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Home on the Rails Guide - Walkthrough and Rewards

Home on the Rails Guide - Walkthrough and Rewards

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Home on the Rails quest guide for Infinity Nikki. This walkthrough includes how to unlock the quest, location, and rewards.

Table of Contents

Home on the Rails - Location and Rewards

Home on the Rails Overview

Quest TypeWorld Quest
LocationAbandoned District
NPCBlooming Flora
Unlock ConditionTBD

Quest Acceptance Location

Infinity Nikki - Home on the Rails World View
Infinity Nikki - Home on the Rails Map View


Mira EXP x400
Diamond x40
Bling x15.0K
Thread of Purity x50

Home on the Rails - Quest Guide

  1. Talk to Blooming Flora at the Broken Choo-Choo Station
  2. Get the Spare Parts at the Abandoned Repair Station
  3. Answer Tippy's Questions
  4. Give the Spare Parts to Flora
  5. Find Ol' Fannypacky and Talk to Him
  6. Find and Give the Materials to Nana
  7. Use Purifying Orbs to Clean Ol' Fannypacky
  8. Head to the Platform and Look for Flora
  9. Take the Water Train
Talk to Blooming Flora at the Broken Choo-Choo Station
Talk to Blooming Flora

Home on the Rails begins when you talk to Blooming Flora at the broken Choo-Choo Train in Choo-Choo Station Stonetree. Flora will ask your help to repair the Choo-Choo Station and get the spare parts from the Abandoned Repair Station. She also mentions that you might encounter Tippy, the caretaker, there and said to be cautious when approaching.

Get the Spare Parts at the Abandoned Repair Station
Tippy the Caretaker

You can access the area via the 'Choo-Choo Station Repair Station' Warp Spire. Investigate the cabin door to trigger Tippy's appearance. Tippy, the caretaker, will introduce himself the as repair shop's guard and insist that no unauthorized persons (or cats) are allowed.

Warp Spire Map
Answer Tippy's Questions
Answer Tippy

Tippy will test Nikki's friendship with Flora by asking three questions. Answer them correctly to proceed. Don't worry if you answer incorrectly; you can try again until you get them right.

Correct Answers
Question 1Back
Question 2Giovanni
Question 3Velvi and Raggy
Give the Spare Parts to Flora
Give the Spare Parts to Flora

After acquiring the parts, return to Flora. She will then ask you to find Ol' Fannypacky, the driver, at the Assembly Center.

Find Ol' Fannypacky and Talk to Him
Nana and Ol

Teleport using the 'Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center' Warp Spire to reach the next quest area. You'll find Leaveittome 'Ol Fannypacky lying on the ground beside Nana. Talk to Boldly-Going Nana to learn what happened to 'Ol Fannypacky.

Find and Give the Materials to Nana
Nana making the refreshing detergent

Nana will ask for 3 Flight Fruits and 2 Wisteriasols. Flight Fruits can be found on trees in the Abandoned District, while Wisteriasols grow on cliff sides. Once you have gathered all the materials, give them to Nana so she can make the refreshing detergent to awaken Ol' Fannypacky.

Use Purifying Orbs to Clean Ol' Fannypacky
Wake up Ol

Ol' Fannypacky will awaken but remain poisoned by detergent. Nana suggests taking him to nearby water to wash him off. Follow the marker and use purifying orbs to create big splashes, fully awakening Ol' Fannypacky.

Head to the Platform and Look for Flora
Nana, Flora, and Ol

Now that Ol' Fannypacky is awake, head to meet Flora. Once there, you'll see all three Pieceys. Talk to them and after the conversation, you can enter the Water Train!

Take the Water Train
Cutscene in the Water Train

A short cutscene will play upon entering the Water Train, concluding the quest. You'll receive all the quest rewards!

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Infinity Nikki Strategy Team

Infinity Nikki Strategy Team

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