Check out walkthrough guide on Honor Bound (Battle For The Northern Way) main story mission for Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Include rewards and Rikiwulf boss guide!!!
Campaign Progression & Walkthrough
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Prologue | Seer's Solace |
Honor Bound - How To Unlock & Rewards

Mission Type | Main Story Mission |
Reco. Power Level | 1 |
The writer was at power lvl 1 when this mission was cleared!!!
As a man now, Elvior finds himself and his crew under the mercy of the same man who killed his parents, Kyotve The Cruel. The mission sets out as you try to rescue your crew and sail back home.
Honor Bound - Rewards
Rewards | |
1 | 5100 XP |
Honor Bound - Walkthrough Guide
Honor Bound - Mission Walkthrough Procedure
Procedure | |
1 | Go through the camp |
2 | Follow the path up the mountain. Continue your climb until you reach the peak |
3 | Climb down the slope and you will find an enemy campsite there |
4 | Continue your way through the forest until you reach an area where a battle is happening |
5 | Continue moving forward until your get to the enemy's camp |
6 | Inside the camp, head to the main hall and use the opening on the roof to enter |
7 | Climb down and use the wooden pillars to get through the area. Drop down to the floor below to start the cutscene |
8 | Defeat Rikiwulf |
9 | Free your crew from their binds and prison cell |
10 | Leave through the door and battle against the enemy clan |
11 | Make your way to the boat |
12 | Get on the boat and sail back towards your home, Fornburg |
13 | Talk to Randvi |
1. Go Through The Camp - Tips
Use Odin's Sight To See Items

Take this chance to fill up on items. Use Odin's Sight to scan the area and easily see and mark any items you can pick up.
Enter House To Get More Supplies

There's a house that you can enter around the camp. Inside are quite a lot of items that you can freely loot.
2. Follow The Path Up The Mountain - Tips
Activate The High Point To Unlock Fast Travel

Climb up the very top to reach the high point. Use the prompt to synchronize with it and you will unlock your first fast travel point in the game. This will also clear up the map where the territory is.
3. Climb Down The Slope - Tips
Use The Grass To Sneak Up To The Enemy

There will be grass around the campsite that you can use to sneak up to the enemy. Crouch down on the grass and you will be hidden from sight.
Take Down Enemy With A Sneak Attack

Get behind the enemy without being detected and you will get a prompt to do a heavy attack on him.
4. Continue Your Way Through The Forest - Tips
Use Your Raven To Check Out Locations

You can call for your Raven to get a literal birds-eye-view of your surroundings. You will see marked locations and other points of interests with the use of your raven.
6. Head To Main Hall - Tips
Odin's Sight Will Show Enemies

Make sure you're safe when moving around the camp by using Odin's Sight and checking for enemy locations. Enemies are marked as red with your Odin's Sight.
8. Defeat Rikiwulf - Tips
Dodge Enemies With A Red Aura

A red aura indicates that an attack cannot be blocked or parried. Dodge these kinds of attack or you will receive quite a lot of damage when it hits you.
Parry Normal Attacks

Normal attacks can be parried to create openings for you to attack an enemy. You will receive a prompt to parry attacks in this fight as practice.
Stamina Is Needed To Dodge & Attack

Dodging and attacking requires stamina to pull off. Keep your eye on your stamina bar and play to ensure you always have enough stamina to dodge attacks.
>> Check Out How To Beat Rikiwulf Here
11. Make Your Way To The Boat - Tips
Enemies Littered Around The Camp

The whole camp has enemies on it. Making your way through it will have you face against them before you can reach the boat.
12. Sail Back Home - Tips
Open Sail To Move Faster

You can open the sail to make sailing faster in this game.
Rikiwulf - Boss Fight Tips

Attack After Overhead Attack

Although you can't block Rikiwulf's overhead attack, it does provide a big opening for you to attack him. It will take a few seconds before he raises his weapon again after slamming it down.
Watch Out For Red Aura Chain Attacks

Rikiwulf has a red aura attack that comes in two swings. Upon dodging the first swing, watch out for the next one. You will need to dodge right after to escape it.
Campaign Progression & Walkthrough
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Prologue | Seer's Solace |