the house |
3 | Follow your maker & interact with the marked door to find Mydon |
4 | After the cutscene with Mydon, the quest will be completed |
2. Sneak In To Talk to Mydon

There are only a couple of guards patrolling the guesthouse. You can eliminate just one or two to get access to Mydon's door.
1C-4: Ashes to Ashes
No. | Procedure |
1 | After talking to Mydon, head to the hill by the city to find the forest altar |
2 | Interact with the altar once you reach it and you'll hear a baby cry in the distance |
3 | Move towards the location of the baby's crying - be wary of Cultist soldiers that'll attack you |
4 | Head inside to trigger the cutscene with Chrysis |
5 | Immediately interact with the altar to save the baby to finish the episode |
Interact With The Altar To Save The Baby

After you confront Chrysis, you need to save the baby by interacting with the altar that's on fire.